Story By Emily Rose

Emily Rose

FIND ME ON: Wattpad: Emily Rose (@SlavKing115). Inkitt: Emily Rose. Writersky: emilyrose115. Webnovel: EmilyRose115666 Belletristica: Emily Rose. (I will have the same profile picture for all accounts as the one you see on this one. So if there is my name under an account with a different profile picture, it isn\'t me!!) Hello people!! My name\'s Emily and I\'m from Victoria, Australia. I absolutely love writing and hope to make something of it one day, but for now I just love sharing my work and seeing what people think. Wattpad is no longer a suitable platform for me so now I\'m branching out to here, as well as other platforms though you can still find my books on Wattpad. Feedback would be amazing for I don\'t know what to fix until I\'m told what the issue is! Anyway happy reading and can\'t wait to show you more of what I have to offer.
Rossiya Moy Dom (A Short Love Series)
Updated at Feb 28, 2022, 13:43
Snow, all Alice can see is snow when she moves to St Petersburg Russia. Only eighteen and still trying to make friends no matter where she goes, she finally meets someone to change her whole opinion on life. With her mum and her new step-dad murdered, she can only think of one person it could be, the evidence he left behind to confirm her supicions only coming after the thoughts. So being torn between loving and hating him, her emotions eventually send her mental. Will she escape with none of her sanity left, or will her Russian stalker do his best to keep her hostage and hidden from the rest of the world? Yet time will tell and Alice's life clock only seems to be ticking faster.
Stellam Matutinam
Updated at Feb 28, 2022, 12:18
Spending a few years in a padded cell, Lilith is finally able to be released into society. Running away from home and those that have hurt her in the past, she finds herself in a new town surrounded by new potential friends. It doesn't take her long to discover that things aren't as normal as they appear to be, and wonders if moving to this town was a good idea. Not long after her arrival into Willow's Peak, she then meets the local drug dealer however he isn't like the ones she's used to handing her money over to, he appears to know more about the town that rattles her than he leads on. So being on the run after witnessing something that not only freaks her the hell out, but could possibly have her disappear for good in the thick woods that surrounds the town, she's now forced to choose who she wants to trust and let me tell you. That's been more daunting than the move.
Kannivalismós (Book Two of A Bloodline's Struggle)
Updated at Jan 3, 2022, 12:44
Things are sweet for Ida. She has loads of friends and the guy she has crushed on for over six months since he came to her school, is planning her eighteenth with her bestfriends. Once plans are made for Ida to spend three days camping with her crush and friends at a metal festival, she only hopes her parents and their past's don't stop her. So all packed up and ready to go after a long lecture from her parents about being safe due to what happened to them, she hits the road and life is even better than it was before. Everything good though has to come to an end, and that's exactly what happens when someone close to her heart betrays her and her friends, leading them all into the clutches of Alistair and Ashley's secret son. So here we go again, almost eighteen years later and the demons from all corners of Australia are demanding her blood. Only it's one demon in particular and that demon also happens to be Max, yet Alistair's secret son refuses to tell him Ida's whereabouts when Ida starts to grown on him. With all of the knowledge Ida knows from her parent's past, will it be enough to get her and her friends out alive?
Anthropofágos (Book One of A Bloodline's Struggle)
Updated at Jan 3, 2022, 12:25
Emily, seventeen and not sure exactly where she is in life. She has a boyfriend Jake she'd do just about anything for, only would he do the same? So taking him on a trip with her parents after not seeing him for a couple of weeks, she starts to notice a change in him. Just when she thinks things between her and Jake couldn't get any worse, she finds a light in amongst all of this emotional darkness. A guy, but not just any guy, a guy who also happens to change her life forever. Then, just when she think things couldn't get any weirder with her emotions tearing between two, she discovers that Jake wants to leave her after finding him hiding with his parents in secret, only she's caught in the act of eavesdropping and rendered unconscious. A few days after that and she's now getting phone calls declaring Jake and his parents missing, her thinking it is typical Jake and his parents are covering for him. Only the more Emily leaves it, the more things start to happen and the ball only seems to roll from there.
Krasnaya Armiya
Updated at Jan 3, 2022, 12:19
Only Mother Russia and her Red Army will be the ones to come in between the Nazi's and their victory over the world. So after the Zombies were released to try and weaken the population to the point of surrendering, they sent in the Krasnaya Armiya to deal with it and clean up the Nazi's mess once and for all. But their time is as limited as their ammo and it is something they are running through like water in a sieve.
My Story List
Updated at Jul 1, 2020, 05:56
Completed books and ones in the making. Will be updated as quick as possible, though it depends on how fast I can get my books out. But in here you will see what order my books are in and get an understanding of which one to read first. But yeah hope you enjoy and always down for feedback.