Story By Lois K Lee

Lois K Lee

I live in a small town in the UK so the chance to get out of my head and into a new world is always something I’ve wanted to do. Taking inspiration from loved ones to take my own leaps into unfulfilled passion projects. The escapism of story telling is something I’ve admired from afar in most genres and on all platforms so to bring my thoughts to the page brings me great joy. Sharing my mind with you all is scary yet thrilling and I’m truly excited to take you along with me. Constructive feedback is always welcome. Lois
Unmarked Desires
Updated at Jul 15, 2023, 12:13
*Strong sexual scenes* It’s the first full moon she’s seen since turning 18. This was it, the night she would release her scent and find her one, her forever, her mate. Stella Jackson was one of 4 young women that evening and no one could have foreseen the events that unfolded. Before the Arcadian Pack members eyes, could it really be Lycaon himself?! It’s been at least… shit!!! 500 moon cycles!!! If the legend is true then… no this cannot be good