Story By Shaylee Spalding

Shaylee Spalding

Snowed In
Updated at Jan 29, 2025, 14:06
Camry was already three hours late leaving out to her family’s cabin for their yearly Christmas trip and the snow was picking up fast. She was cursing herself for her poor time management skills and procrastination when her car starts to slide off the road. In a panic she overcorrects and ends up sideways in a ditch. Slamming her fists into the steering wheel she pulls out her phone to call her dad. Of course, no service! Just when she is about to start screaming and crying a truck pulls up behind her and parks. She watches in her rear view mirror locking the doors not trusting a stranger in the middle of nowhere. When the truck door opens and she sees the man stepping out her breath catches. Damn he’s sexy she thinks to herself. He walks up and taps on her window asking if she ok. Little does she know the road to her family’s cabin is closed for the snow and her car is definitely stuck until the snow melts. Luckily, the sexy stranger has a small warm cabin they can stay I until the weather clears. Will she be able to resist him for a week in such close confines?
The Liberator
Updated at Jan 23, 2025, 17:39
I murder men. Ok, that sounded bad. I don’t just murder men for fun. Not that I don’t have fun doing it but I only murder the one’s that deserve it. Under what circumstances does a man deserve to be murdered? I’d love to say just for breathing but unfortunately I have somewhat of a moral code. I murder the real low down filthy f*****g vermin of the world. The kind of men that have to take women against their will in order to feel powerful.Like most girls I have a story, a story that I won’t be talking about right now. As fate would have it my best friend Amara is a cop. How lucky am I that she got tired of seeing all these men that r**e, m****t, and abuse women and children serve little to no time usually getting off with a slap on the wrist. One night after a particularly nasty f**k wad got let off with 6 months probation Amara and I decided we should take matters into our own hands.
My Dark Alpha
Updated at Jan 20, 2025, 20:20
My name is Arora Barclay. I am the princess to the Lycan kingdom. Of course, my brother is heir to the throne so as you can imagine Alphas are lined up to ask for my hand in marriage. I mean that literally, my father is throwing a huge “Hey come marry my daughter party” tonight and there are Alphas from all over the world who’ve come to ask for my hand. I guess they think I’m naive. When a Lycan marks a regular wolf they turn into a Lycan and we are the strongest of the wolf kind.