Story By Sunshine Princess

Sunshine Princess

Mated in Chaos
Updated at Oct 16, 2024, 03:49
"I, Alpha Connor Tomson, reject you, Elara Silvius, as-" he stops, and a wicked smile forms on his full lips, " I won't reject you. You'll carry around the bond and get to suffer with it. It is payback for what your mother did to my sister," He sneers.  Am I imagining this? What the fuck is happening right now. I can't speak. I'm too shocked. The room is spinning, and my heart is pounding against my chest... *** Alpha Connor has one thing he wants more than anything. To make the family responsible for his sister's death pay. He plans to kidnap and torture their beloved daughter, Elara, and it seems luck is on his side when he finds out she's his mate. Elara is beautiful and strong but the strenuous treachery from her mate crippled her heart, Alpha Connor slept with another woman to cause her pain. Gathering her strength, she decides to run from his pack, However, she did not expect to meet Zuriel a man who made her heart beat faster and faster since she was a child. Zuriel's heart is cold and isolated from the world. He is dangerous, broken, and the only one of his kind, He meets Elara when he is about to plummet fully into darkness. No one has ever changed him but her. Elara is rebellious and tests his patience, but he opens up to her. However, everything gets complicated when Elara's mate appears in her life, and Zuriel's dark. concealed past catches up to him.
His Mate, His Girlfriend
Updated at Jun 29, 2024, 00:08
"Ellis," I followed Ellis' gaze, and he was staring at the woman behind me. "Mate," My knees weakened as Ellis whispered the words. I took a step back. "Ellis, baby," I regained composure and went to him in an attempt to get his attention. "Mate," he whispered again, ignoring me and looking at Charlotte. I could barely breathe, and all I did was step aside. Ellis took steps forward to her and slowly cupped Charlotte's crying face with trembling hands. "Hello, mate," No, no, no. I silently begged the moon goddess to wake me from this nightmare... *** Love Chasia is heartbroken when her boyfriend of ten years finds his mate and chooses her, forgetting the promise he made to stay by her side forever. The best and only option for her is to leave and never see him again, but what happens when she discovers she's pregnant? Five years later, they meet in a way they didn't expect. Now, he is her new boss. The passion, love, and lingering feelings they thought were buried come back with full force, especially now that she works in his company.
The Lycan’s Rejected Mate
Updated at Jun 26, 2024, 20:37
"She is a murderer!" Everything changed for Anaiah Ross when she inadvertently killed someone following her first unexpected Shift into her wolf. Now hated, abused, and mistreated by the members of her pack, her fated mate, Alpha Amos, rejected her instantly and ordered her thrown into the dungeons. Her heart shattered almost instantly and begrudgingly, accepted his rejection, resigning herself to a life of misery at the mercy of her pack. But on her eighteenth birthday, fate seemed to take pity on her and revealed her Second Chance mate as non other than a dangerous and powerful Lycan King, but Amos realizes that he simply can't let her go. With two men fighting for her attention and desperate to win her love and acceptance, her life becomes increasingly complicated. Anaiah discovers sinister plots at work and fights to discover the true power that will change the course of her life for good, making her the prime target for the evil that lurks in the shadows. Can Anaiah survive the evil thrown at her and finally, find happiness with the man that she chooses? Or will she succumb to the darkness and lose herself, and everything she knows completely?
La Pareja Rechazada del Licántropo
Updated at May 22, 2024, 05:04
"¡Ella es una asesina!" Todo cambió para Anaiah Ross cuando, inadvertidamente, mató a alguien después de su primer cambio inesperado en su forma de loba. Ahora odiada, maltratada y abusada por los miembros de su manada, su compañero destinado, el Alfa Amos, la rechazó al instante y ordenó que la arrojaran a los calabozos. Su corazón se hizo añicos casi al instante y, a regañadientes, aceptó su rechazo, resignándose a una vida de miseria a merced de su manada. Pero en su decimoctavo cumpleaños, el destino pareció compadecerse de ella y le reveló a su Segundo Compañero como nada menos que un peligroso y poderoso Rey Lican, pero Amos se da cuenta de que simplemente no puede dejarla ir. Con dos hombres luchando por su atención y desesperados por ganar su amor y aceptación, su vida se vuelve cada vez más complicada. Anaiah descubre tramas siniestras en marcha y lucha por descubrir el verdadero poder que cambiará el rumbo de su vida para siempre, convirtiéndola en el objetivo principal del mal que acecha en las sombras. ¿Podrá Anaiah sobrevivir al mal que le lanzan y finalmente encontrar la felicidad con el hombre que elija? ¿O sucumbirá a la oscuridad y se perderá a sí misma y todo lo que conoce por completo?
The Alpha Prince's Redemption
Updated at Nov 12, 2023, 19:36
"Dad, please, please don't make me do this," I begged, gripping his suit. My father gave me away to Arlon William, the wealthiest man in town, who was thirty years my senior. He was a ruthless businessman, creditor, and self-proclaimed Alpha of Rogues, unfortunately for me. "You will marry this man to help the family," He growled at me. "I'll work hard to help you pay off the debts, father, I promise. Please don't force me to marry him," I pleaded but he wasn't listening to me anymore. *** Nayla was sold to the notorious Rogue, Arlon William. To make matters worse, Nayla soon discovered her husband sleeping with her half-sister and decides to leave everything behind. She wants a quiet life in one of the human towns, however, had different plans for her, as she met her mate, the Alpha Prince Rhaegar that very day. The question is, will Alpha Prince Rhaegar accept this poor married girl as his mate and heal every shattered part of her or will he forsake her?
The Alpha King’s Heart
Updated at Aug 15, 2023, 02:51
"I don't want pity from you, Adira, I want your love... Please," He was vulnerable, I'd never seen him like this before. My heart tightened in my chest and I so badly wanted to hug him. I wished I could take away his pain. "I love you," His voice trembled. I cupped his face with my hands and lay my head against him. We were close, so close. Tears rolled down my face as I said to him, "Thank you for everything and... Goodbye... " Adira Wade is reviled and shunned in her pack after her parents were accused of planning against the Alpha. Even her fiance, the future Alpha, Grayson, turns his back on her. She loses hope of finding true love and gives up on the idea, but fate had other plans when the powerful Alpha King visits her pack and to her utter shock, declares she's his mate. King Wyatt McMillian is powerful, handsome, and dangerous, he did not expect to find a Luna but accepts and punishes those who harmed her. However, Wyatt has secrets and issues that will test this new relationship, and now, another man claims to love her and will fight for her. It's a battle of Passion, and fight for love and men are willing to burn for her.
The Alpha’s Surrogate
Updated at May 22, 2023, 00:11
"You're still so beautiful, Aviana," he whispers sending cold shivers down my spine. My heart is beating so fast, I try so hard to calm myself so he doesn't see how frightened I am because it will only please him more. "You thought he could save you? There's no escaping me." Aviana is on the run from a dangerous drug lord who has been obsessed with her since her teenage years. Fleeing her country, she seeks refuge in America, where she meets the intimidating Nikolas Wulfric. Desperate for money, she agrees to be his surrogate. But as Aviana and Nikolas grow closer, she discovers that he has deep secrets and a hidden identity. As their relationship intensifies, Aviana realizes that she might be in even greater danger than before. As danger closes in around them, Aviana must decide whether to flee once again or stay and fight for her life and her baby.