
570 Words
BEEP BEEP BEEP. I roll over and groan. Tiffany shouts from across the room "Lexi get your little ass out of that bed before I pour a glass of water over your head.". I internally roll my eyes at her and push myself out of bed. of course Tiffany is already showered and dressed. "How are you functioning this early? I was in bed and asleep way before you last night and I feel like death." She laughs and hands me a travel mug of caramel latte, "Easy" she replies, "I never went to sleep." I take a big swig of my coffee, "Tiff we have a 5 hour drive today and you didn't think you might need sleep?" I glare at her. She continues to fold clothes and put them in her suitcase and glances at me "you will forgive me when you realise i have packed your clothes and toiletries for you." I squeal and run over to her and throw my arms around her. "I love you bestie!" She hugs me back and throws a pair of denim shorts and a purple tank top at me. "Get that butt of yours dressed so we can get on the road." she says. I run to the bathroom and throw the clothes on she gave me and pull my hair into a messy bun. When I get back to our room I am met with the funniest thing i have seen in a while. Tiffany is sat on one of her 4 suitcases trying to get it to close. "you will shut" she shouts at the offending suitcase. "Need help with that?" I ask her. She glares at me and states "oh now you want to help, after all the hard work is done." she huffs. I giggle as i make my way over to her. With both of us sitting on the suitcase it finally closes. "Is there anything else you want packing?" I ask her. After a quick glance in her closet she shakes her head, "I don't think so, besides if I forget anything I will just get my brothers to take me shopping." she says. i walk over to my closet and notice she has left a lot of my clothes in there. I turn to her and ask "Did you pack anything for me to wear?" With an innocent look on her face she says "Well when I was looking through your stuff I decided that you were in desperate need of a shopping trip. And before you say anything its my treat." I shake my head and say "Tiff i told you that I don't want to be a burden, your family is already being generous in giving me a summer job." Tiffany put her arm around my shoulders and sighed. "Lexi if it wasn't for you i would not have passed my exams this year, please let me repay you." I start to shake my head and she continues "OK how about about this? Whatever i spend you can pay me back at the end of summer?" I smile at her and nod my head "I would feel better that way Tiff." We load Tiffany's white Jeep with 7 suitcases and 2 backpacks. "Seeing as you packed the suitcases I will drive." I say to Tiffany. She agrees with me and we climb into the car. "AND WE ARE OFF!!" Tiffany screams. 
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