Cerita Oleh ID Johnson

ID Johnson

She's My Beta and My Mate
Diperbarui pada Dec 3, 2023, 18:25
Micah As the Alpha of Midnight Moon, my first priority is protecting my pack, not finding my mate. So when we are threatened by Dark Eclipse pack, my goal is to keep the threat away. I don't care about the upcoming Moon Goddess Ball, and I certainly don't care that I need a new Beta. Especially since the next person in line has been following me around like a puppy dog since we were little kids. Who cares if she's also beautiful? Zariah I'm next in line to become Beta. It's too bad Alpha Micah refuses to recognize that I'm fully capable of helping lead this pack and keep them safe. He can be such a jerk! So what if he's also incredibly hot? When Micah and Zariah find out they are mates, can they overcome their differences to save their pack and find love - or is the couple, and their pack, doomed? From the author of The Last Luna. She's My Beta and My Mate is created by ID Johnson, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
La última Luna
Diperbarui pada Mar 17, 2022, 23:02
Ellie se conforma con gobernar su manada sola. Eligiendo llamarse Luna en honor a su difunta madre. Ella piensa que no necesita un Alfa, confiando en su padre, Michael, para que la ayude con lo que sea necesario. Michael no sólo quiere retirarse, sino que quiere tener nietos. Cuando se le ocurre la idea de celebrar un torneo para que los Alfas vecinos puedan competir por su mano, Ellie acepta a regañadientes. Lo que no planea es enamorarse de uno de ellos. Se queda extasiada cuando descubre que River siente lo mismo, pero aún así él debe ganar el torneo para hacerla suya. ¿Ganará River el torneo y su mano, o uno de los otros Alfas luchará por el premio mayor? «La última Luna» es una historia creada por ID Johnson, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Sang Luna Terakhir
Diperbarui pada Feb 28, 2022, 22:57
Ellie sudah cukup puas memimpin kawanannya seorang diri. Dengan pilihannya untuk menamai dirinya Luna demi menghormati mendiang ibunya, dia pikir dia tidak perlu seorang Alpha. Ia dapat mengandalkan ayahnya, Michael, untuk membantunya mengurus kawanan. Tetapi Michael tidak hanya ingin pensiun, dia menginginkan cucu! Ketika dia terpikir sebuah ide untuk mengadakan turnamen agar Alpha-Alpha dari kawanan tetangga bersaing untuk meminang Ellie, gadis itu setuju meskipun ragu-ragu. Tetapi, yang Ellie tidak rencanakan adalah jatuh cinta dengan salah satu Alpha itu! Dia sungguh bahagia ketika mengetahui River memiliki perasaan yang sama, namun dia masih harus memenangkan turnamen itu agar bisa meminang Ellie. Apakah River akan memenangkan turnamen dan hak meminang Ellie, ataukah salah satu seorang Alpha lain yang akan menyerobot kemenangan turnamen— dan juga meminang Ellie? Sang Luna Terakhir diciptakan oleh ID Johnson, seorang penulis eGlobal Creative Publishing.
The Last Luna
Diperbarui pada Dec 8, 2021, 22:09
Ellie is content to rule her pack by herself. Choosing to call herself Luna in honor of her late mother, Ellie thinks she doesn’t need an Alpha, relying on her father, Michael, to help her with the pack. Michael not only wants to retire, he wants grandkids! When he comes up with the idea to have a tournament so that neighboring Alphas can compete for her hand, Ellie reluctantly agrees. What she doesn’t plan on is falling in love with one of the Alphas! She is ecstatic when she finds out that River feels the same way, but he still must win the tournament in order to make her his. Will River win the tournament and her hand, or will one of the other Alphas swoop in and with the contest—and Ellie’s hand—instead? The Last Luna is created by ID Johnson, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.
The Clandestine Saga
Diperbarui pada May 23, 2021, 20:45
If vampires aren't real, what did she just kill? Cadence Findley never gave much thought to vampires until one night when a dark encounter changed her life forever. When her friend is lured into the woods by a stranger with steel-gray eyes and pale skin, Cadence instinctively knows he is dangerous, so she follows at a distance. Moments later, she finds herself all alone with his decapitated head--and her friend's body at her feet. Except she's not really alone. A mysterious man appears out of nowhere and insists she runs. The monster has friends--the blood sucking kind. And now, they are coming for her. Swept into a world full of creatures she never dreamed existed, Cadence is left with a choice. Can she outrun the clan of vampires who've marked her for death, or should she follow the advice of the sexy man in black who warned her in the woods and now insists she transform into a vampire hunter? Will Cadence escape the bloodsuckers on her tail as she enters the secret world of vampires and guardians, hunters and hybrids? Follow the adventure as Cadence Findley leaves her life as a college student to become an extraordinary vampire hunter. The Clandestine Saga is created by ID Johnson, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
The Chronicles of Cassidy
Diperbarui pada May 19, 2021, 05:32
The world isn't the place you think it is. It's dark, it's secretive, and it's dangerous. When my sister returned from a party one night, I knew something was different--something was wrong. I was determined to find out what was wrong, before it was too late. My life as a small town high school student would soon be transformed as I discovered an entirely different world, one where Vampires, Guardians, and Hunters war over humanity. My name is Cassidy Findley, and I’m pretty sure my sister is a vampire, despite her “co-worker” making every effort to brainwash me into believing otherwise. I can only hope that I’m not too late and that I can trust my own memories. Because I’m pretty sure my sister’s friends are coming for me next. The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for young adult/teen readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley. The Chronicles of Cassidy is created by ID Johnson, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Forever Love
Diperbarui pada May 16, 2021, 23:50
Two women, two generations of undying love, two romance novels to pull at your heartstrings and have you cheering for true love. Cordia Torn between the man she loves, and the man who loves her.... Cordia Pike has always been strong-willed, but she knows her family expects her to accept the hand of her childhood friend, Jaris Adams, in marriage. As the conflict between the states continues to escalate, Cordia hopes it will last long enough for her to find a way to free herself without breaking her friend’s heart. On the eve of war, as the men prepare to ride off to battle, Cordia meets a mysterious newcomer. There’s just something about Will Tucker that she finds both intriguing and dangerous. Under the guise of caring for his sister, she makes a plan to write to him. Perhaps by the time the war is over, Will’s feelings for Cordia will have blossomed into the love she is starting to feel for the Union soldier. But war is evil and complex, and by the time it begins to wind its way through Southwest Missouri, one of these men will be dead, and Cordia will find herself betrothed to a man she loathes. Will she have the courage to follow her heart and stand up for what she believes in like so many others, or will she do as she is told and acquiesce to a loveless marriage to a heartless traitor? Hope Forbidden love on the frontier.... Forever Love is created by ID Johnson, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Ghosts of Southampton
Diperbarui pada May 16, 2021, 23:23
An arranged marriage, an abusive family, a dream of freedom in America just out of reach.... After Meg Westmoreland’s father mysteriously dies when she’s a small child, her life quickly spirals out of control. Her mother is mean and manipulative, her uncle abusive in a way Meg won’t even speak of. Getting away from them becomes an obsession. When she discovers she’s been promised to a wealthy American, she’ll do whatever she must to flee the only home she’s ever known in Southampton, hoping for a new life in America and a chance to start over, even if it means leaving behind the wealthy, high-society life she’s grown accustomed to. For most of his life, Charles Ashton has known that his father arranged for him to marry Mary Margaret Westmoreland. Even though the temptations of being young and rich beckon him, he believes in keeping promises. However, his attempts at meeting Meg are thwarted at every turn, and eventually, Charlie begins to wonder if Meg even exists at all. Ultimately, destiny’s plan will be revealed and their worlds will collide aboard a passenger liner named Titanic. Discover how Meg and Charlie came to find themselves aboard the most famous ship in history, see how their fates unfold aboard the disastrous ship, and start anew with the survivors in New York City. Ghosts of Southampton will take you through Meg and Charlie’s harrowing adventures from young children to adults discovering that you simply can’t escape your destiny. Ghosts of Southampton is created by ID Johnson, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
The Doll Maker's Daughter at Christmas
Diperbarui pada Apr 25, 2021, 00:10
Everyone deserves a second chance at happiness... even a killer. Serendipity Fizzlestitch wants nothing more than to be left alone. In a small cabin a stone's throw from the house where her sisters and mother breathed their last, Serendipity toils away, making the dolls her late father was working on when he disappeared beneath the ocean waves. Serendipity is content to spend the rest of her existence here, trying to atone for the mistakes of her past by creating the dolls that bring joy to so many others. When a mysterious letter arrives in her fireplace, an unusual stranger shows up at her door, and her favorite mouse friend goes missing, Serendipity is forced to face the outside world--and the ghosts from her past. Will she accept the opportunity to join the most famous toymaker of all time, or will her guilt prevent her from finding the happiness everyone deserves? The Doll Maker's Daughter at Christmas is a whimsical romantic fantasy that proves everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how horrific our past. Perfect for Christmas, or any time of year, The Doll Maker's Daughter at Christmas will bring back the magic we can only find when we truly believe. The Doll Maker's Daughter at Christmas is created by ID Johnson, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
A Vampire Hunter's Tale
Diperbarui pada Apr 23, 2021, 01:30
Three men, three hunters, three lives transformed through encounters with vampires.... Aaron never wanted to be a vampire hunter, but when he’s faced with protecting his family in an Ireland affected by the potato famine, he’ll do what he has to in order to keep them safe. Follow his journey from a simple farmer, to learning to control his powers, hunting Jack the Ripper, sinking with the Titanic, and witnessing the bombing at Pearl Harbor. Jamie wants to be a surgeon and nothing more, but when he is forced to save his sister’s life, he’ll transform into the greatest healer the vampire hunters have ever known. Unlucky in love, he feels like he’ll always be alone until he meets a beautiful blonde. Can he save her from the undead? Elliott knows he’s got special powers long before he sees his first bloodsucker. When tragedy strikes his life yet again, he’ll be faced with a choice. Give up everything he’s ever known to fight the paranormal forces influencing his life—or do his best to hide. A Vampire Hunter’s Tale follows three of our favorite characters from The Clandestine Saga and takes a closer look at how they got their starts. Perfect for lovers of the paranormal and alternate history. If you like the kind of characters you can cheer for and the sort of story that will keep you up late into the night, then this is the journey for you. A Vampire Hunter's Tale is created by ID Johnson, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Racing Hearts: Will the Actress Marry Him?
Diperbarui pada Dec 1, 2020, 00:02
Can a movie star fall in love with a racecar driver and find her happily ever after? Not if his ex-girlfriend has anything to say about it! Andrea Sparks isn’t looking for love when she runs into famous racecar driver Case Meyer on the way home for Christmas, but when bad weather forces them to spend time trekking across country together, she starts to think maybe he could be the one for her. Unfortunately, Case used to date Sarah Lockton, Andrea’s sworn enemy, and it’s clear Sarah isn’t done messing with both of their lives. Will Andrea and Case find a way to overcome Sarah’s attempts to thwart their happiness, or will Sarah manage to keep them apart forever? Excerpt: Andrea couldn’t let him kill her. She couldn’t let Sarah win. She knew that Cam or someone would come to see why she wasn’t resurfacing soon, especially if Sven didn’t come up either. Her lungs were completely empty, and the desire to take a breath was overwhelming as her head swam and became fuzzy. With all of her remaining strength, Andrea pulled back her fist and punched Sven in the jaw. His head moved backward, and the mouthpiece to the scuba tank came free. Andrea managed to grab it and take a deep breath, which reenergized her enough to continue the fight. Now, Sven would have to fight for air. He wasn’t about to let her keep the apparatus, though. He let go with one hand to try to snatch it from her, his thick fingers digging into her side. Andrea took advantage of him letting to and kicked as hard as she could, sucking in another draw of air. She was almost in camera range. If someone was watching the monitors, which she knew they’d have to be, they’d see she needed help. She kicked Sven again, and he let go. Andrea’s instincts aid to propel herself up and over, which she did. Her head hit the bottom of the faux ship hard enough to rock it. Stars filled her field of vision, but she had to keep fighting. The apparatus came free from her mouth, but she knew the camera could see her now. Still fighting, she tried to take another stroke toward the ladder. She could see it, but it seemed so far away. A strong hand clamped down behind her, grabbing her ankle. Racing Hearts: Will the Actress Marry Him? is created by ID Johnson, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.