



A professor named Rhinno finally finds his successor who is also a survivor named Sebastian. The professor's first task for the successor is to find his former students who have not been detected until now. They consist of Pandu the Snipers, Rangga the Lions, David the Dragon, and Thalia the Eagle. With the main objective is to stop all activities based on power with various crimes that are motivated by A mysterious person named “Bintang” who is called the mastermind by the BLACK URBAN international crime organization.

The story of Sebastian who can be able to see something other than physical in everyone. That ability grew after he was hired. as an assistant to a psychologist who turned out to be a Mastermind. The story of Sebastian who can be able to see something other than physical in everyone. This ability grew after he was hired as an assistant to a psychologist who turned out to be a Master Mind.

However, Sebastian is not alone and has these strengths and abilities. During the adventure, various characters have been encountered who have abilities that are even equal to him. There are even those who abuse this ability with bad intentions. This causes various chaos, Sebastian, who has accidentally been dragged into the conflict, takes on the task of solving it so as not to cause damage.

Can Sebastian take up the task?

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The Psychiatrist
Everywhere there have been announcements both through electronic media and online media, and even in the reality before us, it cannot be denied that what is happening and being experienced by all the creatures that populate this earth is massively a disease outbreak phenomenon called Wind Causes Damages. Until now, it has not been or is still in the research stage to be found, but even a cure for this worldwide epidemic has been made. This is, of course, very worrying. So many aspects of life are affected. Especially the economic sector, because it is the only thing that can determine the survival of mankind for life in the future. HUNCH Sebastian stepped his foot along the sidewalk of the main office road in the center of business activity in the capital city of Jakarta. As previously thought, the economic sector has stalled, and several offices visited have carried out the government's recommendations. Some are even completely closed due to the impact of this pandemic. The streets also feel lonely. Every human being in open spaces is obliged to comply with written regulations to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the virus. It was one o'clock in the afternoon, and Sebastian finally pulled his vehicle out of a public parking lot. "This is the last for today," he said to himself as he drove his vehicle out of the office area. A moment later, Sebastian pulled over to stop his vehicle. I don't know why her head suddenly hurt so badly. Indeed, Sebastian often feels headaches like this, even though people think it's normal, but not with him because he has felt this since he was a child. He had always checked himself for treatment, but there was no abnormality in the nerves of his head after the examination was declared healthy, even the congenital history due to hereditary head disease was not found in his family. There was one thing that amazed Sebastian, which was that for a moment he experienced this pain, he seemed to see something else in several people he saw. And he can imagine what will happen in the future. Just like at this time, the sudden great pain disappeared, and for a moment he had a meeting with someone like himself. Maybe even more powerful because it can move something without touching. Finally, Sebastian continued his journey to visit a place where he received a call for a job vacancy yesterday. Of course, he had to fill his stomach first because of the hunger that was now sweeping his stomach. Sebastian pulled over. On the left, there was a typical restaurant, in an area known for its cheap and most importantly filling, He found himself entering the restaurant quietly, with only four people with long benches marked for distance for buyers, "Keep your distance or be penalized", he said to himself, because it is known that it is mandatory to follow the rules of large-scale social restrictions. which have been set. Sebastian deliberately sat facing out so his gaze could see the parked vehicles outside. Yes, it is necessary to be vigilant, especially with the current situation and conditions which cause common sense and conscience to seem to no longer exist. "What to wear, bro?" Said the friendly waiter. "Just ordinary, Miss !, rice, omelet, vegetables, tempeh, and chili sauce," said Sebastian. "Drink it, warm sweet tea," they added. Sebastian immediately ate the food that the waiter had served with gusto. But suddenly, Sebastian feels something strange about him, not a headache as usual, but in his eyesight. Due to the outward sitting position, his eyes revealed something different in the distance. He saw that two people were fighting a long-distance battle. The two people's positions crossed each other on the road. Sebastian immediately sped up his meal, then immediately moved with a glass of sweet tea in his hand to sit on the bench in front of the restaurant. Apart from feeling weird about him not feeling any signs of pain in his head, Sebastian was also amazed that the sight before him about fifty meters away was clear. One person in the same position as Sebastian was seen moving his hand in such a way as if sending out a dazzling blue light to form an arrow. Dashing towards the man opposite him suddenly also fortifies his body with yellow light. What happened then stunned Sebastian. The man across the street was still pierced by a blue arrow, right in the chest. The light stuck out so it was difficult for the man on the opposite side to try to pull it out. For a moment, the light that stuck to the body of the man opposite slowly began to disappear. The man who released the blue arrow just walked away, his face looked at Sebastian, smiled, nodded, then left. On the opposite side, the man suddenly collapsed while holding his chest. The conditions that were originally quiet turned into a crowd. People looked panicked, some were seen trying to dial emergency numbers. No one dared to come near, including Sebastian, who knew what had happened. After ten minutes, came a special car as seen in the electronic media; a car handling Wind Causes Damages Reactions (W.C.D.R). Several officers came down and checked. While the others made the security parameters of the location around the poor man. After being examined, it was reported that this was not the result of a virus that hit but a common disease such as a heart attack. However, the protocol that was implemented was still like the handling of plague victims. After paying Sebastian back on his way, he applied for a job. There is no other way except to get a job as soon as possible, with no more belongings in his possession, since he was dismissed, along with other employees at the previous company, and must close his business sooner due to this outbreak. Sebastian had to support his mother and his two young siblings. His father had died one year ago without leaving anything because he only worked as a kernet, a freight forwarder, whose salary was only enough to eat and pay for rent. Automatically, only his mother, who became the backbone to support the family, while he had just graduated from school, a few days after his father died. "Oh, this is the correct address!" After looking back at the message on the device, A private hospital that is quite luxurious, as known by Sebastian from various sources. This hospital is devoted to those who can afford it. Sebastian immediately entered the lobby, but before that, he had to follow the protocol that was implemented by this hospital. "Excuse me, I have an appointment to take part in an interview as a messenger," Sebastian asked the information officer, who immediately gave him a visitor card and asked security to deliver it. “Oh, apparently there is an interview schedule. Sebastian is pleased that the hospital remains professional in serving service. "Sir, please wait in this room!" Ordered the security, then left Sebastian, who was now filled with questions, and was amazed, "why is it only alone in this interview room?" "Good afternoon," suddenly a middle-aged man came out of the room. Right next to the interview area with several files in his right hand. "Please come in," he said calmly. Next, I invited Sebastian to sit down. Like most clinic check rooms, Sebastian's eyes briefly suspected that the man in front of him was a doctor, perhaps looking for a messenger for activities related to his profession. “Sebastian's brother's name and eighteen years old, is that right ?!” asked the man in front of him just to make sure. "That's right, sir, and I applied for the position advertised," Sebastian replied as his heart continued to hope. The man in front of him seemed to be smiling, then stood up, "You read the clause contained in this file, after that, you signed it," his hand held out the file and then walked away while saying. "There is no need to rush. What is certain is that you have been accepted to cooperate with me as a messenger, and what must be signed is something else that, after reading it, you will understand and accept," explained the man and left the room. Sebastian carefully read the contents of the file, much to his astonishment. On it is a profile of him. All the data listed shows that a file like this is like a resume, or curriculum vitae, at a certain institution that is strictly confidential. Then Sebastian opens the next file which requires his approval, by signing it. Several things made him dumbfounded again, but he was very grateful. In the agreement clause, it is written that the company will cover the living expenses of the whole family, as well as scholarships for him to continue his studies at certain universities. At the end of the clause, Sebastian notices a stamp with the inscription "National Science Security Bureau" in its heart, asking if there is an institution like this ?! Before signing on the last page, the man returned. "Has everything been signed?" He said, still with a smile and warm gaze. Sebastian finally finished the autograph on the last page, saying to himself, "Looks like this is my way to get back and help Mother and my two sisters," I hope my choice is right. The man took the file that Sebastian had handed him and began speaking to explain. "Okay, Sebastian, from this moment on you are my assistant. My name is Prof.Rhino." As written on the file, you are returning from this place, immediately prepare yourself for your family, compensation has been prepared, and at least the family remains calm and thinks positively. "No need to worry, there is a team that will guide you," said Prof.Rhinno. "This is a little proof of a new agreement, please accept it and use it well" while giving two different envelopes. Sebastian was speechless, only able to nod his head, following Prof.'s orders. Rhinno. Then ask permission to hurry home. ** During dinner together, Mom asks about some of the interviews Sebastian made based on the calls he received through the message. "How about Tian asked, is there something successful or at least hope to be accepted and start working?" Asked the mother who asked Tian, for a loving call to her eldest son, because only he can help him. "Thank God, apparently our prayers were answered ma'am," said Tian. Then give a notification letter from his new company. The contents stated that his son was assigned to a special hospital to help patients with W.C.D (Wind Causes Damages). "You're not afraid, right, Tian?" asked Mother. "No ma'am, Tian is sincere for the sake of the family, especially the younger siblings ... just ...? "A little worry because automatically he must be bound by a contract, not being able to meet, for health reasons, by the company. "Mother also understands, and so do your younger siblings." "At least there is still time to prepare to move to a new lease," Mother said, changing the conversation. “So now we clean up, come on! Reza, Fani, help Mother ?! ”While ending the last dinner at this small rented house.

Dreame-Pilihan editor


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