
For a While

age gap
small town

Akari never thought that her fight with her mother would bring her to meet that annoying police officer again. But as they met for the second time, the young police officer was actually kind to Akira. The next day, Akira bought two onigiris from a convenient store. One for herself, and the other one is for the young police officer. She couldn't give it to him herself, but she found something more interesting about him.

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The Night Freezing
“Maybe I could’ve just been a model, you know.” A young lady sit tightly on her chair. She put her head on the table in front of her. The chocolate pudding in a small bowl can’t stop giggling for a reason. That young lady keeps punching it softly with her dessert spoon. “Stop playing with your food, Akari. You’re supposed to eat them, not playing with them while imagining things that’ll never happen.” A soft and soothing voice of a lady comes from the kitchen right behind the dining table. The open kitchen with modern bar model having a woman stands there doing dishes. As her apron getting wet and dirty, she walks by and sit in front of the young lady, Akari. “You’re so cruel, Mom. Being a model is my dream. You should’ve supported me approaching my dreams!” Akari gets up from the dining table and finally starts eating her pudding. “You always change your dream. You’re too easy to get influenced by anything you see and hear. I’m confused which dream of yours that I should support.” Akari’s mom takes her pudding and eat it. Akari doesn’t reply anything. She’s just pouting on her chair. “It’s almost the time. Why don’t you get ready from now? Or you will be late for this afternoon shift.” “I know, I know. I’m not a child anymore. I can manage good time easily.” Akari eats the left pudding in one bribe. “You said that but you always need me to wake you up in the morning, making you meals, and even preparing your bento. You’re 21 this year, not a kid anymore. At least find yourself a boyfriend, won’t you?” “Mom, you’re talking too much.” “What?! What do you—” “See you tonight, Mom! Love ya!” Akari, as fast as lightning grabs her bag, kisses her mom’s cheek, and leaves house in one move. She takes her bicycle and start pedaling. Akari meets some people on her way and greet them with kind. With the birds chirp in harmony, Akari feel the freshness of the air in the morning. Even she has to keep pedaling for 10 kilos, she thinks she will not feel any pain in her legs. Akari’s mom never really let her and Akari live in a big city. So, Akari spends most her lifetime in this small city near a quiet and infamous sea. Even tho this city has no skyscrapers, the roads are mostly in good condition plus there are police posts in every corner. Just like now, a young policeman stops Akira from her ride, making the young lady needs to pull over to side of the road. “Good morning, Ms.” The policeman greets Akira in friendly voice. Akira looks at her watch, 11 am. “Good morning, Sir. Is there anything I can help you with?” asked Akira. The one who stands in front of her is a tall figure. Not much muscles, but his shoulders look very steady and wide. Akira can’t deny that this young -but older than her, looks so cool in his uniform. Unfortunately, Akira can’t see his haircut since this young man is wearing his hat so neat. “Oh, not really. I just need to remind you that you have to wear helmet while you’re riding bicycle.” “Oh…” Akira is frozen. She forgot her helmet? How? No, it’s not like she actually forgot about it, but for past these years there was no one to remind her about her helmet. She is not even a kid anymore. She is 21 this year! “So you might get back to your house and take your helmet, or you can just leave your bicycle here and take the next bus to your destination.” Is he completely clueless or something? Is he a new cop here?  “Umm, Sir. I don’t think you understand, but I’m not some underage. I’m in my legal age, okay?” “I know.” “.…” Akari gives up. What does he want? “Sir, I’m sure I don’t have to wear helmet since I’m already an adult,” said Akari trying to defend herself. “I think you will still need it. Since you’re riding your bicycle in the main road, it’ll be dangerous if you don’t wear helmet. So I suggest you to take your helmet or leave your bicycle.” He’s cool and all, but Akari definitely hates his attitude. She doesn’t have much time left for debating trivia thing like this. “What time is the next bus?” “It should be around 20 minutes-- hey! Stop right there! Hey!” The policeman was off sight from Akira for a second, but then this girl stole the momentum and runaway from this difficult situation. On the other side of the road, there is an old man who is interested with so much noise from Akira and the policeman. The old man looks at Akira like he knows the girl, but he didn’t say anything. With so much effort, Akira finally can get rid of the annoying policeman. Here she is, in a coffee shop named “The Dawn”. Almost late for 5 minutes, but everything is now safe. It’s almost a year Akira works at “The Dawn” as a waitress. They pay her enough. Since Akira still lives with her mom, she doesn’t really need much money. That day at “The Dawn” is just like the other days, nothing special happened. After cleaning the coffee shop, Akira finally can get home at 10 pm. She feels very tired but not so exhausted because she knows there’ll be a warm meal waiting for her at home. Her mom probably is sleeping now but she never forget to prepare a dinner for her beloved daughter. After the scene this 11 am, Akira has trauma to cross the same road as she did before. So she takes the longer way to home, just so she won’t meet that crazy young policeman again. When Akari arrives at home, the neighborhood is already dark. Uphill road, dark bushes, dim street lights, quiet and lonely houses. All of those sometimes make Akari feel insecure, of ghosts of course. But today might be one of many lucky days because she’s safe and sound. Parking her bicycle slowly, Akari tries to make as low as possible. Even when she unlock the door and says “I’m home”, she’s whispering. She turns on the light in the living room, Akari gets surprised by a voice from second floor. “You’re finally home, My Darling.” Akari’s mom, in a blue satin pajamas, greeting her daughter. She walks down to the first floor and starts heating a bowl of curry. “Mom, you’re still awake? It’s late already.” “Talk to yourself, Young Lady. What kind of girl going home at midnight. Wash your hand, feet, and face. Change your clothes. Don’t forget to put your things in their places.” “I know, Mom. Have you had dinner, Mom?” Akari walks to her room on the second floor. “I have of course. Now it’s your turn.” Akari does what her mom asked. As fast as she can. She immediately comes down after done and sit on the same chair as this morning. The curry is ready to get eaten on the dining table. Akari’s mom is still preparing a clear soup in the kitchen. “Are you going to eat the soup too, Mom?” asked Akari while her mouth is full of food. “Hm, I guess I’ll give it a try.” Ding… dong…. Someone hit the bell outside. “Akira, can you please check the door?” asked Akira’s mom. “Sure.” Akira takes a sip of her green tea before walking to the front door. Before opening the door, Akira peeps through the peephole. There is an old man stands in front of the door, holding a sweet-kind box. She hastily turned around, pressing her back against the door as if to hide. It’s him. The one who stared ate Akari this morning, when she had a fight with that young policeman. Ding… dong…. The oldman presses the bell again. “Akari, why haven’t you opened the door? Hurry our guest is waiting,” yelled Akari’s mom from the kitchen. Akari takes a deep breath and scheming a scene in her head. She doesn’t want to open the door for him, but her mom will definitely be angry if she does so. Okay, I will just let him in and finish my dinner fast so I can get back to my room as fast as possible. Akari finally opens the door. She forces a little smile on her face. “Hi, Uncle Sawamura! You’re coming so late.” “Oh, good evening, Akari. I’m here to give you and your mom this Sakura Mochi. It’s the time, you see.” Akari bits her lip, trying so hard to not swearing. She doesn’t want this oldman to be in her house, to be with her mom, to replace his dad. She hates him. “Akari, who is it?” Akari’s mom comes to the front door because her daughter took so long in there. Seeing someone she knows, Akari’s mom becomes very friendly. “Oh, it’s Mr. Sawamura. Akari, why are you letting our guest hanging in the front door. Mr. Sawamura, please come in.” There is nothing to do. Akari has no other choices other than letting Mr. Sawamura in. As her mom and Mr. Sawamura walks in to the living room, Akari follows them languidly. They seem to get along very well. Akari has no heart to say that this is not she wants. Her mom looks very happy. “Akari, come join us. You haven’t finished your dinner yet. Hurry finish it and eat Sakura Mochi together with us.” Akari’s mom is calling her daughter to join them in the dining table. But the young lady just stands without any responses. “Akari?” “Ah, I just remember. Mom, I have some works that I have to get it done by today. The files are in my friend’s house so I guess I will just grab it fast. I will be back soon, Mom. You can eat without me. See ya!” The second Akari finished her words, she took her jacket and runaway with her bicycle. Her mom and Mr. Sawamura tried to stop her since it’s past midnight but Akari moved faster. Akari pedals her bicycle so fast. The cold air feels even colder to her skin. It’s so cold, but Akari is sweating. Even her long dark hair is messy and wet of sweat. She is panting so hard that her chest is painful. The darkness and the quietness are nothing to her now. Until she stops pedalling. When Akari raises her head, she sees the crescent moon hanging on the night sky, as if it laughs at Akari. Even the starts around it take part of this comedy. Akari’s eyes becoming wet for no reason. Is it because of the cold air? Or is it because of the pain in her chest? Akari is clueless when the tears start falling to the ground under her feet. Akari doesn’t know how many kilos is she now from home, but she is tired. She forgot to wear shoes, she is barefoot now. It’s freezing. It is cold. It hurts. It hurts so much that Akari start crying loudly.

Dreame-Pilihan editor


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