
The Unknown Lycan Princess


“My mate.” Ethan growled lowly and said.

As soon as Beth heard it she was so happy. She knew that wolf shifters had mates.

But just as she was going to run into his arms she heard a shriek behind her.

Ashley shoved Beth out of the way and ran into Ethan's arms gushing “I just knew it! We were meant to be.”

But Ethan pushed her away, “No, I was talking about Beth. She's my mate.”

“You can’t be serious! That slut can't be your mate. I mean come on she's pregnant with someone else.” Ashley shrieked.

I was mortified. How did Ashley know that? What would Ethan think? Would he reject her?


Beth is your average 17 year old high school girl who lives in a world where the supernatural are a common part of everyday life.

One night tragedy strikes and changes her life in more ways than one.

Months later she moves to a new town and school where she meets her mate.

Will her mate accept her past and her future?

Read on to find out.


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Beth was walking home from her last day at her after-school job. She was pretty tired. Between packing for the move across the state and finishing up her last weeks at school, then work. It was exhausting. She didn’t want to move before her senior year at high school but her mom had gotten a promotion at work and had to transfer to a new office, and her father was getting shipped overseas for his job, so she chose to live with her Mom. She was listening to Chicago’s Greatest Hits because it reminded her of the long road trips she used to take with her mom when she was younger. She may have only been 17 but she loved the classic rock music her mom listened to. She wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings or who was around too busy singing to herself and thinking about what she was going to wear for the dance coming up in the next couple of weeks. Her boyfriend had asked her to go and she finally got permission from her dad to go. Meaning she finally got him alone to talk to him about it without her step-mom around. It wasn’t like Karen didn’t like her or anything, it was just that Beth always seemed to be the one who got noticed anytime something went wrong. Her step-sisters were “angels” in everyone's eyes.   She was on the last few blocks when she decided to take a detour through the park. She liked walking through there at night because her dog had found a skunk lurking about some bushes on the main sidewalks in the morning and she really wanted to avoid having to take another tomato juice bath this week. It was bad enough having to do it this morning before school. She really had wanted to skip school because that would have been embarrassing if she wouldn’t have been able to get rid of that smell. As it was, she probably smelled like she used every test bottle at the department store because of all the perfume she kept putting on all day to keep any lingering smell hidden. When she was half way through the park she was tackled to the ground. She was dazed for a minute and didn’t know what was going on. Next thing she knew, she was smashed on the back of her head and her world started going black around the edges. She felt herself being dragged into the trees, stones digging into her skin. When she looked at her attacker she noticed that they were tall and walking with a limp. Long shaggy hair that didn’t look like it had been washed in months. His clothes were tattered and smudged in dirt and mud. He let her go and turned around and she saw a huge scar lining his face from his eye all the way down to the edge of his lips and kept going into the jawline of his bushy beard. His eyes were dark and he looked like he might have been drunk or high.  She was terrified of not knowing what this man was about to do to her and she felt tears falling down her face. She was begging him to let her go, and that she wouldn’t tell anyone and he just laughed at her. Then he lunged and started ripping her pants off her body. She tried to fight him off. She managed to scratch him a few times before he punched her really hard in the face. She wasn’t sure what was happening until she felt such an immense pain between her thighs and she tried to scream, but the monster above her covered her mouth with his grimy hand. She heard him grunting above her and tears kept falling down her face as her innocence was stolen from her.  It felt like hours to Beth but it was likely only a couple of minutes and she heard him groan his completion and then remove himself from her body. She thought her torture was over, but apparently this monster had other plans. He was about to punch her when she heard a dog howling in the distance. Something changed in her attacker's eyes. Something like fear as he pulled his pants up and started to back away from her. Before he left her, he growled and said one thing to her that she will remember forever, “This ain’t over bitch.”

Dreame-Pilihan editor


Alpha's Runaway Bride


Future Alpha Nix? (Book 3 -Azure Moon Series)


The Alpha King's Breeder


The Lycan King's Fated Mate


His Tribrid Mate


The Alpha's Other Daughter


The Ivory Queen


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