의 작품 frosenn


Owner of http://frosenn.blogspot.com. • Dreame Signed Writer • Former Editor, Proofreader, Critic, Hired Judge • Philippine Lit Advocate • Project for a Cause Supporter • Mentor • SULAT Pilipinas Admin • PNY Writer • Pages of Life Writer and Critic • Frustrated Digital Artist • Spoken Word Poet
Freaking Romance in Progress (Tagalog)
업데이트 일자 Jan 14, 2023, 00:28
Coleen Allester and Colt Vincent Fabian were childhood sweethearts. They were inseparable. For almost 10 long years, everybody expected a very perfect ending for this lovable and charming couple. With their Yaya Planets (Yaya Jupiter and Yaya Mars), they grew up with just a little few problems along with their little adventures. Their love story was (almost) perfect. Their life, wealth, family, and big circle of friends as well. But a love story without some challenges is not perfect at all. So here comes the problem that separates them and everything went out of the plan with a little... "irony" in it. Will they be successful in chasing their old and immature love? Or the love will chase them and everything will go upside-down?
Damgeen High School Musical (Tagalog)
업데이트 일자 Jun 30, 2020, 02:15
Michaela Singh is a naturally born singer and musician. She is bold with her words as she always speaks her mind. Everybody tells that she is born for music as rhythm and beat runs into her blood. But what if one day, she unfolds the truth about her past and real identity about her real parents who neglected her before? She grows up in a family not related by blood and she long accepted her fate. But as she discovers the truth, she will soon to realize that music is not really for her. She may inherit the talent her real parents bestowed upon her, but it is the symbolic reminder that she is indeed abandoned. As her foster parents learn about her rebellious antics, they decide to move out and enroll her to a prestigious school with a little specialty in it. As Mich tries to turn her back on music, music tries to chase her more in the persona of Damgeen High School Musical. Damn. What a peculiar entity. She thinks everything is insane and plain stupid. Students frequently sing their hearts out, musical extracurricular activities, and some sort. Out of a sudden, she will catch herself in trouble in the middle of Triad of the Year. Everywhere is music! And thus she decides to just hide her true talent and skills. She wants to mess this up. She wants to be expelled or something just to get rid of that freaking, weird school. But no matter how hard she tries, the school just can't let go of her. As if it is connected to her life, she uncovers the veil of darkness in it, the way she realizes the story behind her past. So therefore in the end, through music, she fights. And through music, she wins.