의 작품 Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

La saggezza di Padre Brown
업데이트 일자 Apr 17, 2023, 20:16
La saggezza di Padre Brown è la seconda raccolta di racconti gialli dello scrittore inglese Gilbert Keith Chesterton, composta nel 1914 e che ha come protagonista il celebre Padre Brown. I 12 racconti sono: L’assenza del signor Glass (1913), Il paradiso dei ladri (1913), Il duello del dottor Hirsch (1914), L’uomo nel vicolo (1913), L’errore della macchina (1913), La testa di Cesare (1913), La parrucca violacea (1913), La morte dei Pendragon (1914), Il dio dei gong (1914), L’insalata del colonnello Cray (1914), Lo strano delitto di John Boulnois (1913), La favola di padre Brown (1914). Tutti i testi sono stati interamente ma prudentemente revisionati.
The Man Who Was Thursday
업데이트 일자 Jan 19, 2022, 15:01
At first read, G.K. Chesterton’s the Man Who Was Thursday is a zany mystery story filled with often surreal twists that turn more traditional thrillers on their ear.Set in a fantastic London where the ridiculous never nears the sublime, our hero, Gabriel Syme revolts against the status quo and breaks out as—normal. Yet Syme’s normalcy provides the perfect foil to illustrate the insanity around him—and for Chesterton to illustrate the insanity he saw in turn-of-the-century London.The Man Who Was Thursday, a masterpiece by G. K. Chesterton, revolves around two of the deepest of all theological mysteries: the freedom of the will and the existence of massive, irrational evil.The two mysteries are closely related. We have a knowledge of good and evil and a freedom to choose, within limits, of course, between the two. Somehow our choices are not totally determined, yet somehow they also are not random, as if decisions were made by shaking tiny dice inside our skull.
The Complete Father Brown Mysteries Collection - 51 Books
업데이트 일자 Oct 18, 2020, 20:06
This is the only edition that comes with Professional Formatting and with several Table of Contents for easy accessibility.    The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the eBook) lists the titles along with the chapters of all novels included in this volume. By clicking on one of those titles you will be redirected to the beginning of that work, where you will also find a new TOC that lists all the chapters and sub-chapters of that specific work as well.  You can access the third table of contents from the menu bar of your reading  app.    The Father Brown Mysteries fall into the category of mystery fiction or crime fiction. They follow the simple pattern of some mysterious death or crime that needs to be solved. There will be a variety of different suspects that each carry different motives and as a reader you will try and work out the truth along with the detective on the case. The central character must always be the detective and so you can relate to the character and it is only possible for you to know what he knows during the story.      WHATS INCLUDED:    The Innocence of Father Brown:  The Blue Cross  The Secret Garden  The Queer Feet  The Flying Stars  The Invisible Man  The Honour of Israel Gow  The Wrong Shape  The Sins of Prince Saradine  The Hammer of God  The Eye of Apollo  The Sign of the Broken Sword  The Three Tools of Death  The Wisdom of Father Brown:  The Absence of Mr Glass  The Paradise of Thieves  The Duel of Dr Hirsch  The Man in the Passage  The Mistake of the Machine  The Head of Caesar  The Purple Wig  The Perishing of the Pendragons  The God of the Gongs  The Salad of Colonel Cray  The Strange Crime of John Boulnois  The Fairy Tale of Father Brown  The Incredulity of Father Brown:  The Resurrection of Father Brown  The Arrow of Heaven  The Oracle of the Dog  The Miracle of Moon Crescent  The Curse of the Golden Cross  The Dagger with Wings  The Doom of the Darnaways  The Ghost of Gideon Wise  The Secret of Father Brown:  The Secret of Father Brown  The Mirror of the Magistrate  The Man With Two Beards  The Song of the Flying Fish  The Actor and the Alibi  The Vanishing of Vaudrey  The Worst Crime in the World  The Red Moon of Meru  The Chief Mourner of Marne  The Secret of Flambeau  The Scandal of Father Brown:  The Scandal of Father Brown  The Quick One  The Blast of the Book  The Green Man  The Pursuit of Mr Blue  The Crime of the Communist  The Point of a Pin  The Insoluble Problem  The Vampire of the Village  Uncollected Stories:  The Donnington Affair  The Mask of Midas  The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes    This version has been optimized for readability and includes:   BEAUTIFUL FORMATTING There is plenty of white-space which makes reading easy on the eyes.    FULLY FEATURED TABLE OF CONTENTS The full Table of Contents appears at the beginning of the book and can be accessed through the MENU or GO TO button.    EPUBCHECK The book successfully passes EpubCheck, developed by the IDPF. The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is the global trade and standards organization dedicated to the development and promotion of electronic publishing and content consumption. 
Der Mann der Donnerstag war : Eine Nachtmahr
업데이트 일자 Apr 10, 2020, 07:38
Ein Detektiv....Eine geheime Gesellschaft...und eine außerordentliche Entdeckung.
La saggezza di padre Brown
업데이트 일자 Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
La saggezza di padre Brown (titolo originale: The Wisdom of Father Brown) è la seconda raccolta di racconti gialli dello scrittore inglese G.K.Chesterton, composta nel 1914 e facente parte della serie di racconti che ha come protagonista padre Brown. Gilbert Keith Chesterton, a volte citato come G.K. Chesterton (Londra, 29 maggio 1874 – Beaconsfield, 14 giugno 1936), è stato uno scrittore, giornalista e aforista britannico. Scrittore estremamente prolifico e versatile, scrisse un centinaio di libri, contributi per altri duecento, centinaia di poesie, un poema epico, cinque drammi, cinque romanzi e circa duecento racconti, tra cui la popolare serie con protagonista la figura di padre Brown. Fu autore inoltre di più di quattromila saggi per giornali. Amò molto il paradosso e la polemica, contribuendo inoltre alla teoria economica del distributismo. Traduzione di Gian Dauli.
The Innocence of Father Brown
업데이트 일자 Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
"The Innocence of Father Brown" (1911) is the first collection of stories starring the empathetic detective Father Brown. Sherlock Holmes might be sexier, but GK Chesterton"s atmospheric Father Brown stories are the best the genre has ever seen. "The Blue Cross" "The Secret Garden" "The Queer Feet" "The Flying Stars" "The Invisible Man" "The Honour of Israel Gow" "The Wrong Shape" "The Sins of Prince Saradine" "The Hammer of God" "The Eye of Apollo" "The Three Tools of Death" "The Sign of the Broken Sword" Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, lay theologian, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, literary and art critic, biographer, and Christian apologist. Chesterton is well known for his fictional priest-detective Father Brown. Chesterton based the character on Father John O"Connor (1870–1952), a parish priest in Bradford who was involved in Chesterton"s conversion to Catholicism in 1922.
The wisdom of Father Brown
업데이트 일자 Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
"The Wisdom of Father Brown" (1914) is a collection of twelve stories by G.K. Chesterton, featuring his empathetic detective Father Brown. Sherlock Holmes might be sexier, but GK Chesterton"s atmospheric Father Brown stories are the best the genre has ever seen. The 12 stories in this collection are: THE ABSENCE OF MR GLASS THE PARADISE OF THIEVES THE DUEL OF DR. HIRSCH THE MAN IN THE PASSAGE THE MISTAKE OF THE MACHINE THE HEAD OF CAESAR THE PURPLE WIG THE PERISHING OF THE PENDRAGONS THE GOD OF THE GONGS THE SALAD OF COLONEL CRAY THE STRANGE CRIME OF JOHN BOULNOIS THE FAIRY TALE OF FATHER BROWN Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, lay theologian, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, literary and art critic, biographer, and Christian apologist. Chesterton is well known for his fictional priest-detective Father Brown. Chesterton based the character on Father John O"Connor (1870–1952), a parish priest in Bradford who was involved in Chesterton"s conversion to Catholicism in 1922.