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(Her Heart Fell) "WHAT ARE YOU doing here?" Out of nowhere, Justin appears behind her, making her to utter a sharp shrill sound because of shock. She was hiding behind a tall large vase beside the foot of the grand staircase. Looking up to the tall guy, who was the son of the family's butler, she diverted her gaze. "Justin! Ahmm--" she blurted, thinking of some good reason. "Your teacher has been looking for you everywhere in the house. Are you running away from her again?" he asked. She looked up again to the guy. He's a few feet taller that her eleven years old built. "I don't wanna learn lessons anymore!" She crossed her arms across her chest. Justin's eyebrows folded in curls. "And why?" "Learning English is hard. And I don't have to learn only that. There are too many languages. I can't even understand them. Not just that. My fingers are finding it so difficult to reach the keys of the piano. I can't memorize them all." She turned around against him, putting her arms down. "They were always watching my every move. They said I have to act like a princess." She even shook her body to express her objection, which Justin laughed about. She glared at him. "What's funny?" "Because you are a princess. You should act like one. You should listen to them," said Justin, pertaining to her teacher. "But it's so hard. And you know, I'm not really one." "You are my granddaughter," a man's voice was heard. Justin bowed his head while her lips arched in a distorted curve. "Why not do it yourself, old man," she mumbled. "What did you just call me?" "Old man," she repeated. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me grandpa, you ungrateful child." He put his hand on his forehead, massaging the headache away. "Sir, are you okay?" Justin asked him, looking worried. "Young miss, please--" Justin was about to remind her how she should act. "No. It's okay." Her grandfather took a sigh. "What am I gonna do with you?" "Maybe, she need a playmate," Justin answered out of nowhere. "Okay, find her one," the old man ordered. "No, Sir. I mean, she needs kids around her, around her age. And I think a school is a place for that." He looked at her. She looked back at him, amused at what he suggested. "School? You think, she can adjust on her environment?" her grandfather asked, doubting. "She was home-schooled ever since. Trust her, Sir. She can handle it," he ensured. Justin bend down so she can face him on her level. "Go back to your teacher, young miss. Because this will be your last day with her." "Really?" She was so delighted. "Yes. Because you'll soon go to school. Would you like that?" School. She had seen those place before. It is where kids like her plays until their hearts desire. It is a paradise for children, a place of joy and merriness. "Thanks, Justin," she said cheerfully. "Shouldn't you be thanking me?" her grandfather asks. "No. Because I like him," she said, referring to Justin. SLOWLY, SHE CLOSED the door in their room at the dormitory. She almost jumped in her feet when she heard a boy's shriek, who was being tickled. Did she just entered another room by mistake? "Oh, hi!" Vane went down on the bed where a five year old boy was laying. They stand up when she saw her entered the room. Her final class that week just finished. She went straight back to her dorm to fix some things because that day, is her time to go home to their mansion. She promised her grandpa to oay a visit every weekend. "This is my son, Jay. Jay, say hello to my friend, Brianna," introduced, Vane. "Hi, miss Brianna. You look pretty," he said in a very cute voice, giving her the sweetest innocent looking familiar eyes. Where did she saw those eyes again? "Hi, there, kiddo." She sat on the floor nwxt to the boy. She began searching in her bag for candy. Luckily, she found one. "Have you been a good boy? Here's your candy." "Wow! Thank you, Miss." She was shocked when he did pat her head twice, rather than giving her a hug, like a normal kid would do. "Sorry, his dad always do that to him," Vane explained. "It's ok." She stood up when Jay started to sit on the bed. "Your son is a charming one," she said. "I never thought you got one." She smiled. "I got pregnant, so I stopped for a while. But Justin told me to continue my studies. Luckily, I found a very responsible man." "Justin?" Her eyebrows curled up at tge name she said. "Jay's dad," she answered, opening the box of chocolate chip cookies for her child. She nodded, looking at Vane's child. It feels awkward that Jay's dad has the same name as her prince charming. She's sure that Justin were also capable of having a child as cute as Jay. She wonders if she can have a cute child with him. That thought made her smile. To have a family with him would be the sweetest thing to happen to her. If only she was not engaged to somebody else. But she got the perfect plan to have what she always dreamt of. After breaking up the marriage with Kairen, she will pursue her heart to Justin. After she'll get her money. "I'm sorry for not informing you that my family will be visiting." "Oh! Don't worry. It's also your room. It's okay," she said. They both looked at the door when someone knocked. "That must be him." Jay started to climb on his mom's arms so she presented to open it for them. Her breathing stopped for a while when she saw the man standing at the door. Her heart skipped a beat of somehow nervousness. She doesn't know why she feel that way. She feels that something bad will happen. Justin's eyes displays shock like hers. "Justin? What are you doing here?" Is he here to visit her? Or is he not? It's just a coincidence that they have same name with Jay's dad, right? Her heart felt like breaking when Jay runs towards Justin, shouting "daddy". He giggled upon clinging Justin's shoulders. "Daddy. Miss Brianna is so kind. She gave me a candy and even played with me," Jay exclaimed in joy. "Brianna," he uttered her name, awkwardly. She can feel that he'll say something, an explanation abou what she just witnessed. "Your kid is so cute," she said, forcing herself to smile. "I'll leave you guys to have your time. I'll head out for a while. Excuse me." "Anna?" Vane called her, but she didn't payed her any attention. Without waiting for him to said another word, she stepped out the room, walking away from them. She briskly walk the hallway, out the dormitory. She never looked back to know if someone's following. She doesn't want to face anyone in that family. She's afraid of breaking down. She can't face Vane, her child, especially Justin. Why does it has to be him? The world is too small for them to be connected with each other. She did not expect any of what was happening right now. She always looked up to Justin. Because he's the perfect being she ever saw. He always take care of her. But that was shattered all of a sudden. She never thought of him, having someone special, and bearing a child he secretly hides. Her tears started to fell on her cheeks. Her sight started to get blurry. Her pace came faster, and faster. Until the walk became a run, where no particular destination, unsure of where to go. She just want to get away. It hurts! It hurts so much. It feels like her heart is breaking and she can't do anything because she's no place to do that. She got no right to fight because she's just a girl who fell in love.
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