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(A Broken Heart) THIS IS JUST for the show, he convinced himself, while leaning on the door of his car parked in front of Brianna's dormitory. It's Friday and it's the time when Brianna has to go home. As a good boyfriend, he have to act the way he should be. He was looking at the bouquet of roses in his hands which he bought earlier at the flower shop. Will she love this? But ain't she a he, actually? Well, he's not that dumb. He can see that she's a girl. But he doesn't see her like one. She's moving like a man and has fists like men. She doesn't even care about her looks. But he can't deny that those were her charms. And that what makes her unique. He took a glance at his wrist watch then to the dorm. His stance straightened as he saw the girl who just went out the building. It was Brianna's familiar way of walking. He cleared his throat and fixed the rumples on his shirt to look nice. Brianna looked around as if confused on what direction to go. "Hey, Brya--n." His voice slowly collapsed, so is his hand that was about to wave at her. She stopped, giving him the eyes he never expected to see. A teary eyes that was full of pain. She sniffed before running towards him, on his arms, where he unexpectedly opened for her. Deja vu. He remembers clearly that once, there was a girl who hugged him even he was a stranger. There was a girl who dived in his arms before and he cared for her more than his life. This happens again and the question is why. She jumped to him, making the few petals on the flowers to be plucked and flew in the air like heavy confetti. Is she crying? Brianna Imperial is shedding tears! His questioning eyes looked around and saw the man who was running to catch the girl on his arms. He was panting, obviously ran to have his explanation. But he think, with Brianna's state, she will not listen to Justin. So she already already found out his secret. And that was heart breaking. He can feel the pain in her whispering sobs on his chest. Justin tried to walk towards them but he shook his head, telling him not to. He did not know why but he felt him glaring at the man. He wanted to punch him but he cannot let go of Brianna. Whatever happen between them did not turn out well. Kuso. [Shit.] He took a sigh before breaking their hug. He put the bouquet between them that made her froze for a moment, eyeing on him and the flowers in a weird look. "Just take it and get in the car," he said as he pushes her in the passenger's seat huriedly. As he sat and started to drive, Brianna broke into tears again. Her gaze is looking at Justin, through the closed car window, on the side of the road which was standing in his dark eyes. He didn't mind her even she was crying like a lost child. She was holding on tightly on the bouquet he gave her. More like hugging it. He drove to the nearest shore, where they went last time. It's the only place she can cry out loud without people judging what she was up to. Luckily, he found a way for his car to get there. He went out and left her alone, giving her the time for herself. He's rude, as how she describes him, but his heart is not that evil. Taking at the cigarette pack in his pocket, he lit one stick looking at the vast body of water clashing with the rocks on the shore. He inhaled deeply, his lungs savoring the bad elements of the stick between his fingers. "Why do I feel this way? D*mn," he whispers, talking to himself, kicking the shells scattered on his footsteps. His chest feels heavy at the same time, raving in anger. Justin's calls diverted his thoughts. "Hey, bro. We're thinking of hanging out at a Karaoke bar. Wanna join?" he asked. "With whom?" "I'm with my baby. We wanna tell you guys something." He's referring to Brianna's friend. He is somehow excited. This may not be the best time, but it's what she needs right now. Something to divert her heavy emotions. Or else, her heart will turn to an unbreakable cold stone. "Sure. I'll bring her along." "Okay. Meet you there." He put his hand on his pocket and stepped at the cigarette which was now less a couple inches long. He popped two pieces of mind candy before heading back to his car. Opening the door, he paused to hear her cry that was no more. He bowed his head to look at her who were now sleeping. She looks exhausted, with the wet and red cheeks. Her long eyelashes left some tears on it, making it to sparkle. Her hair is still in an uneven combing. He plunged himself on the driver's seat, making the girl beside him to wake up. "Wanna drink?" She just stared at him, starting the car engine. "You're above legal age already, right?" She nodded, confused. "Jinro called. He's with your friend. We're meeting them tonight." They arrived at their rendezvous, earlier than Jinro and his girlfriend, who was still stuck on a traffic. Brianna was too quite and it's making him feel awkward. They were in a private karaoke room alone. To break the silence, he ordered some foods and grabbed the song selection device. "Do you sing?" She shook her head. "Come on Bryan. Why did we even rented this place?" He stopped when she threw a sharp gaze on him. "I said don't call me Bryan." "But it's your name," grabbing a can of beer at the table, smirking. "It's Brianna," she said. He smiled. At least, she went back that easily even for a bit. "Cheers." Her eyes rolled up and her hand reached for a can for herself. She did drank it and he did not stopped her. But after a few minutes, he regretted what he had done. Brianna who was very emotional a moment ago became a wild drunkard. She was not singing but shouting on the microphone. And it's breaking his eardrums. He couldn't stopped her anymore. Well, he's a little bit drunk too. He regretted inviting her to a drinking contest. Their friends were taking their way there long enough that they partied on their own. "Bryan, you're too bad even at singing," he yelled at her while taking his phone to capture a video of her. "You sing like a man." He can use the video to laugh on to, after that. He can use that to blackmail her, in case she would back out from their deal. "I am not a man." Her heavy sleepy eyes stared at her. "I am a girl," she said in a singing tone. He shook his head and looked at the screen of his phone to see Brianna who was walking near him. His throat went up and down when he saw her slow dancing while singing. He somehow felt sober at that time. The seductive Brianna is making him go back to reality. He doesn't want to admit, but he can see her as a woman that time. His lips is having the urge to kiss her when she moved her face closed to him and hands on his laps, that gave him goosebumps. He remembered the first time he kissed her. It was very quick but he tasted her sweet innocent soft lips. She leaned on closer to him, her eyes are more sleepy than before, seducing him. Is she trying to kiss him? He waited for her lips to touch his. Inch by inch, slowly she moved towards him. Until she closed her eyes. But his dreamy thoughts shattered on what she did next. He jumped on his seat, trying to take backwards on the seat. But there was no space, so his hands grabbed the back of the couch he was sitting to. "Ittai nani yo?! [What the hell?!] Kuso! Kuso! Kuso! [s**t! s**t! s**t!]" She just throw up in his pants! "Ah!" he screamed. And that was the time the door on the karaoke room opened. Jinro and his girlfriend came in, with wide eyes, looking at their position. Brianna's head in on top of his pants. His hands placed on the back of the seat. "Oops! Sorry. Take your time," Chang said and pulled Jinro out the room. He just realized what she meant. "N--no! Wait! It's not what you think! Come back here." Damn! They were not doing that thing. It was another misunderstanding.
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