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(Caged for Freedom) "WHAT'S THIS?" Brianna's grandfather asked as she placed a piece of paper on his stomach. Her grandfather is currently lying, who is none other than Don Rafael Imperial--the head of the Imperial mafia. He doesn't feel good because of his heart disease that she only found out about last night. "WHAT IS IT, MY DEAR?" his grandfather asked as she got on her feet in the middle of the conversation at the dinner table. "No wedding will take place. I don't want to get married," Brianna stood. "Brianna, my dear, sit down," Don Rafael ordered in authority. "No," stiffly, she objected like a spoiled brat. "So, there will be no wedding?" asked Mr. Ayasaki. "Then, what are we still doing in here?" The silver chopsticks loudly clanged on the serene plain glass table, expressing dismay. Feet of the lavish dining chairs unmelodiously brushed of the lambent surface of the marble floor. The Japanese couple with Kairen stood up, together with their personnel, and started walking out the door in a frustated face. But her grandfather immediately signaled their staff to block their way out, resulting the two groups to point each others' heads with their weapons, stating that blood may shed any time by now. "Let us through, Imperial. How can we have peace in our family if your own granddaughter doesn't want the agreement? Looks like we're enemies again." The head of the Ayasaki family Ayato spoke, showing no worries on his eyes while standing still. "Do not forget that you are here in my territory. I can annihilate you," the old man threatened, unconciously using his mellow slang way of speaking, that has been forgotten since he moved in the country. "Then, we will die fighting," replied the Yakuza. "Wait!" she shouted so loud that everyone looked at her. Honestly, she was nervous about the outcome of their dinner. The tense is too much for her to handle. She felt the guiltiness inside of her, killing her conscience. She stopped the fight but did not know what to say. "Ah!" Her head turned to her grandfather who suddenly sat down, grasping the edge of his cloth on top of his chest. His other hand on the edge of the cold table, trying to fight back the sudden difficult breathing. "Justin!" Her rattling desperate voice bounced on every wall within its range, calling the butler of the house. Her limb is silently trembling, not allowing her to take a step towards the old man. The man immediately came in a very fast pace and supported the old man, giving first aid medicine which she did not know what for. "What's wrong with him Justin?" she asked, building a droplet on the side of her eyes. "I'll take your grandpa upstairs." He faced the guests and took a courteous bow. "We're very sorry for this. I hope you'll give us another chance. I'll be back later. Excuse me." She was left standing, hands on the table, as she watched the man moving upstairs with his grandfather. She had no choice but to make things right. Now is not the time to ran and avoid the trouble she causes. The important thing is that she fixes it now. "What now, Bryan?" Kairen asked in a whisper. "Still not marrying me?" She wiped her tears and composed herself, straightening her back. "I'm sorry for my rudeness a while ago. Please do understand that I'm still in my teens, still having a childish mindset. Old ma--I mean, my grandpa is very important to me. If merging the family will make things right, I will obediently oblige," she said with a serious face, an expression that an Imperial must possess. Especially in this situation. She bowed then looked at Kairen. "If you'll give me another chance, I'll marry your son." Kairen's lips slowly curved a grin, seemingly pleased with her decision. Everyone lowered their guns and katanas, giving her a peace of mind. Angela, the wife of Ayasaki, smiled sweetly. "Then, let's have a peaceful dinner, shall we?" she said happily and sat down again. "THAT'S MY COLLEGE APPLICATION. I'm returning college, like you always wanted." He smiled, seemed to be really glad at the news. "That's good." He grabbed the paper and began to read. "I'm going back to college but I'll stay in the dormitory." The old man looked at her intently, trying to read her plan. "I'm not running away. I'll come home every weekend to visit you." Honestly, she was still running away from the marriage they arranged. She just needed a reason to get away even for a while, and returning to school while staying at a dormitory would be perfect. The new semester has started a couple of months ago but of course, she is an Imperial. It's easy for her to deal with that problem. In fact, it wasn't even a problem. She only waited a week for the process of her application. After that, she may go back to school, again. She sighed deeply when the car, Justin was driving, stopped in front of the University. She really doesn't want to take into account the environment of a school. It was unpleasant and messed up. That's what she think about it because her first day at such environment is pretty ugly. She stares through the massive gate of the University. Lot of students are already on the vast school ground, surrounded by five buildings of about four to seven floor high. Opposite the school are two dormitories for boys and girls. It is separated by genders and visiting the opposite s*x of the inhabitants is strictly forbidden. Between the dorm building is a park, serving as a division of the two, but ironic to that, it was a place for both to hang out. She actually chose to move to a new and farther place, which is about three hours drive away from her home. "I'll walk you to your room, young miss," Justin presented. "No need. I'm not a kid anymore. And it's Brianna. Right?" reminding him. "Take care of yourself then, Brianna." He reached his hands to give her a gentle pat on her head. "I will," she said, smiling as she entered the dormitory while dragging a gray luggage and wearing fully stuffed backpack. "Room 305. Ah! Found you." She lightly hit her knuckles on the blue room door, even though she was given a duplicate as her own key. She wouldn't want to disturb and surprise anyone, in case someone is inside. That might be a bad first impression. The door opened after a few seconds. A young yet matured looking student appears. She is cute but has a nice body shape. Her wavy and long hair were untagledly down. The young lady looks older than her, maybe in her mid-twenties. She is wearing eyeglasses, covering her gentle eyes. She smiled sweetly when she saw her. "You must be my new roommate," her eyes landed on the luggage beside her. "Come in," she said excitedly, almost a squeal. She helped her carry her belongings inside even though she said it was okay. The room is quite spacious, enough for two people. The few items inside were simply organized. It has two single beds, two cabinets and study tables for each of them. The bedroom is divided into two parts and has an open division, giving them privacy, even though they share only one bathroom. Not just that, they also have a small balcony with a glass door, behind the laced curtains, to get there, perfect for having a cup of coffee. The white interior paint is making her feel like she was on cloud. Even beds and tables will be ashamed of any dirt because of the virgin color. Except for the door and window frame which are in color sky blue. The young lady pointed her space before introducing itself. "I'm Vanessa. Vanessa Gallo. You are?" "Brianna." "Cute! What do you prefer to be called? Bri or Anna?" Her forehead furrowed. "Anna?" questioning the other name Vanessa wanted to call her. Chang is the only one who calls her Bri. While the name Anna feels weird to her. She did not say that she would call her Anna, because with that name, she would looked like a very kind and demure person. That'll be too far from her characteristics. "Hmm. I wanna call you Anna." She did already the choosing. "Then I'll call you --" she paused, thinking. "Just Vane is cool." She smiled, leaning her back on the division wall. "So what's your course? I'm taking Law. That's why until now, I'm still here, studying." "I'm taking a business course." "So, you want to manage a business? Is it a family business or your own?" She nodded. "Family business." Honestly, Vane's a bit talkative for a modest -looking woman. But she's starting to like her. She looks kind. "Your family owns business?" she asked as she handed her an open box of chocolate chip cookies. "What kind of business?" She froze at the question. What will she say? Illegal business? That she came from a mafia family? As much as possible, she wanted to keep her family's identity, that's why she transferred school, where there will be no one who can know her. "A--ah. Just buy and sell," she answered sparingly, then took a bite of cookies one after another to fill her mouth, preventing to utter her secret. She later said goodbye because she still had class that afternoon, and promised her a bonding time when she returns. The next day came and it is her first day at the University. Vane even accompanied her, while giving her a tour around the campus. "Bri!" She already knew the voice of the person shouting her name. Like her, Chang also went back to college. The only difference is, the girl will continue to work as a part timer, while she stays at dorm, to stay away from the tight situation she was into. One of Chang's eyebrows rose when she saw Vane with her. "Chang, by the way, this is my roommate, Vane." She turned to the other girl. "This is my best friend, Chang." "Hi," Chang greeted but her smile was obviously strained. "You should've come with me to live in dorm. You should've been my roommate. Not that I don't like mine now," she said when Vane finally left. "I don't want to. Aside from not having freedom, I will have less time for my boyfriend. That is a no-no for me." "But for me, this is my freedom, where there's no family pressuring you to do what they wanted. And l can live peacefully without the thought of arranged marriage pestering my mind." Her best friend knew about her family and anything about them. And she already knew about the marriage they set up for her. She can't do anything but to feel pity about her situation. The day was over and nothing much happened. She did attend her classes but her brain was flying somewhere out there the whole time. She and Chang left the building together, but got also separated later at the gate because she was going home to the apartment while she will go straight to the dorm. When Chang finally left in a taxi, Vane suddenly reappeared. "Anna! Where's your bff?" she asked, bumbing her right arm, and walk along with her. "She's renting an apartment. She said she doesn't want the strict rules in a dormitory." Vane's phone alarm rang, making her to stop, to look at the screen. "Oops! I still need to return the book to the library. You go first, 'kay?" She went back to the dorm on her own. Upon entering the room, she immediately unhook her bra and dropped it on the floor, making her taste the most satisfying relief she could ever had that tiring and boring day. She plopped her back on the soft bed. It wasn't as soft as her mattress at the mansion, but it was enough to relax her that time. She will pick it up later when she expected Vane to return. But now, she was lazy. Too lazy. Her back was having the sweetest time when a knock on her door was heard. Is that Vane? Oh! That was fast. Did she went home right away? She thought they have each others' keys of the room. Why would she knock anyway? She stood up then slightly opened the blue door. Her mouth slightly opened upon seeing who was standing at the door. She looked at him from head to toe, carefully internalizing the image. The shock on his face was also obvious but a smirk gradually drew on his lips. Confirmed! It is really him. "Karen?!"
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