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(Bryan and Karen) "YOUNG MISS, the Ayasaki family has arrived." After a few knocks on her bedroom door, she heard Justin's gentle voice. She was busy scrolling her social media on her phone. Brianna lazily got up from her bed and came out. The man looked at her from head to toe, obviously suffering a slight headache. "I think you should wear something nice, young miss," said Justin, as he saw her ripped denim shorts and black band shirt. It was said that the dinner would be formal. But she was not comfortable wearing a dress, or even make up. As well as heels that are even just a few inches high seem to be killing the toes on her feet. She tried some dresses that night, only to end up on the floor. "Well, this is nice," she described softly. "You're meeting your future in-laws. You should wear something formal." "No. I'm not comfortable wearing that kind of clothing." She passed beside him, walking to the grand staircase. "Hi! Good evening everyone," she enthusiastically greeted the people waiting for her downstairs. The aura of their home that night was somehow different. The house feels more occupied. There men standing like statues on both sides of the hall. As she can see, they were divided to halves, base on the style of how they dress up. One group were wearing black suit and colorful sleeves underneath. A few of them looks familiar, for they are his grandfather's men and members of their mafia family. Whereas another group wore white suit. Few are with katana tied around the waist. Those maybe the only ones allowed to enter their territory with weapon. In addition, tattoos also pierce their bodies, from neck to their hands. Her grandfather was obviously having his headache when he saw her upstairs and what she was wearing. The Japanese couple, on the other hand, smiled, wearing luxurious traditional Japanese clothes. It is said that this family is one of the big yakuza families in Japan. But built a territory in the Philippines because the head of the family married a pure Filipina. Her eyes went around, looking for the particular person she's expecting, but she couldn't find a single fiber in his long hair. She went down the stairs and her her every step created an irritating sound that filled the atmosphere. Rude, but that's how she is. She stared at the young man next to the Ayasaki couple, upon reaching the bottom. He was wearing a formal black tux and a smirk on his lips. His hair is neatly brushed in the back, leaving a few strands of hair in front, poking his charming sharp eyes. Why is Jinro's friend here in front of her, with the Ayasaki couple and beside her grandfather? Her throat went up and down. She doesn't feel good about anything she's about to know. "This is my husband, Ayasaki Ayato, the head of Ayasaki-gumi. I'm Angela, his wife. And I want you to meet our only son, Ayasaki Kairen," the lady with an angelic face introduced. Her jaw slightly dropped at what she just found out. "You got to be kidding me," she murmurs. "Yo-you?!" She couldn't stop herself from raising her voice in shock. Her eyes widened, eyebrows narrowed, and lips in a distorted line. If this is the Ayasaki heir, why did Jinro introduced himself as him? Did they just toy with her? She can't believe she was fooled. "Brianna," her grandfather called her, reminding to act accordingly. "You two know each other?" asked the lady, whose name is Angela. She seems to be excited. "No. No. We don't know each other," she denied. "I'm Brianna Imperial. Sorry for the wait. Let's have a dinner, shall we?" Kairen took a step towards her, making her eyes squint on his elbow, which he offered. "Shall we?" he asked in obviously fake gentleman tone. Her grandfather cleared his throat, ordering her to accept his gentleman gesture. She doesn't have a choice but to hold onto his arms while taking their way to the dining area. The chef of the house was ordered to cook dishes that would satisfy the guests' taste. Tonight's more like a feast rather than a dinner. All the foods were half baked and steamed. Some are even raw that were only bathed in special kind of herbs, spices, and seasonings. Still, she can say that those foods looks palatable by how they were plated nicely. They look like gold treasures on silver plates on a long table. Her grandfather sits on the end of that table. On his right were the head of Ayasaki-gumi and his wife. Across them were her who was unluckily sitting beside Kairen. "Brianna will return to college. In fact, she will only have to finish three semesters. After that, we will take care of the marriage of the two," said her grandfather. The elders began to talk about their plans for their lives. She gently tapped the young man's foot next to her under the table, who were answering the adults' questions with simple smiles. That made him drop the sushi from the chopsticks he was about to put in his mouth. It fell on the bowl of soy sauce, splashing some on his suit. Again, he murmurs a word that she cannot understand, while wiping the stain with tissues. He threw an irritated gaze on her, which she just ignored. She pouted her lips, pointing the way out of the dining area, signaling the guy for them to go out for a talk. She leaned backwards when he started to approach her, leaning towards her, wearing a naughty grin on his face. What he was thinking that time crossed on her mind. With her pouted lips, he thought she wanted a kiss from him. She moved her palm on his lips to block what he was about to do. He gripped her hand tightly, removing it from his mouth. "I thought you wanted a kiss," he whispered. "Who says I want a kiss?" she said in a lower voice but with more pressure tone. This guy is really a p*****t! "Is there's something going on?" They paused and looked at her grandfather who asked them. She cleared her throat and adjusted her seat. "He just said he wanted to go for a walk. I'll show him around," she said. "I didn't said--ah!" he groans as she simply stomp on his foot under the table to stop whatever he's about to say, contradict to her lie. She didn't even wait for them to say something. Hurriedly, she stood up and pulled Kairen from the dining area and out of the mansion. They headed out to the vast garden outside, where no one could hear much of anything they were about to discuss. She was surprised when the guy pulled her closer, gently squeezing her waist. "So, you want to talk privately?" whispered Kairen, as he slowly leaned his face on her. His eyes are glistening a playful desire, sending goosebumps on the hairs on her nape. She pushed him hard, spacing from him, and gave him a punch on the face. Her fist did not reach his dazzling face but landed on his palm, that he used for blocking. "Are you a guy? Why would you punch me?" said he in unbelievable tone. "Are you playing with me?" She withdrew her hand and glared at him sharply. "Why did Jinro introduce himself as the fiancé this afternoon?" He curled his eyebrows, trying to play innocently. "Technically, he didn't say he was." "He said he is." "Nope. You got it wrong. He didn't say anything. Try to remember it." "Brianna Imperial?" asked the man with long hair. He is a one hell of a hunk. She bet Chang would love to date this kind of guy. Also, the shallow dimples on his cheeks are making his smile sweeter. She can see some tattoos on the side of his neck. "You look prettier in person," he spoke in a way too charming for her to believe. She did not confirmed, for she doesn't introduce herself just to anyone, since she comes from a powerful family. "The family gave me your details. I'm Jinro, from the Ayasaki," introduced the guy. That's when her brows raise. "Ayasaki? So, you are the ...?" she prolonged. "The fiancé?" he continued his question before smiling sweetly. IN FACT, he really did not say anything. Brianna misunderstood the way that Casanova guy answered with a smile. "Why did he pretend to be you earlier? Why did you let him? What are you guys plotting?" she asked. "Jinro can get almost every girl. I thought you'd fall for him easily." "I will not." "If that happens, I won't have to marry you." "I'm sorry, but I won't fall that easily. And I'm not that kind of girl." He paused, looked at her down to her feet, then smirked. "Maybe because you're not a girl after all. After all, you're not a woman. The name Brianna is sexy, but the name doesn't suits you." He held his chin, thinking. "It would be better if you were named Bryan." Her nose felt like smoking at what he just said. "Bryan?! Really?" she exclaimed and was about to explode her anger. "Well, you know what? You're also acting like a girl. I thought girls were the only clean freaks. And your name..." "What?" said Kairen, trying to make her speechless and not think anything to insult him. "Your name sounds Karen." With that, she can see his expression turned into a serious poker face. Did she made him mad? Well, she is. And this would make the situation fair. "Ka-karen?" trying to clear what she just called him. He just can't believe what he heard. "You're starting to get on my nerves--no--I am already pissed off. You also don't want to marry me. Why can't we just say we're against what they want? Let's go back inside and tell them there will be no wedding." She was about to step back inside when Kairen get a grip of her arm, making her to stop at what he said. "I don't want to marry you. But I have to," he said in low and serious voice. "So, whether we like it or not, I will do everything just so I can marry you," he proclaimed, stepping back to the mansion. "What's your deal? Hey! Wait! I'm still talking to you. Kairen! Karen!" But he never looked back, until he came back at the dining table. "Okay? So, let's see how far can you go with that plan of yours. I'll do everything just so you can't marry me," she whispered as if the guy she was talking to was still there.
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