Chapter 1

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GABRIEL I parked my car in front of a flower shop, smiling at myself as I thought about what I was about to do. Heck, I didn't even know what I was doing and if I was being too hasty, but to be sincere, it didn't feel right. Never in my thirty-eight years did I think that I was going to be proposing to a woman in the near future. But it was something I wanted, and had thought about carefully. Natalie Livingston. She was the kind of woman I had dreamed of all my life. In the three years of our relationship, never had I ever had or seen anything to complain about. Perfection... That was what she was... That was the way I saw her. She was so over the top that sometimes, I used to think she was too perfect. But wasn't that every man's dream? Nathalie complimented me in every area possible, and I knew I just had to put a ring on it. Which was why I was now making my way into the flower shop to get her a whole bunch of the dandelions, since she loved and cherished them so much. I had never seen anyone's eyes twinkle the way hers did when she caught sight of a dandelion. She always looked like a kid with a cone of ice cream. "Good evening." I said to the shop owner, whose eyes quickly lit up as soon as she recognized who I was. I winced. I had come to this particular shop over a dozen times to get flowers, but somehow, Isabel, the owner, always made a little scene on seeing me. Well, if I'm to be honest, I really loved how she acted on seeing me every time, as the older woman was a joy to be with. "Gabriel! I assume you want some dandelions for the Missus." She said, making me roll my eyes at her funny way of referring to Natalie. She was quite friendly and one of her strengths was her good use of words. She knew what sweet words to use for whoever it was. I scoffed. "Yes please," I told her, and watched as she clapped her hands and went about, personally arranging the flowers. Despite having attendants in the huge shop, she always chose to attend to me personally. And I knew it had nothing to do with me being famous, and everything to do with me paying ten times more than I was supposed to pay. The thing is, I always thought about being charitable whenever I stopped by her shop. I took the flowers, and placed the card which I had filled onto the flower. Isabel narrowed her eyes at me. "You look a little different today, Gabriel." She said, as she typed out my receipt on the computer. I just smiled and shook my head, taking back my card and waving good-bye. I felt like a literal school boy all over again. I got into my car, placing the flowers in the passenger's seat, next to a small bag, before pulling back onto the road, and driving in the direction of Natalie's house. The plan was to propose to her privately, and take her back to my home, where I had prepared a small feast for us. It was going to be the first time I had ever taken her to my new home. I had bought the house about a year ago, and only moved in recently, after deciding it was time to start a family. A decision that my whole family seemed to be happy about. And don't even get me started on the fact that they were now at this moment, sitting in different areas of my house, waiting in the darkness to scream 'surprise', when I brought back Natalie. I wasn't going to lie to myself, I hated the plan. It was cheesy as hell and I literally cringed at the idea. It was not something I would do, personally. But then, what did I care? All I wanted was for my Natalie to say yes when I popped the question. I scoffed. If only the media, which derived joy from describing me as dangerous and ruthless, could see me now, running like a school boy to go propose to my fiance. They would literally go gaga. It wasn't long until I was parked in the private parking lot of the huge apartment complex Natalie lived in. I sat back and took deep breaths, beginning to feel nervous as hell. ARIANA I grumbled roughly as I made my way up the sixteen flights of stairs to my sister's apartment. Even if I wanted to exercise, I would never choose this. For the first time, I detested the fact that she lived on the very top floor. A floor which housed three penthouses. Something that I enjoy a lot anytime I decide to come over. But today of all days, when I was in the lowest of my spirits, the elevators were under maintenance. Something had happened to the power in the complex, so they had shut down the elevators while using alternative power. At least that was what I had understood from what the security man I had met earlier was saying. If only he knew I wasn't understanding half the s**t he was saying. Even the damn stairs were dimly lit, from what I assumed was the alternative power source. My phone rang loudly for the fourth time since I had left my apartment in a hurry to go over to my sister's. I knew who it was, and I also knew I would rather die than pick up the call from my mother who had been on my neck all day about my final exams in business school. In fact, it was for that same reason I was on my way to my sister's apartment. I wanted to know who had told my mother that I had gotten into Harvard business school, and not modelling, like I was supposed to! "Finally!" I said, exhaling loudly as I tried to regain feeling in my legs. Thank God I had worn sneakers, instead of anything else! I was walking towards her door, intending to knock until she opened, when I saw that the power was finally restored. The hallway was suddenly flooded with brighter lights. I smiled and walked over, swiping my card, and watching in satisfaction as the door opened. Natalie Livingston was going to get it from me this evening, since she was the only living soul whom I had told of my Harvard admission. And after settling scores with her, I was going to chill in her apartment, and ransack her wardrobe, which was filled with very eye-catching clothes. At least that was the plan. But then, what could go wrong? The moment the door opened, I knew something was terribly wrong. In fact, it took me just one step inside, to smell it. The whole air smelled of m*******a, and something else, which was weird, as Natalie didn't smoke. But this smell was very pungent, and I almost felt like I would choke on it, so I quickly pulled out a small handkerchief from my bag and used it to cover my nose, looking around the living room, which was in complete disarray. That, on its own, was weird. Since when was my elder sister so untidy? There were a few clothes strewn across the floor and couch, and even the table. "Natalie!" I called out, beginning to feel uncomfortable, and ready to confront her about how crazy her house looked, but I soon came to the realization that there was music coming from her bedroom. There was no way she was going to hear me if I could hear that music from where I stood, so I carefully jumped over the clothes, and made my way to her room. I mean, it wasn't weird to leave your room untidy...I would agree I was very untidy sometimes...but the m*******a, that was what put me off guard. Nobody in my family smokes pot. That, I was sure of...well...until now. I placed my hand on the door knob, and pushed open the door. The sight that greeted me, almost made me gag from shock and disgust. There, on the huge bed, lay my sister, in some weird outfit, while three men surrounded her, doing unspeakable things to her. The bag and the handkerchief I held in my hands, slipped to the ground, the noise drowned out by the music, as I continued to watch the horror that continued to unfold before my very eyes. My hands and body began to shake as I soon began to realize that I had just walked into an orgy, with my sister being the main character in it.
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