Chapter 2

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ARIANA "Natalie!" I screamed as soon as I got my voice back, looking at her with pure shock. "What the hell is going on in here?!" I was screaming, shaking my head in disbelief as my equally shocked sister jumped out of the bed. I turned on the light which was next to me and it came on, drowning out the red light in the room, and flooding it with white light instead. But I soon began to regret it, as I was given a clearer vision of what was going on. "Ariana! What are you doing here?" She asked, scurrying around for her clothes, and dismissing the men who had weird masks on their faces. They wasted no time rushing out of the room, leaving a trail of their musky and s*x-filled scent in their wake. I turned back to my sister when the men were out and looked at her. She was completely drenched in sweat, and something else made her skin glitter. Disappointment laced through me. "How are you going to explain your way out of this, Natalie?" I asked, too stunned to even scream at her again, even if I wanted to. I didn't even know what to say to her at that point. To say I was disappointed was to say the least. I was livid. My sister walked over to me, with her hands held out, looking dejected. " weren't supposed to see this." She started, but I took a step back from her. She looked at me like I was some ghost that was sent to haunt her. All my life, I have idolized her. Heck, I even got compared to her every single day of my life. And that was it? "You know I don't care if you want to live out your deepest, wildest s****l desires...." Well I cared...but it was her life. "....but you have someone, that not too long ago, you were telling the family, about how in love you were with him, and how you couldn't wait to get married to him!" That was the part that freaked me out the most. "And here you are, doing what, God help you if he sees you!" The expression on Natalie's face quickly changed from that of apology to something I didn't quite understand. "Well, I don't freaking care about that! For the most part of my adult life, our parents have bred me into a woman they could easily exchange for cash! They literally forced me to be with Gabriel just so he could invest in their stupid company that had acquired so much debt! So if you want to talk about being disappointed in me, then I can hear it. But don't you dare talk about Gabriel, because I am just with him for the money! On both our parents' behalf, and on mine!" She screamed, gesturing wildly. "Heck, even you! You are benefiting from the money he pours into our parents' company!" My heart thumped widely as I tried to digest what she had just said. I had never met Gabriel Hernandez personally, and only saw pictures of him. And well, for one part, I could say I had been a little bit jealous of my sister for getting someone like him. The man was a literal angel, walking the surface of the earth. I knew that at some point, he had invested heavily in my parents' business. But then I only thought he did it out of kind gesture. Well....that's what he did. But for my parents and sister, I could understand... "Are you telling me that you do not love the man? Even after being in a relationship with him all these years?" I did not know why I was asking, just that I needed to hear what she felt for him. Even if my parents had set it up, there was no way my sister could have felt something.... anything for the man. I got my answer, even before she even said anything, as the defiant look and the crazy expression on her face remained. "I couldn't care less what he thinks of me, Ariana. Because I have only come to see him as the person who caters to all of my needs. I don't even care about him and his sickening romance. I don't give a f**k!" I was about to scream at her to come to her senses, when her eyes suddenly grew wide and round as she stared at something, then lifted a shaky hand and pointed in the direction behind me. "Gabriel?" Her voice, which had been really loud before, suddenly lowered. No sooner had I realized what was going on, I turned, heart racing, as I just prayed that it was all a wild dream, and that I had not caught my sister in an orgy, and that her boyfriend wasn't possibly standing close by all the time this was going on. But all those thoughts disappeared from my mind the moment I turned and saw Gabriel Fernandez, standing behind me, in the flesh. In his hands were a bouquet of dandelions, while in the other hand, was a box that only a dumb i***t would not instantly guess what was inside. I allowed my gaze to lift to his face, and immediately froze. The man looked as heartbroken as an author would describe in a book. In my whole life, I had never felt as nervous and afraid as I was, standing in my sister's bedroom. Damn! That was the word that kept repeating itself in my mind. Damn! GABRIEL I was storming out of the room as fast as my legs could take me, before I even realized what I was doing. What I had realized, standing there for over ten minutes, shocked me to the core. It felt like someone had grabbed at my heart and squeezed as tight as they could. All I felt was pain. Raw pain. My head was pounding. My heart was racing. What did I do to her? Where had I gone wrong? I couldn't believe that I had just witnessed the woman I was about to propose to, in an orgy, with heaven knows where she had brought those men from! For a moment, I thought I got a feel of hell. I had heard everything she had said to her sister! If seeing her in an orgy wasn't enough to shatter my heart, hearing her say those words had literally killed me. I tossed the flowers and box, ready to grab the handle of the door, when a voice stopped me, followed by arms wrapping around my waist. "Please. Gabriel, I can explain. Please...let me explain." Natalie tried to beg, but hearing her voice and feeling her arms around me sent me to the edge as I recoiled from disgust. Anger filled me as I held firmly onto her hands and undid their hold on me. "Stay the f**k away from me, you sick woman!" I bellowed, turning around to face her. "You disgust me!" I looked at the woman whom I had given everything and just felt weak. "How could you?" I had prided myself for choosing well, after everything I had gone through in the hands of women who had only wanted me for my money. But in the end, I had chosen the very worst of them all.... Natalie Livingston. She and her family were going to pay, and I knew just what to do. Just as Natalie struggled to give me an explanation, a figure appeared behind her, causing my gaze to shift in that direction. For a moment, I was blown away by how beautiful she looked, with an almost angelic face, and an air of innocence about her. She looked a lot younger than Natalie, and way more beautiful than the last time I had seen her. I knew who she was. And I had spent a whole year of my life trying to forget about her. That was until I had met Natalie, and had been able to tuck every thought and image I had had of her somewhere deep in my mind, never to be seen again.... Ariana Livingston. The very reason I was entangled with the Livingstons in the first place. But just as the thoughts started to form, I cast them away from my mind. I had heard her discussion with her sister, where she had tried to act innocent and unaware of what was going on. But Natalie had stated clearly that she had benefited from my money too. Wow! They were all the same gold diggers. Probably a family thing. Ariana was no different from her sister. I wasn't going to fall for it anymore. And now, I had to go back to my family to tell them that there was no engagement, and that they wouldn't be meeting their daughter-in-law-to-be, anytime soon. How did my life come to this? But I wasn't done with them. The Livingstons were going to know why I was referred to as dangerous and ruthless. They were going to know why I was feared in the business world. I was going to take everything from under their feet, until they crumbled to the ground. I was so going to deal with them, until they were out on the streets. They used me. And I was going to pay them in a coin way worse than theirs. I turned back to Natalie, who kept begging and shedding fake tears, then looked at Ariana, who chose not to meddle and stood still at the back, just staring at her sister. A thought began to form in my head. I believed I knew just where to start. The Livingstons were going to beg me. With that, and admitting Natalie's pleas, I turned around and left the building. But one thing was still plastered on my mind... Ariana's angelic face. Oh, and the burning reality of the fact that I, Gabriel Hernandez, had been played harder than a damn soccer ball. And there were those images that plastered themselves on my brain, like a virus! They were going to pay. All of them!
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