Best Friend

1741 Words
"Gween, you're too much!" I laughed with satisfaction and watched my bes friend, Maggie, who was busy tidying her blond hair that was mess because what I just did.  She Gave her killing glare at me and cursed like a pirate. Her hand tried to pat her hair while grumbling annoyed at the look of her hair that was mess and couldn't be rearranged.  My eyebrows arched and looked at my friend comforted," Hey! why is that my fault?" I didn't do anything" I tried to sound as innocent as possible. Maggie widened her eyes and her killing gaze grew sharper towards me. Maggie paused and gave me a deadpan expression , " Oh c'mon Gwennie, I have a date with Edmumd and you messed up my hairdo" she complained as she smoothed back the hairstyle I had just broken.  I watched her reach for the curly styler and apply it carefully. Sometimes I am confused by her, she has a beautiful straight hair but she always wants her hair wavy and says that her hair is too basic. I actually envy with her straight hair because it's easy to manage especially when I wake up. As for me, it took more than half an hour just to arrange my caramel brown hair that looked like a birdcage . A wry grin began to appear on my face and stood behind Maggie, who was currently sitting on the dresser.She noticed her appearencethat looks beautiful tonight from the reflection of the mirror. " Why you don't like when I'm close with Edmund?" Asked Maggie, turning her body to ensure that her appearence was appropriate. My grin slowly faded and a sigh escaped from my lips.I looked at Maggie's face in the mirror and answered, "I don't know, I just have a feeling about it"  "Just that? or did you afraid with Edmund's big and intimidating posture?" She asked with eyes squinting at me through the mirror. I shrugged and said nothing.  It's true, I was a little bit afraid and feels intimidating by the man named Edmund.  That man has a big and muscular posture,. His jaw was sharp and his brown eyes were so cold. He also has a superior aura that so thick and feels like he always above from everyone, always told me this and that when he was visiting our apartment.  Edmund alwayswore black clothes and never even once, smiled when he meet me, but when I noticed the look Edmund gave to Maggie, I was sure that  he really liked Maggie.  His eyes look so adoring and his tense posture always softens when Maggie is nearby or Maggie is in the same room with him, even though their relationship is still fairly young - three weeks.  I still remember when Maggie told me that she meet a handsome man at one of the tourist sites in Alaska. At that time Maggie was on vacation with her family a year ago. She said that handsome man came up to her and invited her to getacquinted, Maggie as a woman who is sociable, immediately close to Edmund. At the beginning they were friend, but after long time, Edmund confessing his unconditional love to Maggie.  "Everyone will afraid with him, Magg. That man is big and scary, only crazy person not afraid of him"  Maggie hit my arm hard, I grimaced and stroked the area, "Hush!!even though the outside looks scary, but inside he is like a teddy bear"   "Yeah right," I muttered sarcastically.  Just then the sound of the apartment bell rang and Maggie began to return to be busy with an almost perfect appearance.  My feet stepped towards the front door so slowly because I was stalling for time.  The apartment that Maggie and I have occupied for the past two years is located in the middle of Manhattan, New York. Indeed, this apartment is quite luxurious, but because Maggie and I are a joint venture in paying the rent for this apartment, so it's not a problem for me at all. I was already in love with this apartment when I first saw it, as well as Maggie  Me and Maggie are best friends since I was in school. The beginning of our meeting didn't look so good, you could say Maggie and I were enemies.Maggie is part of the cheerleader and popular groups who like to bully other students at school and one of the students being targeted is me. The nerd.  At first, I was not interested in bullying and all her friends, but one day the man who was liked by Maggie expressed his love for me and Maggie also felt jealous because I won the dance competition she wanted so much. Maybe that was the beginning of our feud, but all our feud ended when I helped her from the man who tried to rape her at one of the parties her friend had held.Don't ask why I can come to a party that is not my type at all.  From then on she changed her attitude and sat with me more often. She slowly moved away from her group and chose to hang out with me. It turns out we have a lot in common and don't know when we were friends and depend on each other.  "Gween! Why did you just stay there?" Maggie's scream set me free from daydreams and I gave her a shy smile. "Sorry" then I walked back to the door and opened it slowly. My broad smile slowly faded when I saw the annoyed expression on Edmund's face. "Oh hey Edmund! Did you wait too long?" "How long will it take for you to walk towards door, Gween?"  he grumbled and walked in when I opened the wide door and let him in. I scratched my head and only gave him a grin.  "Where's Maggie?"  "She is getting ready, do you want something to drink?"  I sighed when Edmund's expression didn't change at all. I clicked my tongue and said, "oh come on, Ed, I just opened the door lil bit late and your face was bent like that." Edmund just silent and glared at me, but it did not last long when Maggie came out of her room and greeted Edward with a broad smile. I could see Edmund's expression was transfixed by seeing Maggie's appearance. Of course he will be fascinated, Maggie is very beautiful tonight. She was wearing a maroon color mermaid dress. The dress has a low cleavage, the back is exposed and the arms only have thin straps. The dress hung down to the floor. The dress was so fitting in Maggie because it displays every curve of her body so perfectly. Not only that, her blond hair which is made wavy and flowed looks so beautiful adds an elegant impression. The make-up is made simple and natural. She only plays in the area around the eyes so that her blue crystal eyes look wider. Maggie also wears a maroon red lipstick to match the dress she wears. The long legs are adorned by nude colored Louis Vuitton heels. If given a conclusion, tonight she is like an angel preparing to go to a party.  I'm sure Maggie will be the center of everyone's attention tonight. I snapped my fingers in front of Edmund's face, who was gawking and smirking. The man's eyes blinked and he turned to me. Giving me a sharp gaze then walked over to Maggie who was smiling sweetly at him. I saw Edmund whisper in Maggie's ear and make my friend blush. Maggie chuckled and whispered back."Are you done?" They glance at me briefly. No one replied to my words. Instead they talked softly and ignored me completely.   "Gween, I'm going now ... Don't forget to lock the door and don't sleep too late" "yes mom," I said flatly. Maggie chuckled softly and Edmund grinned at my sullen expression.  "What a strange couple"   *** The next day, I woke up late because last night was busy doing the work given by my boss because of the deadline is today. So I had to give up my beautiful bedtime to finish the document. Luckily my boss is a good woman and understands my situation I immediately prepared and put on my work clothes. After everything was ready and made sure there were no items left, I left the room and found Maggie and Edmund sitting at the small dining table located near the kitchen.  They were busy eating breakfast and chatting quietly. I pay attention to their appearance and grin a little when I see Maggie wearing a shirt that I make sure is Edmund's. While Edmund was bare and only wearing jeans that he was wearing last night.  I cleared my throat softly and immediately two pairs of eyes turned towards me. Maggie looked down embarrassed while Edmund, well Edmund gave me his flat expression. "good morning everyone!"  I say it cheerfully.Maggie looked up and rolled her eyes at my wide grin. She rose from her chair and grabbed a plate for me to eat breakfast. Between the two of us, only Maggie was more mature and took over domestic duties. She knew how bad I was at taking care of the house and occasionally gave me advice about the tasks I had to know when I got married later.  I feel like I have two mothers if it's like that, especially my mother also never stopped nagging me because I'm the most antupathy with the kitchen. I once tried to cook, but the result was a small fire that ravaged the house to the point where my mother was heartbroken. "You want breakfast Gween?""Uhh no thanks, I'm late for work and have to give this document deadline to my boss now." I replied while sitting on the sofa and wearing five-inch heels that became my daily friend.   I hate heels! Unfortunately in the office environment required to wear heels to make it look professional, if not required I would not be possible to wear this terrible thing. Me and heels have become mortal enemies.   "Are you sure? But remember when you arrived at the office take a breakfast immediately, understood? I don't want your stomach to relapse and bother the whole building" "You're overreacting Magg,  I will only bother with only one floor. Not one building" I muttered irritably and amused at the same time. Edmund chuckled softly and stroked the back of his lover who was acting like a hen. "Let me go first and remember if you guys do something, don't do it other than the bedroom! See ya!"  "Gween Peterson!" She groaned embarrassed at my comment.
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