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FOCUS "You have to focus Joardan, think about anything that makes you motivate!" Alex said while helping Joardan find his power. "This is useless!" Joardan stop and drop his hands on both of his legs and sat down on a chair beside him. "And who told you, you can rest?" Alex asks him while looking at him confuse on what is happening to JOardan. "We've been practicing and manifesting for almost a week now and still, no power was improving!" Alex complaints and he sat down on the floor in front of him. "What's wrong Joardan?" Alex asks him and you can say through his tone of voice that he is so concern about what's happening to Jaordan. Joardan look straight to his eyes and stood up and kick the chair away form him. "Maybe I am useless and powerless since I am inside this stupid problematic body! Or maybe.." Joardan walk towards Alex and kneel down for their face to be on the same level. "Maybe I am not a fallen angel at all. I am just a human whose memories are lost!" He added. Alex smiled and push Joardan awa from him. "Joardan, what is distracting you?" Alex said that make Joardan stop complaining and avoid an eye contact wioth Alex. "See? You want to do this, but something is distracting you." Alex added. He stood up and get the chair that he kicked and sat there. "I am your friend, you know that you can tell me everything right?" Alex said. "Besides, you start acting like this since we came to Las Midstone. Did you reveal yourself to Nigel, again?" Joardan help himself to stood up and walk around the place like an i***t. "It wasn't Nigel, alright? I t was that new girl. Helena. Something's off with her, I can feel it." Joardan said and he stop walking around Alex. "Something's off with her? Or you are off with her?" Alex teases him. Joardan look to Alex with his confuse face. "Look dude, I know you had a crush on her, but please, don't use her as a distraction for you on learning your powers." Alex said. "Helena is not important, what we're doing is important. Important than any school activities." Alex added. "I don't have a crush on her! I don't! I swear to God, I don't!" Joardan defended himself that make him look so guilty. Alex chuckled and he walk towards Joardan. "If you don't have a crush on her, then you know this trick right?" Alex said and he smiled. "What trick/" But instead of answering Joardan, Alex showed him what he was talking about. He grab Joardan's arm towards him and punch his chest that make Joardan flew away from him. Joardan cough after he recover from that punch that Alex gave him. "Every angels have their own strength, you have to find yours." Alex said and punch the chair towards Joardan just before Joarddan stood up from lying. "Alex!" Joardan called his name because he want to stop it right now but Alex didn't listen. "We don't know when will the demon attack you, that's why you have to be ready." Alex shouted and he grab Jaordan's hand and pull him over while still laying down on the floor. "Next attack, you are not the only target of them!" Alex said and lift Joardan up for him to stand. "But your family and friends too." He added and kick Joardan that make him fall. Joardan couldn't fight back because Alex is so fast that he couldn't even see Alex going near him or running towards him, it's like he is teleporting. "Teleporting..." He whispered when he remembers than he can teleport too. "Until you're alive, everyone's life is at stake." Alex added while looking down to Joardan behind him. "So they won't stop until they kill you." He said when he was gonna punch him, Joardan disappeared right in front of him. "But they won't" Joardan said behind Alex back. Before Alex turned around, Joardan kick his back that make Alex lie down on the ground. "AH!" Alex shouted when he felt the bone behind him c***k. But before Alex lifts his head Joardan drag him on the floor and releases him that makes him slide away from him. Joardan giggle and he run towards Alex when Alex teleported behind his back and pushes Joardan down. But before Joardan touches the ground, he teleported above and fall above Alex. "The demon can't kill me, because Good always wins, the darkness always loses." JOardan said and they both face each other, preparing to strike again. "Well, at least you improve your teleporting a little bit." Alex compliment him while taking a deep breath. "Thanks." Joardan thank him and strike first by kicking Alex away from him. Alex flew away from him that makes him destroy the wall of the room. Joardan wass shocked on what happened and he immediately ran towards Alex to see if he is okay. "Oh God Alex! Are you alright?" Joardan asks him while checking Alex for any injuries. Joardan is so worried and concern at the same time because he did not expect it to happen. This is the first time they had a training with actions included, because from the last few weeks, they are only focusing on finding Joardans power and not fighting for training. "And... Your strength... Improve too." Alex complimented him again while running for his breath. "Damn boy, are you a horse?" Alex added and they both laugh at each other. Thankfully, no one is in the building, since the building where they take their training is an abandoned place outside their town. Peaceful but creepy. So quiet that the only thing you can hear is their voices and the echoes that the building are doing. "Come." Joardan helps Alex to stood up. They both laugh and Alex shove the dirt on his shirt. "This motivates me." Joardan said and they both laugh and walk away from the room to go home. They disappeared from the thin air without knowing that someone is watching them, spying on them. "Strength, check." She said while writing and checking what she just witnessed earlier on a piece of a little notebook. "Teleportation... Check." She added. She raises her head to make sure that Alex and Joardan are gone now. "Father Hood is right... He is not a human..." She whispered remembering what Father Hood said to her. "But, what is he? Because he wasn't a demon either." She added when someone called her to her mobile phone. She picks up the call after seeing who is it. "Hey Louis!" She said and she starts walking to go back home. "Hey babe. How's the travel?" He asks. "Well, it's interesting because I find something." She answered. "Is Father Hood right?" He asks out of curiosity. "Yes. He is right. He wasn't a human, neither a demon." She answered. She keeps walking until she reaches her car and went inside. "Then what is he?" Louis asks. "I still have no idea, but I will let you know as soon as I found out." She said and she starts her car. "Okay, but be careful Helena alright?" Louis said and she smiled. "I love you." HE added but just before she responds, Louis ended the call. The girl sigh and look on the mirror. "Of course Louis. Helena will be alright." She said before she gets out of that place. Helena is stalking Joardan, she is the one who Father Hood and his two second hand priest are talking about. "If your conclusion is right and Karl I mean Joardan is a demon... Then Helena might be in danger." Mrs. Nora said and they all agreed to them. "Helena prepared herself for this battle, we prepared her for this, because we know that this time will come since that boy disappeared." Father Hood said. "Helena is the right and perfect fit for this role. She could handle anything, a little demon is easy than those people who wanted power and money in this world." He ended their meeting with those words. The people left the room leaving Father Hood alone inside. "If my theory is right and you are the real Joardan we know, then I can't count how many days before Lucifer comes and make this his kingdom." He whispered while looking to a picture of a good looking boy whose face is so angelic as Alex, but it's soul is darker than the sky every night.  
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