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WEEKS HAD PASSED It's been weeks since the incident happened in Las Midstone High, the reason why the school went back to its feet. The school officially opened the school back with a lot of security, with a lot of strict rules, and with a lot secure secrets. Students and teachers are still mourning to those students who died in the accident, they still cannot move on about the attacked that was strike in their school. No one is prepared, everyone is so clueless about it. The school never really prepared the students with that kind of situation because they are so confident that there will be no attack or unannounced will happen even the school shooting, that's why no one is prepared for what happened. That's why the school ministry decided to practice the students about that, so when things went a little upside down, they know what to do, they know how to act. "We make sure that there will be no harm against our beloved students. We add more security around the school to make sure that promise that I've given to you all." Mr. Herman Hugo said, the school principal. "There will be no accidents and attacked from now on, I will make sure that what happened last time will and shall never be happening again, we already lost 26 students, I can't lost another one." He added. Herman Hugo or the principal of the school is helding a meeting with their students about their new protocol and changes in their school, he wanted to make sure that this school will never be shut down, the school ministry already warned him, that another death of a student, Las Midstone High will be shut down for good. He showed them their new rules, their new security, their new cctv, their new schedule, and their new class. It's like Las Midstone High is a new school because of what Hemran is doing. "Your father is the best principal that our school had, not like the last principal who only cared about the reputation of the family and their son who only thing he knows to do is make some trouble and bring death." Maybel Densely said to her friend Cayetanas, silent s at the end of her name, who is the daughter of the school Principal, Herman Hugo. "Yeah right, no wonder why he was kickd out as the principal of our school." Cayetanas responded back. They were backstabbing the last principal before Herman because of what their son did without knowing that Ohm is hearing everything and making him so upset because they were talking about his old friend about bad rumors that not even true. "Could you shut up and just listen to what your dad is saying?" Ohm couldn't stop himself and shut Cayetanas and her friend that make Herman stop talking. Everyone look at him with their curious mind why Ohm is shouting while the principal is having a meeting in front. "Do you want to share to the whole school what are you bubbling about Mr. Resell?" Herman said that make Ohm realized what he just done. Everyone hide their laugh and whispered about him because of the embarrassment he just did. Joardan and Alex is looking at Ohm without even showing any emotion. They look at each other asking themselves what just happened. "Nothing sir, I'm sorry." Ohm said and he hid his face inside his bag. HE felt so embarrass at this moment, where if you just look to his face you can clearly see his blushing face because of embarrassment. "Thank You for clarification." Herman said and he continued his discussion with the students. After almost an hour, Herman ended his speech and allowed everyone to go home early since the start of their class will be held the next day and this day is only a meeting for everyone. Everyone say goodbye to each other while Joardan stayed inside the stadium sitting there thinking about a lot of things. "Who are you?" Joardan look back and saw Nigel standing there looking at him. "Nigel! You're alive!" Joardan said and he stood up from sitting and walk towards him but Nigel step back a little inch away from him. "What's wrong?" Joardan asks him. "Don't act like I am your friend. It doesn't mean I open up to you means we're back at being friends." Nigel said. "I thought..." Joardan whispered and cut his own words thinking that Nigel is right. They were enemies when Joardan arrived Las Midstone, one talk cannot change anything. "Remember this Karl, not everyone can be your friend." Nigel said. He startas walking towards Joardan and Joardan step back but Nigel reached him. "Or Joardan." Nigel added. Their body is so close that their skin is touching each other. JOardan can herar Nigel's breathing even how loud the rain is making. "Who are you?" Nigel asks Joardan while he whispered those words to JOardans ear. "you are not Karl, so Who are you?" Nigel put his head away from him. "What do you mean?" Joardan asks him back. Nigel's tear came out from his eyes but Joardan didn't notice it because of the rain that is pouring down to their faces. "Karl is dead. Who are you Joardan? Or maybe it is really you Joardan, but your still obsess with Karl even though he is dead."Nigel said. Joardan was confused about what Nigel just said, it is the same thing what Sally told to her just a minute ago. Who is Joardan? And what did he do? "I'm sorry." Joardan said and he kneeled down in front of Nigel that makes him surprise and confuse at the same time. "I am not the Joardan you're thinking, but I am Joardan and not Karl..." Joardan confessed but he doesn't know why he confessed to Nigel when he knew that Nigel could ruin his life, when he knew that Nigel could spread it to everyone. "What do you mean?" Nigel shouted when the rain intestified that makes both of them couldn't hear each other clear. But just before Joardan talk, Nigel freezes, even the rain, the time stops. Joardan look around to see what just happened, because he knew, it wasn't him who did that time freezing. "Are you insane?" He heard Alex shouting at him. Alex grab Joardan's arm and stand him. Joardan is still crying while looking to Alex. "Are you insane Joardan??!" Alex is now mad at him, disappointed to him. "Why? What did I do?" Joardan ask him. "You were taking your life at risk you know that right?" Alex asks him but it looks like Joardan doesn't know what Alex is talking about. "You were confessing to the person who hates you the most! Do you think confessing to him can make everything better?" Alex asks him. Joardan hug him after talking. "Help me Alex, please." Joardan whispered. "I don't know why to all the bodies I can posses when I was expelled in heaven that time, it choses this body who have a lot of complications in life!" Joardan complaints. "Maybe, just maybe you are connected to this body." Alex said and they separate each other from hugging. Joardan look to Alex with confusion on his face. "There must be a reason, there is a reason why your soul choses this body!" Alex added. Joardan nodded. "Then we will find out why." Joardan said. They both look to Nigel who is still in it's freezing time. "We have to go. We have to discover your power and control them. We don't know when is the next attack, and maybe, the next one can kill you." Alex said and they disappeared in the thin air and the time goes back. Nigel looked around him to look for Joardan when he disappeared in front of his naked eyes. Without giving any explanation to why is he apologizing. "Memories gone but the hobby aren't." Joardan went back to reality after remembering what happened the day Nigel and him talk while raining. He look behind him and saw Ohm walking towards him to sat down beside him. "You again." Joardan said and he get his backpack to leave when Ohm stopped him. "Please stay." Ohm said while he is holding Joardan's hand. Joardan look down to see his face. Joardan felt pitty to the boy so he went back to his seat and just look to Ohm, waiting for him tot alk. "I know you probably don't remember me and the last time I introduce myself to you is so awkward, so I want to reintroduce my self to you." Ohm said, and just before he introduced his self to Joardan, he stopped him. "You don't have to since I know your name. You are Ohm right? O H M, Ohm." Joardan said. Ohm sigh and remembers the time he is with Karl, they always are having a good time together, if this Karl in front of him doesn't remember him, he will become lonely just like before, and he wanted to show to Daniel that he will get Joardan back, even after what he did to him. "Look Karl, I  mean Joardan if that's what you want me to call you, do you want me to call you Joardan or Karl?" Ohm asks him with a smile on his face but Joardan is annoyed by him. "Okay sorry, well Joardan. I am not just an ordinary Ohm, I am the best Ohm." Ohm said with a smile on his face, and just after a seconds, Joardan burst into laugh until he couldn't breath that make him hold his tummy. "Jesus Christ, is there a low quality Ohm? A higher quality Ohm? An Ohm that isn't best? What are you? A thrift shop for you to have the 'best Ohm'?" Joardan asks him while still laughing. He doesn't know if this person in front of him is joking or not, but if that was a joke, that is the best one and he couldn't compare it to other jokes. Ohm look surprise and annoyed by his laugh, but he tried not to show his real emotion, his real feelings. "Look Ohm, I know you are annoyed by my laugh, but just chooses not to show it, but do you know I am annoyed by you right now? The feeling is mutual my best Ohm." Joardan said and now he stop himself from laughing before he totally lost his breath. "I don't have time for this Ohm, if you really are an important person to me, then I should be tha one who is following you, not you following me. You're right, memories are lost but the hobbies aren't." Joardan said before he leaves Ohm alone there, sitting on a chair while looking to the darkness, feeling irritated. "I am not giving up to you now Karl... I've done a lot of things that can make me go to jail because of you, but I managed to face the consequences just to be near you." Ohm whispered. "If I have to repeat those sins to be with you, I will do it. I am not a loner or a freak, I am your friend, and you have to remember that..." Ohm added not knowing that Joardan can hear him. Joardan is looking and observing Ohm thinking what did Ohm do to Karl to be with Karl. Joardan smiled sarcastically, when his head hurts and he heard voices inside of him. "OHM! What did you do!" "I did it to protect you!" "I don't need your protection! Go f*ck someone else, not me!" "But you are my friend!" "YES! Friends. Not a lover! Not a couple!" "But... The kiss..." "You're the one who initiated it! Not me!" And the rest are unclear but he is so sure that Joardan heard screaming from the distance, not just one, but a lot of screams. He only heard voices, but not images, he doesn't know why, but clearly, Ohm did something really bad, and now, Joardan is curious about what Ohm did. "Maybe Ohm is the answer for everything." Joardan whispered to his self and he walk away from the stadium of their school where the meeting was held. His head is still hurting and his ear is so numb because of how loud the voices are in his head. When he bumped with someone and drop his bag. "I'm sorry. I really do." Joardan said and after he grab his bag, he saw a leg infront of him, wearing their school uniform, but with a black socks. He slowly look up and saw an unfamiliar face standing in front of him. The girl is looking down at him, she is wearing a shades and her lips are covered in black lipstick while her very dark hair is tied up. Her shirts from inside are tied too that you can see her belly and her cleavage on top. Her arms are cross while she is chewing a bubble gum. Joardan slowly stood up while still stunned to the girl in front of her, She must be new here. Joardan said in his mind since this is the first time he saw this girl. "I am sorry." Joardan said while still looking to her fierce angelic face. "You don't have to apologize twice." The girl said. "But next time, look where you're going." The girl said and she walk away from him. Joardan is still standing right where his position was, when he turned back to stop the girl for him to asks a question. "Do you mind if you let me know your name?" joardan asks. "Why Joardan?" The girl said. Joardan was surprise to hear his name from the girl. "You know me?" "Helena." They both said at the same time. The girl or lets just call her by her name Helena walk away from Joardan, until she disappeared to the crowded students. Joardan doesn't know what he is feeling, but he is so sure, that it wasn't good. "And the queen of hell arrived." Joardan whispered while still imagining Helena's face. Is Joardan, fell in love for the first time? Is it... Love at first sight?  
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