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HOURS HAD TAKEN After that strange encounter that he had with Sally, he went straight to the cafeteria where students are already eating their lunch. HE look around hoping that he could find Sally in there, but there is no Sally. "Where were you this whole time?" He look to Alex when on his side when he showed up. "I've been thinking about what the teacher said to me." Joardan said. "Am I really a bad person who deserved to die?" But before Alex could answer his question, someone already answered. "Of course you don't deserve to die." They both look to Nigel, the one he had a conversation yesterday when he first arrived the school, the handsome tall boy who literally looks like a prince in England. "Because in the first place, you don't deserve to be born." He said. Joardan walk towards Nigel when Alex stopped him. "Joardan no." Alex said. "You should listen to your good friend Joardan, because you can kill me like how you kill Max." HE said. They all caught the attention of all the students in the cafeteria. They all gathered around Nigel and Joardan who they know that they will have a fight. "Why? Are you afraid to be killed?" Joardan asks. Students gasp as they heard what Joardan said. "Is that a confession?" Nigel asks him. "No. It wasn't a confession, it was a question. I mean, what kind of confession do you want to hear from me? Because as long as I know, I have nothing to confess, even the murder of whoever that Max is, because I didn't killed him." Joardan said. The tense between both of them are getting hotter and hotter, but before Nigel strike back, a knife fly towards between their eyes. They we're shock on what just happened and just before they look to the direction where the knife came from, a bunch of knives flew over towards them. Students scream as the knives flying over them. Some of them cried because of pain, and some of them cry because they witnessed death. Joardan ran with the students, trying to escape the disaster that is happening on the cafeteria. Joardan didn't know why there were knives flying towards them, but he knows that it was from the demons who are trying to kill him. He keep running towards the hallway when he witness death with his own eyes when he saw the student in front of him who is running too, got his head explode just after the knife stabbed his head. "Holy s**t!" Joardan said and when he turned around to run another way, he bumped with someone that make them fall on the ground. But lucky lady is with them because just after they fall on the ground, three knives was thrown to them. They both stood up from falling, but before the person speak his mind, Joardan grab his arm away from what is behind him. Joardan kick the person who tried to attacked them. Joardan run as fast as he could while still holding the boy's arm. "Let go of me Karl!" Joardan stop when Nigel grab his arm back to him. "What are you doing?" Nigel asks him. "Helping?" Joardan answered with confusion on his tone. He couldn't tell why Nigel is asking him that kind of question, when it is obvious that he is trying to help him. "Helping my ass—" Just before he continue his sentence, a knife was stabbed on his arm that make him scream. Joardan run towards him to help Nigel by pulling out the knife that was stabbed on his arm. Nigel scream as loud as he can when he felt the pain from his wound. "What is your intentions Joardan?" Nigel asks him while he is trying to stop his arm from bleeding. "Could you please put your pride behind you?" Joardan complaints to Nigel. "Is my 'intentions' your saying is more important than your life right now?" Joardan added. Nigel looks at him with his eyebrow touching each other. Joardan did not know why this boy is so mad at him, but he knows it's about his brother, but he didn't know what he did to his brother. Because he has no memory, he couldn't remember any single details at all. And who is his brother. Joardan grab his wrist and pulled Nigel with him. They both ran towards a room so they can secure their selves from those people who are attacking them. Up until now, they can still hear those students screaming from the distance. Joardan can sense fear all around him, and dedication to those people who are attacking them. He did not know what this feeling is all about, he did not know why he could sense it. But he is asking himself is sensing is one of his power. They went inside a room and locked it. They help each other to block the door using those chairs and desk they found from inside. "Thank you." Nigel said and he grin after he felt his wound that doesn't stop from blleeding. Joardan walk towards him and grab his arm. He pulled out the cloth from his pocket and uses it to cover the wound, to stop the bleeding. Nigel just let him do it while looking at him, thinking maybe this is the reason why Max loves him... They both stayed inside the room, no sound, no noise, no conversation. The only noise they can hear is the screams outside this room. "Hey." Joardan choses to break the awkwardness between them. "I'm sorry for whatever I did on the past. I couldn't remember what I did, but I know I did something wrong, I just didn't know how wrong is that and why. So I'm sorry." He heard Nigel sigh. "You killed my brother the night where we're celebrating our 16th birthday, that was 2 years ago." Nigel confessed. Joardan was shocked on what he just heard. He look to Nigel with his concerning face. "Is your brother Max? The one students keep saying I killed?" Joardan asks and Nigel nodded. Nigel look to Joardan and he could see Nigel's tear falling form his eyes. "I love Max, even how rebellious he was, he become, he doesn't listen to us, he only listens to you. To be honest, Max is right, I am jealous, because I am his brother but I don't know what is going on with him, I can't confront him, I can't be a big brother to him, but you can. Every single day I always looking at you with hate on my heart, I wanted to punch you, I wanted to tear you apart, but when I found an excuse to separate you with Max, it ended not well." Nigel said and his voice cracks as he is telling his story while crying. "I can't do bad things to you, I only showed you that I hate you, but I couldn't hurt you because I don't want to be rude. Your family helped my family when our father died with my cousin. But... When my brother died, your family covers and closed the case like nothing happened, I can't hate you because... I know it wasn't you." Nigel added. Nigel continued his story on how Karl killed Max and how It ended, how it started. "That's how I become a murderer?" Joardan ask to Nigel while he is patching his wound from his arm. Nigel nodded. "That's how you kill my brother." Nigel said. Suddenly, Joardan stop patching his wound and start laughing. "I did not know you are such a terrible liar Nigel." Joardan said. Nigel look confuse to what just Joardan just said. "You really don't believe I killed your brother up until now. So what's with the bullying you're doing this past few months, huh?" Joardan said. Joardan could feel that Nigel is lying, not lying about the story, but lying to what he truly desires and truly believes. Every time he touches Nigel skins, it felt different, so cold, but so hot at the same time, he couldn't tell why, his feeling is so mixed up, so so mixed up... "I don't know what you're talking about." Nigel said, or denied. He avoided eye contact with Joardan, he did not know how this man in front of him knows that he is lying, because as far as he knows, the old Karl, is easily to get manipulated. "Deny, deny, deny. Denial makes you go to hell, you know that right?" Joardan said. Nigel looked to Joardan and now his face shows his mad expression. "Fine. I didn''t hate you because of the rumor that you killed my brother, and because of your family closing the case like it didn't happened, but because your dad f**k my mom just after my dad died, so I wanna f**k you and your life!" Nigel shouted to his face and his tears starts dropping from his eyes. Joardan did not expect it to him. So the girl from Karl's phone is Nigel's mother? Joardan said in his mind. "If I had a chance of proving that your dad killed my dad, I would be happy and make justice to him." Nigel said. Joardan finished patching and cleaning Nigel wound when he grin a smile. "I could help you with that." Nigel look to Joardan with his surprise face. Nigel couldn't belive that he just heard that to him, because Karl will do anything, everything, just to protect his family, even he knows that they did something bad, something wrong. Because Karl believe that family is family. Family protects each other, even in their darkest despair.
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