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IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST A sharp curved blade is on Joardan's hands, a blade that will turn his fate into something dangerous and peacefully. Joardan is having a second thoughs about what will he do about the blade on his hand. He take a deep breath because he felt guilty and disappointment to himself. He is standing on the middle nowhere and the only lights that is guiding him form his journey is the moon up on the sky. He finally did it, he finally get the blade, but why does he feel empty? Why does he feel like something isn't going to change? Or maybe because he knows that what is he doing is wrong and against the rules of heaven, stealing for demons is against and punishable by law in Heaven. "Why are you doing this Joardan? Why?" HE asks himself while looking to the blade on his hands. "Are you talking to yourself?" HE was shocked and immediately hid the blade behind his back when Karl showed up out of nowhere. "no, I wasn't talking to myself." Joardan answered and smiled to Karl. "Well you obviously are. I heard you, just now, talking to yourself while looking to your hands, or more likely talking on what's on your hands." Karl said and smiled. He walk towards Joardan to look Jaordan's hands, or to look on what's on Joardan's hand. Joardan step back as Karl is stepping forward, like he is avoiding Karl. Karl look up to face JOardan with his confuse face. "Are you avoiding me? What's on your hand?" Karl asks him and Joardan shook his head and smiled. "Nothing. It's nothing and it won't interest you." Joardan tried to get away from the situation by changing the subject, but even how hard Joardan keep changing the subject, Karl is always getting back on that subject, on what's on his hands. "I swear Joardan, everything interests me, even how boring it is, it interest me. That's why I'm special, because everything interest me, because I'm a curious person.And I know that curiosity kills, but I know my curiosity on what's behind your back your holding can't kill me." Karl said and smiled. "Please, just let me look at it." Karl said. Joardan took a deep breath and look to Karl's eyes. "How would I know you're not a demon, I mean, you're not stealing it from me?" Joardan said. "Your mind and your heart will know it. I don't need to prove anything to you, because your trust tells you." Karl said. Joardan take a deep breath and slowly showed the blade to Karl. Karl looks disappointed on what he saw, even Joardan, because he expects something, expects some kind of emotion to Karl, not this. "What is that? An ancient blade that looks heavenly ugly?" Karl asks while looking to the blade. "Why are you hiding this form me? Do I look like I'm interested from stealing it to you?" Karl added and look Joardan. They keep looking to each other until they both laugh. "It wasn't just an ancient blade. This blade, is something special. So special that could lead to war." Joardan said and smiled. "AHHH!" JOardan stop screaming and he slowly look up while still holding his forehead. "WHAT? DID YOU REMEMBER NOW?" Azrael asks. "What's so special about that ancient blade of yours?" Joardan asks while he is helping himself to stood up. "LIKE WHAT YOU SAID, SO SPECIAL THAT IT COULD LEAD TO WAR." Azrael shouted and when he attempted to attack Joardan, the door opened in his room and his guards were shock on what they saw. Azrael look back to see his guards pointing a gun at him. "Put the gun down!" Azrael commanded and his guards eyes shined for a second and after that they put their gun down on the ground. "And forget that this ever happens." Azrael said and his guards collapses on the floor. When he look back to see Joardan, he was gone, he was gone with Alex. "NOOO!" Azrael shouted because of his madness, that breaks every glass on the building where they are. "NEXT TIME! YOU WON'T GET AWAY FROM ME JOARDAN!" Azrael swears. Joardan and Alex teleported back where they are taking their training at. Alex forehead is bleeding because of what Azrael did. Joardan and Alex is gasping a lot of air because of what just happened, luckily they escaped in time, or else they would be roasted by Azrael's power. "Alex! Alex are you okay?" Joardan asks and he crawled down to Alex. Alex cough while he is stopping his forehead from bleeding. "I'm fine. You? What about you?" Alex asks Joardan. "Yeah, same as yours. Fine." Joardan answered. They both sat down on the floor where their positions at earlier. "I should've told you to fake your name." Alex regretting. "Why?" Joardan asks while still chasing for his own breath. "Because that would happen." Alex answered while dabbing the wound on his forehead. "No. Why are you protecting me? You know that I stole his blade and that everyone I guess hates me because of that, except you. Up until now, you're still protecting me. From what Alex? And why." Joardan said tiredly. But Alex stayed quiet. HE doesn't know what to answer, or how to answer. "You have your memories back aren't you? You can remember all this time, aren't you? You never really forget, why?" HE asks Joardan instead of answering the question that he gave to him. Joardan look to Alex, he doesn't want to deny it, he doesn't want to hide it anymore from him. HE wants to tell the truth, but he can't, he knows he can't. Until the missing truths are in blanks, he won't tell to anyone, specially to Alex, not because he don't trust them, but because he can trust them. "You see Alex. We have a lot to hide to each other. We have our own secrets, we have our own lies. But the thing that can set us free is the truth, the thing at the top of the lies and secrets are the truth. Let me be prison to my own secrets first Alex, so I could find my own truth to set free myself." Joaradan answered and Alex is confused on what he just said. "Meaning?..." Alex asks him with a confuse tone of voice. "Meaning I do this to free myself. I want to hide myself with secrets and lies, so I could find thee truth inside those lies Alex. That's the only thing for me to remember. The only thing to stop myself from becoming human." Joardan answered. Alex took a deep sigh, not because he is disappointed on what Joardan did, or on the lies that Joardan have, but because he is proud that he can make a decision all by himself without needing the help of others, because he can remember that before, he can't have his own actions and decisions without asking for any advice and help to the others, specially to him. "I'm so proud of you Joardan. I am." Alex said and he hug Joardan and Alex didn't realize that a tears is falling down like a raindrop from outside the building on his cheeks. "I am your brother, that's why I'm protecting you." Alex said. JOardan nodded when he heard Alex thoughts unintentionally. "Why are you saying sorry?" Joardan asks Alex. Alex immediately separate himself to Joardan. "What?" Alex asks him with confusion. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to read your thoughts. Its just our skin is touching together, so does the atoms that we have, that's why your thoughts of saying sorry to me came to my head." JOardan explains. Alex tired hard not to have a physical contact with JOArdan after he said that, he forgets that JOAran can now read minds, and that's the reason why he did remember Karls past. "I am saying sorry because I felt guilty about lying to you, and because I drag you to a lot of mess." Alex said. "Well if that's the reason why you're apologizing, you don't have to." Joardan said. Hours had gone, the rain stops and Joardan went home whre his parents are waiting for him, sick worried. While Alex went somewhere else, somewhere dark, somewhere evil, somewhere evil forces is colliding for their one goal, war. Alex is walking on the hallway of a room where a big man with a long cape is standing. "Any news about him?" The man said. "I told you, it wasn't my fault that you have to reset everything. Because he can remember at all." Alex answered. The man turned around to face Alex with his eyes widened. He felt the darkness inside of him because of the news that Alex gave to him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE CAN REMEMBER? DO YOU KNOW HPPW EVERYTHING IS RUINED BECAUSE OF YOU? YOU FORCE HIM TO REMEMBER AND WE ALL THOUGHT THAT HE FOREGETS THAT WE NEED TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF OUR PLAN AND BURNED SOULS SO OUR DEMONS COULD REPLICATE THEM?" The man said. "it wasn't my fault at all, it was yours. You tell me and to everyone to force JAordan to remember so he could recall where Azrael's blade is. I am just obeying your command, so don't blame me when something wrong turned out to be." Alex explained. The man acts like he is going to hurt Alex when he smiled. "Go. Burn me. You won't have someone to spy inside, and you can't kill angels Salem, because remember? You need Azrael's blade to kill angels!" Alex said. Alex smirk and attempt to leave the room when Salem stop him, or the man. "I don't get it. Why are you doing this? When you know that you could end up like him, that you can be expelled in heaven because of the acts you're doing, and the betrayals and siding with the demons. And he is your brother too Alex, how could you betray and kill your own brother?" Salem asks to Alex. Alex take a deep sigh and face Salem by teleporting in front of him. "I already did a lot of bad stuff in heaven, helping my brother escape and putting him here in earth is already a violation. So I know what will be my fate is, and I don't want to try changing, because in the end, I'll end up having the same fate as my brother. And I'm not siding with demons. We have a different goal. I am helping you from getting the blade by making him remember, because I need his memories, I need to train his power not because you wanted me to, but because when he found all and discover all of his power specially his special one, both of our needs will be satisfied, because you will know his weakness, and he can remember, because completing his power, can and will make him remember. I don't want and need the blades like you all demons do, all I wanted is to know my brother, to know how he died here, to know his life here, to know who killed him and how he ended up being here again, inside the body of his friend before he got murdered and expelled. Because I know, something happened here in earth that the only one can remember is JAordan and Karl. There is a reason why to every dead body being prepared for burial that day, Joardan's soul choses Karl and not the others." Alex answered. HE walk down the stairs of the stage where Salem is. "Everything I do, I do it for my brother and not for war Salem. We're different. I'm an Angel, and you're a demon, no... You're a devil." Alex said before he disappeared in the sight of the darkness. Salem just sigh and nodded. "Classic move Angel. Classic move." Salem said and he went back sitting on his throne, waiting for any other news. "We maybe have a different goals, but we have the same target with the same way of getting out satisfaction, and that's not different to what we're doing here." He added until his eyes bright ot red in a second, and smirk sarcastically. 
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