1952 Words
THE TENSION IS HEATING between Joardan  and the teacher "Joardan..." Alex whispered when he saw how mad Joardan is to the teacher when the teacher is saying those horrible painful words to Joardan. "f**k You b***h!" Joardan said and slap the teacher unintentionally and the lights went out one by one on the hall of Las Midston High. And in a seconds, when Joardan opens his eyes, he teleported where Alex and him are practicing Jaordan's power. Joardan wasn't the only one who teleported here, but also Alex. "Why the heck did you do that Joardan?" Alex asks him with his madness tone of voice. Joardan face Alex with his intimidating face. "The what? The slap? Or the teleportation?" Jaordan asks sarcastically and walk pass through Alex. "The slap Joardan! You're being disrespectful! And what happened to you? You are not like this before! Why are you being so aggressive?" Alex said. Joardan stop walking. "Well, that teacher is being rude and disrespectful too. She deserves that slap. She didn't even know the truth about what happened to Max! How could she judge me? She only judge me based on my attitude before! But she never judged me by the truth! I didn't kill Max! And you know what Alex, how do you know that I am not like this before? Why won't you tell me huh? Since you're the one who have my memories and I'm the one who have your memories with me! I am confused Alex! You can't blame me from not having a memories and people act like I do have one and that drives them to hurt me! You're not me! So you don't know me!" Joardan shouted while not looking to Alex. Alex sigh because of disappointment, not by disappointment to Joardan, but disappointment to himself. Joardan is right, Alex never really knew who Joardan is, and he cannot blame Joardan for everything that is happening to him. He doesn't have memories, that's what Alex thought, and he cannot blame him from not having one. Well at least at this moment, Joardan is a great actor. Alex didn't suspect him having a memories. That's what a great actor he is. "I'm sorry. You're right. I can't blame you." Alex said. "But why did you escape? If you really want to show them that she deserves that slap, why did you run away and teleported here?" He added. "I didn't run away..." Joardan answered. "Then how would you call this? How would you call, you being here if you're not running away?" Alex asks. "I teleported, not run away." Joardan answered. "Really?" And Joardan just nodded. Joardan take his shirt off for him to practice his power when Alex notice something on his abck. "Holy s**t Joardan." He said and eh walk towards Joardan. Joardan attempt to turned around but Alex stop him from turning around. "No just stay there." He said and he slowly touch Joardan's back. "What the hell are you doing Alex?" Joardan asks when he felt Alex touching his back. "How did this happen?" Alex whispered. "What? What happened?" Joardan asks back. "You have a scar on you back. You never had this before... And... And the scar is shaped of what the wings tips look like." He said. The scar from Jaordan's back is like a curve thick line, and that's where a wings of an Angel placed. "So... What's that supposed to mean?" Jaordan asks to Alex. "I don't know... But I am sure you don't have a scar before..." Alex said. "Well you have to know what's that supposed to mean! You're an angel who have memories and who knows the rule of being an angel." Joardan said. "Don't worry. I know someone who can help us." Alex said and tap Joardan's shoulder. After minutes of travel, Alex and Joardan arrived to their destination. They all look up to a big glass building where people are having coffee and hanging out. The building is big, it has third floor and a balcony on front. The front of the building on the first floor are made of glass that can make you see what's inside the building. It's like a coffee shop, but wasn't a ciffee shop. "The Wings Saga?" Joardan read the name of the building. "What are we doing here? Are you training me again to make my wings a saga?" Joardana sks and look to Alex confusedly. Alex smiled and tried to hide the disappointment of what theory JOardan have in his mind. "Like I said, I know someone who could help with your wings problem." Alex said and he walk inside the building. Joardan had no choice but to follow Alex from going inside the building. Joardan got amazed on what he saw from inside. If the outside looks beautiful, the inside is stunning. Everything is made of shining diamonds. From the small chandelier on the hallway, form the coffee table that is shiny on the sunlight, even the carpet on the floor have its tiny bit of shiny. "Brother! Welcome Back!" A big deep voice echoed around the surface of the room. They both look on where the voice came from. A big young dude have a light brown hair and a thick perfectly shape eyebrows is walking towards them He is wearing a white formal polo and a black pants. He has a big smile on his face and his teeth is white and shiny, just like the diamonds from around the room. "Brother Azrael." Alex said and he bowed to show respect to the man who's name is Azrael. "No no no no no Alex. We don't do that here in Earth. A simple hi and greetings is acceptable." He said and he slip his stares to Joardan who is still confuse on what's happening while looking to Azrael. "And you brought a friend." He added. "Yes, I brought a friend." Alex said and look to Joardan. Joardan smiled to Azrael and he bowed to like what Alex said. "Did we met before?" Azrael asks Joardan when he kinda find Joardan familiar. "I don't think so. And if we did, maybe I forgot." Joardan said and he force himself to smile again to show some respect. Azrael just looked to Joardan for about a seconds when Alex breaks the silence between Azrael and Joardan, because its becoming awkward for the both of them. "Well Mr. Azrael. My friend here is a 'Wings Saga' and he needs a red paper." Alex said in codes so the humans or the people who are having a coffee inside the building won't be curious and to make them stay on their own business. Joardan look to Alex with his another confuse face on what he just said. "He's a new client." Alex added. Azrael nodded and smiled to Alex. "I see. Come! Let's see what kind of red paper your friend needs." Azrael said and he walk back where he came from. They went inside a room and went upstairs where Azrael's living room is. The room is so bright because of how the sun's position on his building. The living room is so big where a lot of comfortable couch is placed and a big kitchen inside a living room. "Take your friend a seat and I'm just going to make you and your friend a special brewed coffee." Azrael said and give his guards a sign to leave them alone. "So if your friend here is a wings saga, then why is he a new client?" Azrael asks. "Oh, He was a fallen saga and possess this body, but something I happening, a change that I only noticed earlier before we go here." Alex said to answer Azrael's question. "What is wings saga? And a red paper? And a new client??? What in the name of Susa is this?" Joardan asks to Alex because he can't handle all the confusions on his minds. He wants answer, just like how he want answers from the truth. "A wings saga means an Angel, a red paper mean a problem or red alert, and new client means you're new here in his place." Answered all of JAOrdan's questions. Joardan nodded while still processing these new events to him. They all look up when Azrael put the two glass of coffee on the table. "So, what's the problem with your fallen friend?" Azrael asks to Alex. Alex look to Joardan, giving him a sign to be shirtless. "Well, before I've never seen this scar on his back, until just now." Alex said and Joardan just took a deep sigh and undress his shirts. He showed the scars on his back to Azrael. Azrael was surprisingly amazed and at the same time afraid on what he saw. "You said that your friend possess this boy's body, because he is a fallen one?" Azrael asks to Alex and he nodded. "It looks like your friend here is becoming a human in this form." Azrael answered while looking to the scars that JOArdan have. Joardan aggressively turn to face Alex and Azrael. He was scared and shock on what Azrael just said. "You see, this body your fallen friend is using and your fallen friend's soul is colliding into one. When the scar complete the process to being much deeper and darker, your friend here will be no longer an angel, he will be fully develop human inside this body. Since he is already a fallen one, the time is much shorter than the usual angel." Azrael continued. Alex look to Joardan with his concern face, while Joardan is scared on what his future and destiny will be. He doesn't want to be a human, he wants power and he wants to be a fallen angel. "I'm sorry but I think I forgot to asks your name..." Azrael said to JOArdan. Alex eyes widened after Azrael said those words, but just before he could stop Joardan from spilling his name, Joardan already introduce himself to Azrael. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Joardan." After joardan gave his name, Azrael become uncomfortable and become aggressive. The table starts shaking and the glass of Coffee explodes into pieces of shattered glass. "Oh God." Alex whispered while looking to Azrael. "YOU!" Azrael shouted with his deep voice. His wings come out that makes his polo tear to parts. "What is happening?" Joardan nervously asks Alex while looking to Azrael becoming something that cannot recognize. "HOW DARE YOU TO STEP ISNIDE MY HOME? AFTER WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO US? YOU'VE DONE TO ME?" Joardan can now feel his madness when Alex stood up to explain for Joardan's side. "He can't remember! HE doesn't know!" Alex shouted to Azrael when he threw Alex on the wall using only his mind. "HOW DARE YOU TO BRING THE GREATEST ENEMY OF ANGELS ARMY? AND MY GREATEST ENEMY HERE ALEX? I TRUSTED YOU AS YOUR BROTHER! AND THIS IS HOW YOU WILL REPAY ME?" Azrael shouted to Alex without looking to him and just looking straight to JAordan who is afraid and scared at the same time. A loud thunder was heard all over the place and the raindrops starts pouring down from the sky. "What did I do? Why are you so mad??" Joardan nervously asks to Azrael because of his curiosity. "WHERE IS MY BLADE JOARDAN? WHERE IS IT?" Azrael asks and his tone is becoming higher and higher. "Blade? What blade are you talking about—AHHH" He shouted as memories keep flashing back in his head. "AHHHH!!" He keep screaming and screaming until he can feel pain inside his head like something is picking a needle inside his head.
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