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CONTINUATION As the days passed down to night, Louis is walking alone in the middle of the forest to go to his Master, to his God. "Louis Denford, what a surprise just after your failed your mission to kill that church girl." Salem said while not looking to him, sitting on his throne in the middle of the dark. "I maybe failed to my mission my Lord from killing her, but at least she couldn't remember." Louis said. "DIDN''T YOU GET WHAT I WANTED? I WANT HER TO BE OUT OF JOARDAN'S WAY SO WE COULD DO OUR GOAL EASILY WITHOUT STOPPNG US!" Salem now shouted and his voice become deeper and echoed to the whole place. "I know that my Lord. But until I am alive, everyone who is stopping us from getting to joardan's truth will be destroyed immediately." Louis said. Salem stood up from sitting on his throne. "Why? What re you suggesting?" Salem asks Louis and he slowly wlak towards Louis. "I will go to Las Midstone High, and will get closer to Joardan, since Cayetanas's role is not tog et closer to him, but to destroy him, just like how he destroyed Cayetanas before." Louis said and smiled to Salem. Salem nodded and smirk. "Of course. I'll get ready your transfer papers to Las Midstone High. But make sure, don't fail again, or I will do what I did to the real Louis before." Salem said. Louis nodded. "Yes my Lord, I won't fail you again." After that, the bell rang and the students of Las Midstone High went to go to their proper seats inside their classroom. "Good Morning class. Today we will welcome the newest add to our class. Please respect and welcome him like a family." The teacher said and smiled. A tall boy with a thin handsome face walk inside the classroom to introduce himself. His hair is so black like an amber of darkness. His cheekbone is so seen even his jawline is so aligned. His lips is thin and reddish, so perfect than you want to dab a kiss just to taste his perfect lips. He wasn't than fat, wasn't than thin, he wasn't than mascular, and he wasn't than boney, his body is equal. "Good day my friends, My name is Louis, Louis Denford. I hope to be fit in this class, I hope to become one of the elite, even I am not one. I hope to understand all the one who are hard to understand. " Louis introduced himself to his new beloved classmate. "Thank you." He said in his british tone and smiled. "Welcome Louis. I'm sure you'll like it here." The teacher said. "More likely love it." He said and walk towards his chair, while looking to Joardan who is looking back at him. Louis smiled to Joardan, so Joardan smiled back to Louis.
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