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SHE'S QUICK AND ALERT, Helena is so quick and alert that she grabs that person's hands to her and break it. "AAHHH!!" The boy screams and Helena drop the person's hands when she recognizes the man who touches her. "Louis?" She exclaims nervously. She was shock to see Louis in the middle of the night here in the middle of the streets that is miles away from his hands. Louis's forehead is bleeding while his shirt is torn apart that you can see from inside that he is bleeding too. "What the hell happened to you?" Helena asks him. Louis force him self to speak but blood just came out from his mouth and he collapses on the ground. "LOUIS!" Helena shouted his name and help him to stand but she couldn't. "J-JO-JOARDAN." Louis said before he become unconscious. "Joardan? He did this to you? Louis? LOUIS!" She said and she immediately called an ambulance. While Helena is waiting for the ambulance to come, she heard a growl behind her, and when she look back she saw a giant monster who had wings on its back. It's whole body is covered in blood and its eyes is cover in red, like a demon in the dark. "GET OFF DEMON!" Helena said and she search her pocket to get a holy water that Father Hood gave to her in case there are any supernatural is happening while investigating Joardan. But Helena keep searching and searching but the Holy water is gone, all of her stuff that protects her from any supernatural causes are gone. "What the hell?" She said and when she look back to see Louis, Louis's body is gone. "What?" Helena whispered to her self and when she tried to stand from her kneeling on the ground, someone cover her head with a sack of rice and drag her away from the street. Helena tried to fight, but she couldn't feel any hands or any body behind her, its like the air is the one dragging her. She tried to call for help but no one is in there, no one can hear her. Until the dragging stopped. She continuously having her heavy breathing, afraid and nervous to what is happening. Her heart beat keeps running on its fastest seconds. She is so nervous and scared at the same time, she didn't know what is happening, like she is just thinking that something is going to happen to her earlier before she leaves the church, and now, something really is happening to her, and she couldn't believe the person behind that happening. Her own boyfriend, Louis. She didn't know why Louis is doing this or what is he trying to prove or to say. She knows Louis, he isn't like this, he is not this kind of person, Louis is a good man, a good person, he can't do this kind of stuff, specially to her, because she is the love of his life. Someone took the sack out of her head and she couldn't see that someone, because that someone is on her behind, standing, looking at her hair like some psychopath. "You see Helena, things are going to change from now on." And now, he knows who is the person behind him, and it is no other than Louis. She recognizes his voice, especially his breath, the smell, and everything. She loved Louis so much that she knows everything about him, more than her self, she just doesn't know why is this happening to her, why Luis is doing this kind of stuff to her, she doesn't know the purpose, he maybe can hurt someone, but Helena knows that he can't hurt someone he really loves. "Why are you doing this Louis? You don't hurt people, specially the one you love." Helena asks Louis calmly but her tears cannot stop from falling down on her cheeks. Even how hard she tries to prevent her tears from falling, she couldn't stop it. Helena tried to stood up because she wasn't tied up at all. When she stood up, she turned around and the surrounding changes, from being in a forest to Louis house. Helena is confused on what is happening, but she knows the only one who can manipulate, not only time but the surroundings too, and it is no other than the demons, the same demons who she stalking. She saw Louis standing distance away from her. He is looking to Helena with his empty emotion. He doesn't show any kind of feeling through his face, just nothing, just straight plain looking through her. "Louis?" Helena called his name, but he isn't responding. Helena nervously walk slowly towards him to see what is going on, she felt something unusual, like something is not right, or more likely, something is wrong. "Louis..." She said when she reaches Louis who still looking at her without any kind of emotion saying through her face nor his eyes. She slowly raises her left hand to touch Louis, and when she did Louis's face become distorted like from the horror movie that she is watching. Helena scream as loud as she can when she accidentally peeped at the mirror to her right, and that's when she saw the demon's reflection on the mirror. That was when she realizes that it wasn't Louis at all, it is a demon who is shapeshifting him. She couldn't believe what she is seeing, she couldn't move, she couldn't talk. The only thing she is thinking is where is the real Louis she knew? Where is he? And what is going on? Why does the demon is attacking time by time, days by days, like they don't want to stop killing, until they satisfied themselves. She still has no answers what the demons want, because obviously, the demons priority isn't just Joardan, but something else. Like they changes courses, and she doesn't know what course the demons take. "DROP YOUR WEAPON NOW!" She heard someone shouted behind her. She slowly went back to reality on what is happening. Her eyes widened after she saw Louis on the floor bleeding. Her heart almost skipped out as she saw her hands full of blood of Louis. She is holding a knife on her right hands that is full of blood too. Her shirt that is wearing is covered by blood too, and she doesn't know what happened, like the second she look at the mirror she loses her sight and leave her body without actually leaving it. Like someone is playing with her. She couldn't think straight, she couldn't make a decision, she doesn't know if this is a dream, or real. "MS! DROP YOUUR WEAPON OR WE'LL SHOOT YOU!" And now she knows what's real and what's not. This is real, this situation is real. Until she heard someone whispered her name, calling her, until she loses her sight of her body. She slowly turned around and slowly raises her hand where she is holding her knife. But it wasn't her, it wasn't her who is controlling her body, it was someone else, something else. She couldn't stop her body from moving, it's like her body has it's own life. She tried to talk, to move, but it's like she couldn't do anything, like she is stuck there, watching herself, slitting her throat. Helena's body drop on the ground, while shaking. The blood on her neck keeps bleeding out, it won't stop, even the police tried to cover it with a cloth to save her life. She again heard the whisper on her ear, calling her name. She wanted to follow the voice, but she is stuck inside this corrupted body. Until the darkness covers her sight, for days. Until her eyes opened without the memory of what happened at Louis's house, but the last thing she can remember is where she is getting dragged down on the forest with a sack covering her head. "Doc! The patient is awake." A nurse shouted and Helena was confusedly scared on what is happening. She look around and she just realized that she is inside a hospital room... "What happened?" Helena asks. "What happened is you attacked me with a knife and after you attack me, you slit your own throat like you are some crazy girlfriend who wanted to be the victim, but luckily you survived." She immediately look to her left and she saw Louis standing there with a bandage on his head. "Louis?" Helena whispered his name. She tried to reach Louis but then she realized that her left hands are cuffed down on the bed where she is lying. "What the hell is happening? What in the hell is happening here?" Helena shouted and she tried to get the cuff out of her but she couldn't. She tried to stood up but she couldn't, she tried to run but she couldn't, she keeps screaming and screaming until the doctor came inside the room and inject her with something that makes her calm and fall asleep...
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