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SCHOOL IS JUST FOR BORING PEOPLE School is where we grew up, grew our knowledge, our skills, our personality and more. It's more fun when we have a lot of friends, when we accompany others, and when they accompany us. But for some reason, Joardan hate it. Going to school is boring, that's why his quote "School Is For Boring People" will be his forever opinion. "Are you sure that bringing Karl back to school tomorrow is a good idea?" Veronica asks Michael. They are talking inside their room just after they got home. Joardan is already sleeping inside his room. The couple want to talk privately. Michael sigh asking himself if bringing Joardan back to school is a good idea, especially the news about him, and how things we're left after he went missing. Things that his classmate won't forget. Michael hold his wife hands to calm her down. "We can't hide him forever, and in fact, this is no longer Karl who is afraid, he is Joardan, the opposite of our Karl." Michael said. They look to each other's eyes and smiled. "That's the problem, this is not our Karl, he didn't know anything, what if he do something?" Veronica ask Michael. Michael look away thinking about what his wife said. "Then we can cover it up, like we did before." Michael answered. The couple hug each other and prepared themselves to sleep, not knowing that Alex is listening to them. Alex, who called himself as an angel has a plan, he has something in his mind that no one can know. Alex himself can make himself seen and unseen whenever he wants, that's why the couple couldn't see him because he choses not to. It doesn't mean that he can't be seen, it means he is not there. Alex is a smart manipulative Angel, he can do whatever he wants without noticing by others. It's like he is a smooth criminal, but he is not doing a crime. Next Day Veronica wake Joardan for him to get prepared for school. "Is this really necessary? Do I really need to go to school?" Joardan ask Veronica while he is fixing his bed. Veronica sigh and she touches Joardan's shoulder. "School is where you learn. You can't have a future without a knowledge from school." Veronica explains. She then heard Joardan chuckle like there is something funny on what she just said. "Look. Sometimes, those people who don't go to school have the better future than those people who go to school. In fact, I don't need to learn from school, and school is toxic, I mean, not the school but the students there. They are the one who influence you to do something bad, see? Toxic. But not all, I wanna be fair." Joardan explains while still fixing his bed. Joardan heard Veronica sigh so he face her. "Look, I am not saying that I am not going to school, school maybe be for boring people, but at least I am not boring. So it doesn't count." Joardan says with a smile on his face. He walks towards Veronica and hug her. "I'm sorry." The only thing he could say. After that dramatic conversation that Joardan and Veronica had, they all went straight eating their breakfast. Michael is not their since Michael go to work early. After eating their breakfast Joardan prepared for school and went straight to the car where their family's driver will drive him to school. After a while, they arrived school and just before Joardan went out, the driver says good luck to him. "Good Luck to you too, watch out for the traffic light, they can kill you." Joardan says and he smiled before he went outside the car. He doesn't know but for the first time, he felt nervous without any reasons. He just felt connected somehow. But he then remembers that why is he doubting, this is his school, his old school, it's normal to have this feeling, specially when you don't know what happened here, and why people are saying that he is a murderer. When the truth is, he's not. He look around and was amazed to the looks of the school. The school is so big, a lot of buildings that is separated to each other. A big football field, and a covered court. A swimming pool inside the sports building and a big park where students are relaxing. It doesn't look like a school at all, it looks like a town because it is really big. You can be lost if you don't memorize all the buildings. Their school uniform is too fit to what the school looks. Their school uniforms is white with a red coat. Their pants are red and their polo long sleeve is white. "Maybe school isn't boring after all." Joardan said to himself. "Who said school is boring?" His body took a screenshot when a familiar voice speak behind him. "Alex?" He says after seeing Alex wearing their school uniform. "Don't tell me.." Alex shush him and he smiled and nodded. "Do you treat new students like that?" Alex said. "How many times do I have to tell you to go away!" Joardan said and he start walking towards the main building. "How many times do I have to tell you that I am your guardian Angel?" He said. "Guardian Angel my ass..." Joardan whispers thinking that Alex did not heard it,, but even Alex heard it, he did not just speak since they don't want both of them to fight. When they both entered the main building, the chattering of the students inside becomes quiet when they saw Joardan. The students whispers to each other, whisper to talk about him. Students are looking at him, from toe to head, like they are examining this kid. Joardan did not know if he's gonna be happy since he get all l the attention, or got creeped out because of the stares that students are giving him. "I told you, staying to this body is worst." Alex whispered to his ears. The gathering students soon to be separated when someone shouted from behind. They slowly look to that person who shouted, even Joardan and Alex. "GIVE HIM SOME SPACE!" The said. When people give the man a way towards Joardan, that's when Joardan saw this man figure. He is tall, his hair is natural wavy thick and mostly, had a good looks. The boy stop walking when he reached Joardan. "Welcome back amigo." The boy greeted Joardan. Joardan just stares at him like the way how students stares at him. Joardan is looking this boy from head to toe, expecting that he might remember who this boy in front of him is. "You look so stunned and confuse. Oh, I remember, you have no memory!" The boy teases. "Sorry, my bad, Nigel, your very best friend." The boy said, or let's just call him, Nigel. Nigel give his hand to Joardan with a sarcastic smile to his face. Joardan just look to his hand and went back staring to his face. Joardan smiles. "First of all, not your amigo, second, I'm obviously not welcome here, and I have no idea why, and third, you don't seem to be a person who has a best friend. Specially mine." Joardan greet him back. Joardan slap Nigel's hand for him to put his hand away to him. "Until I don't have a memory, you won't be my amigo or best friend, like what you're saying." Joardan continues. Nigel chuckle. "Who says I'm your amigo or best friend?" Nigel ask him with his sarcastic tone of voice. "You. Dumbass." Joardan said. But before Nigel speak, Joardan interrupted him. "I don't want to waste my time with a boring person like you. So, ciao." Joardan said and walk away from Nigel. The student from his school look surprise to what Joardan did. It seems like, this hasn't happened before. "That's what you're gonna say after what you did to my brother?" Nigel shouted to Joardan. Joardan face him with a confuse expression of face. "I did not know what you're talking about, but I do felt like I am not the responsible one. Until the person who killed me did not say anything, I won't say anything back to you." Joardan answered. Up until now, the one who killed Karl is not in justice. And Joardan felt that the person who killed him, or killed Karl is near to him, he always felt that temptation feeling of murder. That's why he knew that the person who killed Karl, is watching him. And Joardan, will find that person, but it isn't his priority right now, because just like what he said before, why would waste time finding his killer if he's not dead. He is sure that, that person who killed him, only and will kill only once, and he won't repeat it, I mean, that person will repeat it, not just to others, but only to Karl. More importantly, his priority right now, is to find what did he do, who he killed, or who died at just frame dit up to him, and what did he do to that boy, or in short, Karl secret.
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