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THEIR EYES ARE STILL LOCK AT HIM After that extreme greeting between Joardan and Nigel. Joardan went to admin's office to ask where his room at. "Hi excuse me, I would like to ask what class I'm in." Joardan ask to a male teacher who's sitting alone inside the faculty's room. The teacher look to Joardan and he smiled. "The rumor is true. You're alive." He said. "Then the rumor about you is true too, you're nosy when it comes to other people's business." Joardan rudely said. "Excuse me?" The teacher said because of the unexpected word that Joardan said to him. "Did you know that I am your favorite teacher?" He ask to Joardan. "No sir, I don't. I have no memory. And I don't get why you become my favorite teacher, it seems like you are the one who doesn't take everything seriously." Joardan says. The teacher look disappointed, like he lost a favorite student. "I'm sorry, my bad. I did not think that what happened to you will change you." The teacher said and he open his desk drawer and get some paper inside from it. "This is your schedule. Everything you need is printed there." The teacher said and gave the paper to Joardan. "I felt guilty for what I said, I'm sorry. And thanks for this." He said and showed him the paper that he gave to him. Joardan went outside the faculty room where Alex is waiting for him. "I told you not to follow me around Alex. Don't you have a class?" Joardan said to Alex while he was looking to his schedule. "I have, the same class as you had." Alex said. Joardan look to Alex. Alex just mockingly smiled at him. "Come one now friend, we have a class to attend to." Alex said and he put his arm to Joardan's shoulder. "You've gotta be kidding me." Joardan says but he has no choice but to walk with Alex until they found they're respectively classroom. They went inside all of their classmate secretly stares to Joardan, just like what happened earlier back there in the main hall, his classmates start to whisper to each other's ear. But Joardan doesn't mind at all, since whispers can't kill him. They found an empty chairs from behind so that's where Joardan and Alex sat down. After minutes of waiting, Joardan just fell asleep while Alex is being curious to what's inside Joardan's new phone until the bell rang. Joardan quickly woke himself up and aggressively get his new phone to Alex. "Who says you can use my phone?" Joardan ask Alex. "You gave it to me, remember?" Alex answered. "I don't." Joardan then keeps his phone away in his pocket. Alex just sigh but he won't complain, this is what he wants, if he wants to keep following Joardan, he needs to be a little more patience to his attitude. "Good Morning." A lady greet them when she walk inside the room. She then put her belongings to her desk and start talking about what the lesson she teach last meeting. "So, before we begin our new topic, let me introduce you to your new classmate, Alex." The lady said. Alex stood up from his chair and he smiled to everyone. His smile make his classmate clam down for a second. His smile is the most angelic thing they ever saw. All girls couldn't let their eyes get away from his face and their smile couldn't be sad if Alex is smiling. Well, they couldn't complain though, Alex is the most angelic innocent handsomely face inside their classroom, and besides that his hair is a mix color of natural black and blonde, his skin is so white and reddish t the same time, like the perfect human being that ever existed. "My name is Alexander, I just moved here by myself last month and uhm, I'm 17..." Alex said and he went back from sitting down to his chair. They all look to one of their classmates when he raises his hand. "Yes Hero?" The lady said while looking to the boy who's raising his hand. "Can I ask Alex... What's your business with Karl?" He said and they all look to Joardan and Alex. Alex and Joardan look to each other, they did not expect that question. "Well, Joardan... Joardan is my cousin." Alex said. Joardan hiddenly kick Alex to his leg asking what the hell is that. "Joardan?" Hero ask with a confusion on his face. They all now stared to Joardan and again, for the third time, they all whispered. "And Alex isn't just the new add of our class, but Karl is back too." The lady in front interrupted. Joardan sigh. "Karl is dead, it's Joardan now. It died along with it's soul when he was murdered." Joardan correct the lady in front. "What kind of sick game is he playing now?" "It's brave of him to show up again after he killed Max." "The old Karl is back now." "What an attention seeker." "Maybe he did not really die and just make that missing murder story of him just to make him innocent after what he did to the Caliban." "I hope Nigel will make his life more miserable than before." "Enough rumors now. Let's all get back to our new topic. Shall we?" The lady said after the whispering that the student are making. Joardan just look in front and smile sarcastically. Maybe going back to school with a twisted back story is not boring at all. Joardan said to his mind. Joardan is that kind of person who hates boring story, he wanted something, something twisted. He did not know why to all of the dead body out there that time, his soul went inside this body, to Karl's body. Bt he is thinking that maybe there is a reason why. After class they all went straight to the cafeteria to have their lunch. Joardan waited for Alex to finish having conversation with girls inside their room outside their classroom when someone show up in front of him. A small boy who's hair is so straight is looking at him. Suddenly, Joardan felt something, something that connects them. "I'm sorry." He said and he hug Joardan without any permission. Just after seconds of touching their skin, Joardan felt hot, like his skin is burning so he pushes away the boy that makes the boy fall on the ground. Students near around them stop walking and they all look to what happened. "I'm so sorry." Joardan said and he help out the boy to get back p from the ground. "It's just your hot." Joardan said that makes the boy look at him with a confusion on his face. "No, I mean, you're literally hot. It burnt my skin. That's why I had to push you away from me." Joardan explains so the boy just nodded. "Who are you by the way? Why did you suddenly hug me and apologize? Did you kill me?" Joardan simultaneously ask to the boy. "Oh, I forgot. Ohm, my name is Ohm. Your friend." He introduces himself. Joardan could feel he is shy and embarrassed at the same time. "Ok." The only thing Joardan could say. Ohm look to Joardan like he is inspecting him. "You've changed... or maybe because it's been weeks since I hadn't seen you..." He said. "Can I aks you a question?" Joardan said while looking to Ohm. "if you're my friend then you know what happened to me... Right?" He asks Ohm. Ohm avoided eye contact with Joardan after he asks that to him. Now Joardan knew that this boy named Ohm know something. Like he know everything about Karl. "I thought you don't want to wait me!" They both look to Alex after he teases Joardan when he got out of the classroom. Alex look to the boy. "I am not waiting for you. But since you are here, let's go eat lunch." Joardan said and he grab Alex's wrist and they both walk away from Ohm. They didn't eve say goodbye to Ohm, but you know, that's what people are doing to Ohm since he started his high school here in Las Midstone High (The School) "Oh poor Ohm, it's like you're back again to being a loner, since your only friend don't remember you and that he has a new best friend. Alex." Ohm look to the guy who whispered that to his ear. "You know why your brother died right Daniel? It's because of his foul-mouthed mouth." Ohm said while looking to the guy's eyes. "And you know who killed your brother." Ohm added. "I don't know who really killed my brother, since you started the rumor that he pushes my brother, but no one really saw it with their own eyes. So, I just go with where the rumor flow, and just believe on what the rumor believe." The guy said. "Everyone thinks you're innocent, but the only person who really knows you well, is now dead. But now he is back, I wish he remember instantly his past, so he could continue destroying you, like he did before, before he went missing and died." Ohm had his enough so he pushes the guy away from him. "Back off Daniel. Back off." The last word he says before he walk away to the guy. The guy, who's name is Daniel, just smiled and just followed Ohm with his eye until he disappears. "Remember Karl, Remember..."
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