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TRIPLETS Is it possible to be triplets but the face are not Identical? I think it is. Because in Las Midstone High, theirs this three brothers who was born at the same time, same day, but they do not share each other's face. People thinks that maybe the father of the three child are different. That their mother had an affair with three different boys, but they are wrong, because it can happen, just rarely. The Caliban Brother was born on August 20 2004 in Los Angeles. Their Parents named them Nigel, Max, and Daniel. Nigel Caliban, The oldest brother of 1 minute. He loves playing football, he loves teasing his brother, and he is protective when it comes to his brother Max and Daniel. He is the tallest and handsome of the three because of his natural brown wavy hair and his thick eye brow. Daniel Caliban. The middle one. He is older to Max of 3 seconds. Daniel is different to his brother. He is this kind of brother who doesn't really care about what they are doing. He loves music and art. He dreams to become a singer. But even though he doesn't care about what his brother is doing, he loves them so much but he is not just showing it, because he believes that man love should be hidden, because he believes that showing love to others when you are a man, means you are not manly. Max Caliban is the youngest. Everyone loves him, he is like the younger version of Nigel. He is quite handsome too. He is like his brother being combined. He loves football and music too. He cares about others except for his brother. He believes that when you cared so much to the person you love they will end up dead not for too long. He is a rebellious one, he doesn't listen to his brothers and his parents, he always do whatever he want to do, he doesn't care about what other people's opinion, all he cares is about his self. But even this is him, his brother loves him so much. "Max could you please lower the volume of your music?" Nigel shouted from outside's Max room. Max is inside having the time of his life, without hearing what Nigel is saying, he doesn't even know that Nigel is outside of his room. Nigel knock on the door again and called his name. Nigel already called his name for the fifth time but Max really couldn't hear him. Nigel couldn't stop himself anymore so went downstair and turned the electricity off using the breaker. "MAX!!" Nigel yelled as loud as he can and just after that Max went downstairs with his irritated face while looking to his brother Nigel. "Did you know that I am having fun inside my room?" Max said and he walk towards Nigel to turn back the electricity. "Did you know I called your name for the fifth time and you couldn't hear me?" Nigel said and he turn the electricity back on just before Max reach him. The electricity wen back and the sound from Max room went back. "Didn't I say that if I am having a good time, don't disturb me?" Max said while looking irritated to his brother. "I've had enough with your rules Max! I am your brother, and the oldest! You're the youngest! You should listen to me, to everything I am saying!" Nigel shouted to his face. "You're only oldest to me of 1 minute and 3 seconds." Max said and he acted going back to his room when Nigel stop him. "Bullshit Max! That Karl is really a bad influence to you!" Nigel said. "Karl did not do this to me! You do! This family made me become this! Karl is only helping me!" Max answered to Nigel's accusation. "How can he help you? He is not your brother! He is not your family! We are your family but you don't want us to help you1 you don't want us to understand you!" Nigel shouted at him again. It's always like this. Nigel and Max fighting. Well mostly, Nigel is the one who want a fight since he is the one who always starting the fight. Nigel wants Max to have a respect to him, Nigel wants for Max to listen to him. Nigel is always nosy about what Max is doing. While Daniel, well, Daniel is just being Daniel. He doesn't care, he is always watching both of his brother having a fight. "Because you will never understand me. Just admit it Nigel, you are just jealous of Karl because he is more better than you." Max said. And because of what Maxx said, Nigel punch him on the face. "Okay that's enough brother!" And finally, Daniel interrupted. "Don't you dare compare me with that Norman! He is no better than us! He is just a spoiled little kid who's every problem he is making was always being covered by his pathetic parent!" Nigel shouted. "You're pathetic." The last thing Max said before he came running back to his room. "That's enough Nigel." Daniel said while stopping Nigel from following Max. They both heard a loud noise from Max room when he closes the door. "Yes Daniel. I've had enough!" Nigel said and he went outside their house. Well maybe, that was before. Maybe they love Max even whatever he is doing before they transferred in Las Midstone High. Before their life was entangled to the Norman's family. 3 Hours earlier The cafeteria is a whole level of disaster after they were attacked by people who's throwing knife at them. Students are freaking out, even the teacher didn't know what to do, didn't know how to stop them. No one knows who are these people who are attacking them, and why. They are all wearing masks and a black suit costume. "Could you please put your pride behind you?" Joardan complaints to Nigel. "Is my 'intentions' your saying is more important than your life right now?" Joardan added. Nigel looks at him with his eyebrow touching each other. Joardan did not know why this boy is so mad at him, but he knows it's about his brother, but no know what he did to his brother. Because he has no memory, he couldn't remember any single details at all. Joardan grab his wrist and pulled Nigel with him. They both ran towards a room so they can secure their selves from those people who are attacking them. Up until now, they can still hear those students screaming from the distance. Joardan can sense fear all around him, and dedication to those people who are attacking them. He did not know what this feeling is all about, he did not know why he could sense it. They went inside a room and locked it. They help each other to block the door using those chairs and desk they found from inside. "Thank you." Nigel said and he grin after he felt his wound. Joardan walk towards him and grab his arm. He pulled out the cloth from his pocket and uses it to cover the wound. Nigel just let him do it while looking at him, thinking maybe this is the reason why Max loves him...
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