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I awake to the ring of my phone, on my nightstand. Magnolia speeking i mumble, still half asleep. Ms Moore ther is a verey, important meeting today. At the Summer heights bulding. My Publisher James announces to me from the other side of the phone. You know i dont do these kind of things, i dont want people knowing who i an, i tell him. Ms Moore you have to be there the C.E.O. of the Holley Wood Enterprise's is comming. I know you dont like getting out and talking to these kinds of people, but you have no choice, on this matter. They wont know who you are just say your hidden roses secretary or somthing. I roll my eyes thats the stupidest thing i have heard i say. James tell me the meeting is at 6:30 sharp dont be late, and hangs up on me, before i could say more. Uph, i roll over in my Queen sized bed, looking at the clock its only 8am. Ok time to get up anyway i roll out of bed doing my morning routine. finishing my shower, i brush my teeth drying my long brown hair with my fluffy pink towel. I eneter back into my room from my unsuit bathroom, going to my walk in closet, putting on my casual clothes. my black tank top with daiseys on it, and a pear of denim shorts. slipping on my white strappy sandals, i grab a everything bagel with cream chees and ham, for breakfast. sitting on my wite vinyl couch, and opening my computer. I start writeing another chapter of my book so engulfed in writeing my book, im interrupted by a laud beeping noise, from outside. Getting up i put my eyeglasses on the coffee tablem walking to my huge front living room window. I see a huge private moving truck next door. Men are getting out and startimg to move items into the house next to me. About time someone moves in that house its been for sale for months. Agter Ms Eldridge the previous owner was moved to a nurseing home. I say outloud, i see a man getting out of some kind of black sports car. he looks around the neighborhood and spots me staring at him. He is the most handsome man i have ever seen with his dark black slicked back hair, his sharp jaw, muscular arms, his abbs pushing on his white shirt begging to come out and blue skinney jeans. His dark green eyes looking into my hazel ones i feel the heat creep up to my face. And quickley shut my see through lace curtain to avoid the handsome stranger, from next door smirking at me. i look at my clock on the wall and notice its four o clock already and i haven't eaten except for the morning. I grab some mac and cheese cooking it after im done eating its 5 pm. I guess i have to go to this stupid meeting. Cleaning my dishes from my late lunch. Than head up stairs, looking in my closet i grab a slim fitting black buisness skirt, +it goes to my knees and putting a dark blue blouse under the dress coat with amy dark balue half inch heels. Pautting my hair up in a messy bun, my outfit only cost me about $400.00 thats normal for a uptown secretary. Since this is going to be my story since i dont want people knowing who i really am. i look at the time James said it starts at 6:30 ,well i must say, looks like im going to be late after all. Its 22 minute aways and it already 10 past six. Oops! i rush out the door, and see my new neighbor is not home the lights are out in his house. Parobably out partying he did look like a Playboy. I hop into my silver honda yes i have a honda what can i say i dont like to be flashy. i arrive at the Summer Heights building two minutes to spare, well no traffic that was a blessing. As i walk into the large sky scraper building, good evening mam can i help you a tall looking blond front desk receptionist ask me. She is verey buetifull, but the way she is looking at me pisses me off. she is glareing at me for some reason, like what the hell is her problem. Hello Katrina is it, i say reading her name tag. Im here for the meeting on the 21st floor revolving the Holley Wood publishing C.E.O. and the editor Mr James Halloway, i say to her. She looks at me with her blue eyes holding suspicion, and you are, she says. magnolia moore secretary of Hidden Rose, i reply, her eyes get wide, yes yes right this way Ms Moore. She says and i fallow her to the elevator. We enter through the silver doors she swipes a card that will take us to the C.E.O. Office and meeting room that I'll be attending. It seems like foever before we actually reech the 21st floor. The elevator doors open, and to a grand hallway shiny black and grey tiles lineing the floors, waiting chairs along the wall gold covers the chairs, some scenes of the new york towers in golen frames line the walls, the walls being a soft gold, a receptionist desk located in the middle of the hall. Katrina stops at the receptionists desk, looking at a black haired lady slender figure also verey pretty oval shape face big breasted revieling clothes, ok show off much i think to myself. Hello may i help you katrina the black haired lady says to katrina, yes this is Ms Moore here for the meeting with mr James and Mr knight. She says The black hair lady looks me up and down and frowns a little i need your ID mam to confirm she says to me. I sigh and pull out my ID card she scans it with some kind of machine it beeps, than she hands it back to me thank you Miss Moore my name is Jane I'm the C.E.O.s personal assistant right this way please they are especting you. I look at the clock im already 20 minutes late because of these two. katrina leaves us going back to the elevators to head back daown. I fallow jane to a room down the hall, with huge dark brown wooden doors and she knocks on one. Come in a deep raspy mans voice says, from the other side of the doors. She opens toe of the doors and we walk in Miss Moore is here for the meeting Mr Knight. Looking up i see my new neighbor in all his glory, his Handsome face hard chest bright green yet mysterious eyes. He is even better looking than the smorning, wearing a black suit with a light blue tie, his muscles look so firm through his dress shirt, his hair slicked back but a piece falls slightly out of place. James clears his throat seeing as Mr Knight and i was just stairing at one another. Snapping out of the moment my cheeks heat up, i walk up to my new neighbor and the feaking C.E.O offering my hand to him, hello my name is Magnolia I'm Hidden Roses secretary, i tell him. He looks at me up and down and takes my hand kissing it, i instantly blush again. He looks into my eyes smikeing showing his perfect white teeth. Hello Ms Magnolia lovely name, i am Mr jackson nice to meet you he says. Its nice knowing i have such buetifull neighbors, he says looking me in the eye. Turning my head to look at my publisher's face, hiss eyebrows are lifted up in shock. I say to him James nice seeing you again what is this meeting all about. James shows his hand waveing it to Mr knight. Mr knight looks at me and says, i was hopeing to talk to Ms Hidden Rose. Well i say to him she doesnt want people knowing who she is so thats why I'm here instead i tell him. Yes i see Mr knight says. Magnolia's Pov so what is it you would like to talk about he tells me the latest book Hidden Rose has written is being put in theaters world wide, i take in a deep breath. Looking at him his handsome face holding a seriouse and intense aura. thats nothing new i have lots of books tha5 have been transferred to movie whats so differant about this one. James clears his throat caughing in his hand. I look up at him and relise what i just did i gave my secret to this man my freaking nieghbor oh s**t. And Mr Knight is stareing at me with a mischievous smile on his face. My heart jumps to my throat, i can't breath, the room is spinning around me. Mr knight notices my struggle to stay standing he rushes to my side. Breath Ms rose he says to me, i take in deep breaths of air in my lungs. the dizziness disapears i relize he is holding me, i chove him from me, dont ever call me that. you can't say a word to anyone if you do I'll make your life a liveing hell. He looks at me in shock, At my words i look over to James he is red and sweating looking nervous. At what just happend i told you this was a stupid idea i tell James. I turn on my heal and leave the meeting room slamming the door behind me. walking out to go to the elevator, i see that lady jane i think her name is. she looks at me Ms Moore you ok. No i tell her and get to the elevator it opens as i get to it. Not looking back when someone calls my name. The door closes behind me. i sigh in relief i make it to the lobby leaveing this nightmare behind me. Getting home i take my shoes of and sit on my couch, thinking of how this Mr jackson Knight knows who i am. What if he tells someone he is my neighbor, he can tell the paparazzi were i am, who i am. I have been so safe all these years hiding in plain sight. I have to start over, new place, new location, were no one can find me, change my name. My phone rings i answer it magnolia speeking. Ms Moore you left before we finished the meeting, I'm sorry about what happend. James i say yes its me he replys. What was the point of this meeting i ask him. It is about ypur recently published book they wanted to switch it up a bit and they needed you to approve of the changes, in person to decide what actions you wanted to take, also what you would be ok with changing. Oh i say And what of Mr Knight is he going to release my identity, do i have to prepare to move, i ask. No Mr Jackson Knight is verey trust worthy, he even signed a contract for you, saying he would not release anything that went on today. So it will be ok no worries James says. I sigh in relief feeling like a huge wait lifting from my shoulders. Ok I'll talk with him later thank you James, i hang up the phone, not waiting for a reply. Makeing myself some chicken alfredo, for dinner. I hear a knock on my front door what the heck, i grab the dish towel wiping my hands. Walking to my door to answer it, opening the door there he his Mr Knight standing in front of me. Wearing warn blue jeans and black shirt hugging his muscled chest looking down seeing his bulge, my eyes snapp to his handsome face. Sorry can i help you Mr Knight can i come in he asked me. I move aside letting him in my home, what did you need Jackson. That smells amazing he says dodgeing my question. Im makeing chicken alfredo have you eaten yet i ask him. not yet he tells me. Well theres more than enaugh but you still need to tell me what you're doing here. I go back to the kitchen to take the food off the stove, turning it off. I get two plates and cups from my cupboards, placeing them on my dinner table. Jackson comes into my kitchen have a seat i say. He sits i get him a plate of food and glass of milk. he starts digging in and moans at the delicious flavors that i added, i smirk thinking of him moaning for a differant reason, he looks up at me and i blush hopeing he didnt catch onto my thoughts. I take the seat across from him and start eating my food this is so good he says to me, im glad you're enjoying it i say to him. Its been years since i had somthing other than restaurant food he tell me. What your girlfriend cant cook how sad i tell him smirking. He clears his throat i have no girlfriend Miss rose i frown at him i said don't call me that. He smirks at me why hide your talents Miss rose. I look at him and decide to tell him my storie, if one particular person new were i was. I pause watching him as i continue i wouldnt be alive long enaugh for you to get to know me. hows that for a explanation Mr, i think to myself. And i see his eyes get curiouse and some anger in them. So your telling me someone is teying to harm you Miss rose, he looking into eyes. only if they find me Mr jackson i say. Who is this person if you don't mind me asking he says. Its just someone from college i reply. Hmmm he says well i live next door i have hidden gaurds at the entrance, I'll make sure anything suspicious, will be taken in account. And I'm next door if you need me, also sorry about earlier i didnt mean to upset you. He tells me with a sad smile on his handsome face. I'm sorry to maybe i over reacted im not used to being around people i say to him. We finished eating, and he helped me clean the dishes. Thats my main reason for coming over tonight to apologize to you, for today he says. Before he starts makeing his way to my front door. And to see if you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow, if your not busy of course he says. I nod a yes to him, he gets a big smile on his face, taking my hand he kisses it, i blush. I'll pick you up at five tomorrow sweet rose he says in his sexy raspy voice. Sounds good i whisper. As he opens the door to go to his house next door. I close my front door what just happend i tell myself. I'm not this kind of person, i dont care about men. I'M PERFECTLEY FINE ON MY OWN, s**t I HAVE A DATE. I head upstairs to get a shower and go to bed its about 9pm, I'm tired its been a long day for sure. throwing my clothes in my laundry bin i hop in my shower grabbing my dove body wash, it smells like spring flowers, its so relaxing as the suds run down my back. ipI start thinking about how jackson hands would feel against my back and my breast, his soft looking pink lips covering me all over. Get your head out of the gitter magnolia, i guess i have read to many romance novels, sighing i get done and dry off. Slipping into my soft pink silk night gown, its kind of see through not that it matters, its just me after all. i dry my long brown hair and brush it, crawling into my bed. i notice my curtain was opened, and see jackson sitting at a desk across the way. Oh s**t! he turns away from my window acting as if he didnt just see me butt naked getting into my night gown omg. I hope he didnt i grab my blanket, wrapping it around myself getting, up closeing my curtains. Turning off my light closeing my eye's to get some much needed sleep. when morning comes, i wake to my alarm clock screaming at me. Jumping out of bed i do my morning routines. putting on a soft purple tank top and black spandex pants i head down stairs. Grabbing some egos popping them into my toaster, smother them in syrup i eat. Than cleaning my mess i go to the door, putting on my running shoes. I lock the front door and start my walk to the park near by. I look over to Jackson's house, and see him leaving his hair is messed up like he had a hard time sleeping. but he is wearing sweats and a tight muscle shirt wow, no matter what he wears he still looks sexy as hell, i think to myself. He sees me gawking at him i didnt even relize i stopped walking s**t i whisper. And statt walking to the park again hey qait up wear to so early he asks me umm to the park i run there every now and than i say. Strange thats wear i was heading. mind if i join you sure i say to him. we walk to the park togethor, his hand brushes against mine, i can feel the warmth coming off him. Its really nice gicing me chivers are you cold he asks no no im ok i say ok je says. So what made you move from a pent house suite to a small town house, i ask him. He chuckles a little i could ask you the same thing he responds. Well if i were in a pent house, that would be the first place Eric would look for me i say. Than cover my mouth i didnt mean to say that, never mind i say, and shut my mouth. Is eric the guy you were talking about last night he asked me. Yes just i mean i dont want to talk about it right now. Ok he says no presssure he says and smirks at me i slug his arm playfully. we get to the park and i start to jogging around the trail that wraps around a lake he is jogging next to me. He smells like musk and pine its so nice. he looks at me and smirks, i smile back this is the best part of the day i tell him. only because your here with me, he says wow thats a good one i tell him. You know about last night, i think you are the most buetifull women i ever laid my eyes on. he smiles with mischief in is eyes. Nice tey Mr Jackson he smirks especially wearing that silky pink night gown. I can feel my face flushing, you saw me, i was hopeing you didnt thanks for the confirmation. I tell him trying to put on a brave face, hope you enjoyed the view Mr Jackson because that won't happen again. Unless your right next to me i smile at him. and his cheeks tuen pink and he smiles at me is that a promise my sweet rose. Maybe i say smileing back at him just than he grabs my hand gentley, and stops us from jogging and than pulling me into a deep sensual kiss. I moan at the contact of his lips on mine. Than he pulls away looking into my eyes and smirks i think i can get used to that he says with a smirk. Oh can you i tease oh yes he replys i look acriss the lake and see a photographer on a canoe taking pictures of us. I look up at jacksons 6"2 frame, we have to go NOW ! i say laudley he looks at me in shock. Is it somthing i did he says no no we heve to leave i say panicking. He looks around and he spots the guy on the cano this way he says grabbing my hand we run through the trees to leave the park. He's going to find me i say outloud. We make it back to our homes 30 minutes later I'm covered in sweat i need a shower i say. going to my door and unlocking it i enter my house but relize jackson is still behind me. i look up at him, I'm fine i tell him, lieing through my teeth. No your not nice try though he says to me. Ok i have to take a shower ill see you at 5 so good day Mr Jackson he looks at me a sad smile thay were taking pictures of me not you Sweet rose you dont have to worrie he tells me. I nod my head and start to head to the stairs. He gentley grabs my arm spinning me around, than kissing me again softley. I'll see you at 5 my sweet rose he says ok i whisper. He lets me go and walks out the door i sigh form the warnth left on my lips. Uph whats wrong with me, if that photo is on a front page somewhere I'm not safe unless they catch him. Eric was a guy i went to college with we dated a few times but he started becomeing controlling, and got angry with me, because i wouldnts put out. We only dated for a week he wouldnt stop ecusing me of cheeting on him. Just because i wouldnt sleep with him he smacked me across my face and i broke up with him. He told me im his, and he would fallow me to the ends of the earth to get what he wanted from me, than he he kicked me in the stomach and ribs and sliced my side with a knife. Another student from college saw what was happening to me on the side of the building and came to my rescue. I was in the hospital for a week after that. When i got back home my mail box was full of letters going into detail what he would do to me once he got his hands on me. He still has not been found i had to move from my home town to get away from him, and all the threats. I waited until the water ran cold untl jumping out of the shower. i dried off went to my closet to pick out clean clothes i put on a red tank top and some black leggings. went down stairs to write more of my book before Jackson and i go out to dinner. I look over at his house, and see his living room, i can see him lifting waits of the side of the living room he's so hot. I dont know if i should tell him about my past what if he ends up being the same as Eric was. Maybe i can ask James more about him nefore we get to involved. Yes thats the best idea i can come up with i don't really even know him. Maybe he can tell me more about himself at dinner, without dodges my questions this time.
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