whats next

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I turn back to my book continueing my work. 3 hours later im feeling hungry, getting up going to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Its already 1pm i eat my sandwich. Turning on the news to pass the time, there is a big riot on the news some kind of rites movement. about the horse carriages in new york being cruel to the horses. seriously what do you think we used before cars were created uph. I'm about to turn off the news, when one of the people in the crowd catch my attention. Its him it can't be but he is there in the time square its Eric. Amongst the crowed rioters he is just standing there looking around at what is going on. He has to know I'm here thats the only reason he could be here, hes looking for me. I turn off the tv trying to stop my freak out session pushing it to the back of my mind. I have to get ready for Jackson he will be here soon to pick me up. its already twenty untill 4, i rush upstairs to my closet. I pull put my red dress from the back, git perfectly to my curves and fans out to my knees, with low cut showing little of my asset's just flirty not ober the top exposure. so i love this one i dont have chance's to ever wear it so tonigjt is perfect opportunity for it. Puttiing on ,y dress i put some black shiny half inch heels on and my black clutch purse. Light makeup fixing my hair into a braid off the shoulder. Just as i finish getting ready my door bell rings, going to answer my door Jacksom is standing there looking handsome as ever you look amazeing he says. Pulling me out of checking him out, you dont look so bad yourself i tell him. His eyes twinkle and showing that smile with his dimple. He holds his hand out, i place my hand in his and we walk to his black sports car. He opens the door for me as i get in he shuts the door running around to the drivers seat. so were to i ask him He starts the car and we start driveing, its a surprise he says. So why did you decide to move to my small town away from all the city life, i ask he looks over to me. I dont really care to be around alot of people he says. Are you in hideing also i ask him. No ofcourse not he says to me with a funny look on his face you are in hideing from that guy arnt you. I look out the window trying to hide the discomfort from his question. Hey its ok you can trust me he says. I'm not ready to talk about him yet sorry i tell him. Its alright we have plenty of time to talk when ever your ready no pressure. I look at him and smile thankful for the no pressure comment. We end up driveing about 40 minutes, I'm getting kind of cramped in this tiny car at this point. Dont worry its just around the bend up here he tells me ok sounds good i reply. We round the bend and w are in time square, i see the protesters still around with there signs, and start to panick. I crouch lower in the seat incase he is out there still. Jackson sees what i am doing hey you ok he asks me, umm ya sure just trying to get more comfortable i lie. He looks at me concern in his eyes next time I'll bring you in my SUV he chuckles. Im still ducking my head below the window just incase. But atleast he fell for it i think to myself. We pull into a parking garage so he can park we are here he says. I look around but not sure were here is. i sit up in the seat he hops out comes and opens my door, with his hand held out to help me, thank you i say takeing his hand i rub my sweaty hand down my dress to straighten it out. he watches my ebery move. and smirks again i smack his arm playfuly stop that i say. What im just enjoying the view he says smileing at me, i roll my eyes takeing his hand so were to. Oh yes this way he says pulling me to a elevator he get into it and he pushes number 3 we ride the elevator up it dings the doors slide open to a giant restaurant with a skateing rink, my mouth opens to the sight of it i never new this was here i say. the restaurant is really buetifull it has a bar at the far corner chandeliers are hanging from voulted ceilings, everything is baby blue and white the chandeliers look like ice crystals. the floors have soft baby blue lights in them makeing the floor glow. And look like there made out of ice, the walls have sparkles and snow flakes on them the tables are coverd with white shiny table cloth and glass chairs and tables like somthing out of a fantasy movie. And it has a buetiful ice rink taking up half the floor. there a hostess that greets us he is tall young maybe 18 wearing a baby blue suit good evening do you have a reservations this evening he ask politely. authors note sorry its so short i ran out of time need some sleep i have to work early been busy today ill add more tomarrow thanks and enjoy
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