Chapter four - My first night as a babysitter

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Lily's POV: Today will be my first night as a babysitter. I hope that everything will be ok. The girls seemed very nice when I met them last night. Basically, all I have to do is watch them, play games and keep them busy until their bedtime. I think that I can handle it. It can't be that bad. I have a couple of ideas for tonight or to say activities. Probably it won't be easy, but I hope that in the end all of us will get happy.  I just finished my last class. I decide to go to the wooden bridge to see Lizzy. She promised me that when I go to see her, she’d always be there. When I went, I sat at the end of the bridge.  - Lizzy are you here?  I felt the familiar breeze in my face. I am so happy that I can talk with her.  - I have some news to tell you. I finally got a job. I did it to run away from mom and dad. I will be a babysitter of two girls tonight. Are you happy? I felt the breeze in the direction pointing to the shore. I got up and walked there. I smile at her response.  I am so happy for you. Finally, you can get away from these two.  I'm not surprised by her answer. She is my sister after all. We understand each other perfectly.  - I am glad to hear it. I hope that everything goes well and that their parents will let me watch them again.  I am sure that they will. You are perfect for this job.  - Yeah, but I have never watched kids before. I have zero experience.  Who cares? Just have fun and that's it. Don't do it only for money. Otherwise, you will kill the fun.  - It's interesting that you said money. From now on, I have to use the money, which I earn for everything that I want. Mom said that since I want this job so much she and dad won't give me money anymore.  Why I am not surprised? Typical mom. You don't need her money.  - I know, but sometimes I might need them. Anyways I don't want to think about this. Now I have to focus on this job and me. I don't want to lose it. If I mess up they will never leave me watching the kids again.  Don't think about it so much. Just be yourself. I know that you will kill it.  When I read that, I start laughing. Lizzy always knows what to say and how to write.  - Thanks, Lizzy. You always know what to say. Look, I have to go now. If mom and dad understand that I have been here again, they won't like it.  Are mom and dad mad because you talk with me? - Something like that. They always tell me to accept that you are dead and to stop being obsessed with you. They don't know that you are actually responding to me.  I can't believe it. No matter what happens, promise me that you will always come here to talk with me. - You don't have to worry about that. However, I really have to go now. I have to prepare myself for tonight. Wish me luck.  You don't need it. I believe in you Lily. I hope to see you soon.  - You will. Bye Lizzy.  With that, I left. Sometimes I wonder is it real or it's my imagination. I don't care what is it. I still can talk with her and that's the only thing that I need. I love my sister and I won't let something or someone take her from me. This is the only thing that left me. She is already gone. I can't do anything else to keep her near me. I wish that my parents could understand that. However, I don't think that it's possible.  I went home and took a shower. I decided to dress comfy. I mean I will be watching kids, not going to a fashion show. I told my parents where I am going and left. I gave them the number of miss Collins in case that they don't believe me. Something, which is very like to happen.  When I was in front of the house and knocked on the door. Mister Collins opened it.  - Hey Lily, come in. Anna will come soon. She is dressing now.  - No problem, I can wait. Where are the girls? - In their room. I think that Anna will give them one talk before she leaves them with you. I mean last night... you know what happened. - It's ok. They are just kids. Probably I was doing the same things.  I kept talking with mister Collins until his wife came with the girls.  - Lily! - both of them said and run up to me - Hey, how are my two favorite girls? - I asked and tapped their noses - We are good. Can we dress like princesses? Please. - Yes, we can until you two use your clothes, not your mom's ones.  - Ok. Can we use make-up? - How old are you? At your age, I wasn't using it. - I am seven and Lea is six. We are old enough.  - I think that we should ask your mom about that. I don't think that you have to use make-up, but if she says yes, then ok.  Both of them run up to Miss Collins. She said no about the make-up. I was almost hundred percent sure that she won't let them. Well, it was worth a try to ask.  - Please mom. Only today.  - Girls, do you know that every princess, when she is in the palace, doesn't wear make-up. They put some only when they go out and even then they put just a little bit.  - Really? But why they don't wear some? - Because one princess has more important things to think about instead of make-up.  - Ok then, we won't put on make-up. - the girls said and walked away - Is this true? I mean what you said about the princesses. - mister Collins asked - No or I hope so. I just invented it.  - I don't know how you are doing it, but you are amazing. - miss Collins said - Trust me I am far from amazing. All you have to do is to talk their language and explain things with what they like.  - Ok, we have to leave now. If there is any problem I have left you in the kitchen my number and a small list of what to do.  - Thanks miss Collins, but I hope that there won't be a need to use it. - I did it just in case. We'll go now and after a couple of hours, we will be back. The girls have to be in bed at 10:00 pm. They might try to convince you to stay later, but don't fall for that.  - Don't worry, I think I can handle them.  - That's what I hope for. Bye Lily and see you soon.  - Bye miss and mister Collins.  The only people in the house are the girls and me. First, I have to find them. I have no idea where they are. Maybe in their room. I walked upstairs and knocked on the door. No one answered and I slightly opened the door. I have never seen a messier room.  - What are you doing in our brother's room? - Lea asked - I came to search for you. It's clear to see that I boy lives here.  - Can we play now?  - Yes, we can, but I have a better idea. Do you want us to make cookies? - Yeah, cookies. Can we put chocolate chips inside? - If there is, why not?  I took the girls to the kitchen and pulled out the ingredients. I told them what to put in the bowl. Lea was putting the ingredients and Mia was mixing them. I was only watching and helping if there is a need. When the girls were done, I put them in the oven and set a timer for 25 minutes. I told them to go and wash their hands while I am cleaning.  - Soon our cookies will be done, but first, we need to eat dinner. What do you want? - We want spaghetti or pizza.  - If I make you pizza, this will take more time, but I can make you spaghetti.  - Ok, we will play some games.  - Lea said - Do you want to help me? We can make them together. That way it will be faster. Moreover, your mom will be proud that you too can cook.  - Yes, we want to make them. - both of them said I grabbed my phone and found one recipe. I told them what ingredients we will need and they put them all on the table. I read the instructions and the girls followed them very strictly. While they were making the tomato sauce, I turn off the oven and pulled out the cookies.  Soon enough the spaghetti was done as well.  - Girls do you want us to watch a movie while eating our dinner? - Yes! What we'll watch? I want Rapunzel. - Lea said - Not that again. I want something else.  - Can I choose the movie?  - Sure, but don't pick something boring. I want it to be funny.  - How about "Instant Family"? The movie is about three kids who got adopted. They have to live with their new family before officially becoming one.  - I like it. Ok, play it. - Lea said I went to take my laptop from my backpack with which I came and played it. I always have loved this movie. The way the oldest sister is taking care of her siblings reminds me a lot of my sister. She was taking care of me.  In the middle of the movie I got up and put the cookies on the table. I saw how the girls licked their lips which made me chuckle.  - You can take how much you want but don't eat them all. We have to leave some for your parents when they come home. How else they will believe that we made cookies? - Ok, we won't eat them all.  We just finished with the movie and I heard someone opening the front door. I thought that it could be their brother but actually was miss and mister Collins. They are home earlier. I thought that I have to put the girls in bed and then they'll come back.  - Welcome home miss and mister Collins.  - I smell something. What has happened here? - miss Collins asked - We made cookies. Do you want to try them? - Mia said - They are very delicious. Lily, I didn't know that you can cook.  - Actually, I was only helping. The girls made them. Same as their dinner.  - Yes, we made spaghetti, because that was faster.  - I am glad to hear that you two are learning how to cook.  - Well since you are home, I don't need to be here.  - Don't you want us to pay you? As much as I would love it to be free, I must pay you. Actually, you never told us how much do you take for an hour.  - Since it's my first time, I was thinking about 10 dollars. Is it way too much? - No, I have seen people taking more. Here take these.  - But they are more.  - Lily, you are here from 5 pm and now it is 9:30 pm.  - I won't complain about it.  - Can I take you permanently?  - Really? I would love to, but for what time, because I also go to school.  - It will be only the nights when we have to go out, not every day.  - Ok, then. I would love to come back here. Well if you want me.  - I do and that's what I am asking you. Do you accept? You don't have to worry about the money. We will pay you every time when you are here.  - It's not about the money, but I appreciate it.  - It's decided then. I will call you the next time when we'll need you.  - I can't wait. It's already late so I will go home. Have a nice evening.  - To you too Lily.  With that, I left. Finally, my dream come true. Basically my hope. I am so happy that they liked me. Now I can be far away from home. I hope that they'll need me more often. I really liked this job. Mia and Lea are nice kids. We didn't do anything special, but I felt happy. I don't know when was the last time when I was happy. Maybe when Lizzy was still here. I won't think about her now, because the chances to start crying are high. I'll go home and wait for the next call from miss Collins.
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