Chapter 3

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As we walked out of the dining hall I thought about it. It was Thursday and seven in the evening, their class should be starting soon. "Uh, Elana, Alex. Don't you have classes starting soon?" I ask. "ya, but I don't know where your room is to be able to go to afterwards." Elana said meekly. I just smile. "No need to be shy Elana. I'm not going to bite. I'll show you where my room is. You want to tag along Alex?" I ask looking at him.  I don't know what it is about this vampire, but I felt drawn to him. His cocky attitude I felt he had, that crooked smile he now has on his face, how his blue eyes danced in the light. "Are you sure? Most witches don't want a lamia vampire close to them, much less in their room," I saw as hurt briefly crossed his features. "A lamia vampire?" I knew there was a lot about this world that I didn't know, but a lamia? Were there more than one type of vampire? Alex laughed "Yes Anna there is more than one type, but only two. The lamia are blood drinking vampires, though most here feed on animals. Then there succubus vampires. They feed off not only s*x, but can also feed off strong emotion."  I took a step back from Alex and crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at him. Again hurt crossed his features. He turned to walk away but I grabbed his arm. "I did not step away from you because you're a lamia Alex." I state firmly. He turned and faced me, light dancing in his eyes once again. "Then why?" I sigh and stare at him raising my brow. "Stay out of my head Alex. I know there are accidents, I do it by accident. Though more so since I got here." My face scrunched in confusion while I thought. Why did my mental magic ability grow in the small amount of time I've been here? It didn't make any sense. I shook my head, I'd deal with this later. "Come on you two." I said before turning and continuing my way to my room. Did I mention my room had a beautiful large white marble fire place? Well it does and I love it. In front of the fireplace had two couches and two armchairs. Both were a beautiful blue velvet that I couldn't wait to curl up on. And that's exactly what I did when we walked into my room. I went and threw myself on one of the sofas. Alex and Elana were gaping at my room like they were watching an animal in a zoo. "You ok guys?" I asked amused. "How did you manage this?" Alex asked as he picked up my feet and sat down before putting my feet on his lap.  His action confused but excited me. His touch was soft and gentle. His skin was cool against mine and I had to fight against myself not to close my eyes and relish it. "I didn't. Charlotte told me because of my lineage I needed a room to myself and just handed me the key. Axel helped me from there." Alex's body tensed and Elana sucked a breath through her teeth. "What?" I asked looking between the two of them. "Axel is a dragon shifter." Elana told me softly. "So? I already knew that." Alex looked concerned. "Dragons are known for their temper and the inability to keep it under control. The smallest things set them off and they hurt whoever is in front of them at the time."  I laughed. "You've got to be kidding me. Axel was beyond helpful and he was as nice as could be. He never once tried to assault me. I appreciate your concern but I think I'll decide for myself who I hang around and who I don't." The pair looked grim but didn't argue. "What time does classed end?" I asked as I looked over to Elana. "Well we have three classes a day, so normally around eleven. Lets see your schedule."  I hope off the couch and pull my schedule out of the envelope. "Uh, Monday, Wednesday and Friday says 8pm - 9pm Menatl magic enhancement with professor Samuel Griffin. 9:15-10:15 Potions with Professor Abe. 10:15-11:15 spell casting with Professor Sylvia. Then Tuesday and Thursdays are 8:00pm - 9:00pm History of magic with Professor Black 9:15 - 10:15 Physical training with Professor Hale. That's it no third on those days."  Alex was up and across the room in a flash with a smile lighting up his face. "We have mental magic enhancement, potions and physical training together." He beamed. I smiled. "Well, I'm glad I'll know someone. Now, you two need to get to class. I will not make you late on my first day. Now shoo." I waved the laughing pair out the door. I shook my head smiling, before taking a shower and heading to bed.  I dreamed of the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He was pale but not sickly pale. His chocolate brown hair was slicked back as his intense blazing blue eyes looked back at me. He wore a sleek black suit with the top two buttons of the white shirt undone. His smile melted me giving me no choice but to smile back. Who was this man? Suddenly, his image changed. His clothes and mouth were covered in blood as his fangs protruded from his mouth. His smile was more sinister, snarl like as he looked at me.  I shot up, wiping sweat plastered hair off my face, trying to catch my breath. What the hell was that? More to the point who the hell was that? He was so beautiful, so, well perfect. Then he turned into a beautiful nightmare. I shook my head, quietly got out of bed and took a cold shower. Anything to get that image out of my head. And it worked. By the time I was out of the shower and dressed the entire dream had faded. It was only Noon and I knew I would need to make some major adjustments to get on this new nocturnal schedule. So I decided to take a walk around, maybe see if they had coffee available in the dining hall. The grounds were empty except for a student here and there but most were still sleeping. The dining hall however looked like a ghost town. There was a cart with coffee and danishes but other that it was completely deserted.  I smiled as I made my coffee. Could I really complain? I love the quiet, the peace being alone brings. Ya, it got lonely sometimes, but being lonely only means that you don't have anyone who could hurt you. That's a plus in my book. Alex and Elana were nice and all but I couldn't get close. People are hardwired to hurt others, one way or the other. And I've been through enough. Sipping my coffee I made my way to the court yard and sat under a large oak tree. The grounds were beautiful. Lush green grass spread the length of the court yard. Large oak trees were spread across the grounds. While stone benches were lined periodically along the dirt path. I decided to follow the path, having nothing batter to do in the moment. The forest surrounding the school was dark and thick. You couldn't see ten foot through, even in the day. On the far end of one side of the grounds I found a barn. I stayed with the horses for a while, they always helped calm my nerves somehow. I soon left though and found what looked like a football field. There was a group of guys playing on the field. Half without shirts the other half wore blue shirts. I had to stifle a laugh. People still play shirts and skins?  I could see why, these guys were build. There was not one sign these people had any body fight. They were pure muscle. I happened to spot Axel on the skins team. His muscles rippled as he threw the ball to a team member, sweat glistened off just about every inch of him.  I propped myself up against the side of the bleachers and watched the team. Soon seeing the difference between this team and human ones. For one the field was larger, the players were also stronger and much faster than a human. Checking my phone for the time I noticed it was five and I needed to get ready for class. When I turned to walk away I heard someone call my name. Faintly, but I still heard it. When I turned Axel was running towards me waving and smiling like a mad man. He threw his sweaty arm around me when he reached me and I squealed a laugh as I squirmed out from under him. "How about you shower first big guy." I laughed. "How are you settling in?" He asked. I sighed and continued my walk. "It's only been twenty four hours. I haven't really had a chance to settle yet. Give me a few days and I'll answer." Axel started patting sweat off his body with his towel and I had to force my eyes away from his chest and gorgeous eight pack abs. "I have to go. Elana is in my room and I need to wake her up so we can get ready for class." I didn't give him an answer as I waved and took off. I couldn't be distracted, not yet, maybe not ever. I need to focus on myself and getting through this Academy, because something just tells me there is more here than meets the eye.
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