Chapter 10

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When we got back to the Academy Sunday night we all went our separate ways. My eyes lingered on Samuel, probably a little too long because Elana nudged me with her elbow and raised her brows at me. "So what's going on between you two?" I shook my head and sighed, something I seem to be doing a lot these days. "Not here, let's go to my room."  We walked towards my room side by side, but not before I threw a quick glance over my shoulder to Samuel, who happened to have stopped and was watching me. I smiled and gave him a small wave before turning back to Elana. She quirked her brow but didn't say anything, which I was grateful for. I really didn't know how to explain whatever this was between me and Samuel to Elana.  I ran a hand through my hair biting my lower lip. Apparently running my hand through my hair had become a nervous habit I picked up. I haven't been here long, but the time I have has turned me into one large ball of nerves.  When we reached my room, I shut the door and leaned my back against it, closing my eyes. "Anna, what's going on? You look happy, but confused and stressed at the same time." I chuckled lightly. "Ya, well that's kinda been my thing lately. Did you know powerful witches can have more than one consort?" I asked looking up at her. "Yes?" She said questioningly.  I blew out a hard breath. "Well I think I have three. Samuel explained to me how consorts and their witches are bonded from birth, that fate makes it to where their paths cross. Well I feel a connection to Alex, Axel and Samuel. Samuel's connection is much stronger than the others. I have to physically restrain myself from going to him." Elana's jaw was on the floor and her eyes bugged out of her head. "You're going to catch a fly if you don't close your mouth." I deadpanned. Her jaw snapped shut but her eyes stayed huge. "He's a professor Anna, it's forbidden." I groaned loudly. "You don't think I know that? But no matter how hard I try to push him away Samuel pushed back harder. He wants to see how deep our bond runs and honestly, so do I. I just don't know how. And that don't even count Alex and Axel. Axel says I'm his mate and yet won't speak to me. Axel scared Alex so badly he had ignored me for a week. I don't know Elana, I'm so confused." I said sliding down the door and drawing my knees to my chest.  "It'll be alright Anna, don't stress. If it's meant to be everything will come together on its own." I smiled as I stood and embraced her. "Thank you Anna." I whispered into her hair. We let each other and Elana left. And now I was alone. I didn't know if I liked it or not. Usually I loved being alone and revealed in the quiet but tonight, well, it felt wrong, like something was missing.  How could so much have happened in such a short amount of time? I walked out onto my balcony and took a deep breath of night air. Usually it would bring me peace, but tonight it didn't lift the weight that had landed on my shoulders. I needed to move, I couldn't just stand here. So that's what I did, I left my room and went for a walk.  Tall lamp posts with a small flame lite the cobblestone path. The flickering bringing an ominous feeling as it danced along the ground. I smiled, no matter how much stress this place has brought me it felt a little like home, like I actually belonged. The feeling was foreign to me, but I was beginning to enjoy it.  "Ann? You're back?" Alex's voice came from behind me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning to face him. "Yes, I'm back Alex." Before I could even blink I was wrapped in his arms. I instinctively encircled him in my arms and buried my face in the crook of his neck. His woodsy scent calming me. "I'm sorry Anna. For everything." He said tightening his grip. "it's alright, just promise me it won't happen again." I whispered. "Never Anna, never again." He swept me up, spinning me in a circle.  I giggled, I mean actually giggled as he set me back on my feet. I ran my hand gently down his jaw smiling. Alex was special, he was kind, and warm. Ya, he was a loner and the others didn't really like or trust him because he was a lamia vampire, but I didn't care. "Ok, so I know witches can have multiple consorts, but can vampires have them too? Because that would make me exceedingly jealous." I said with a smile. Alex cupped my face in his hands giving me a lop sided smile. "There is only you Anna. Before you, no one would give me the time of day. I was shunned for being a lamia. But even so, before you no other woman has attracted me to them like you. I was raised in the Supernatural world, so the immediate attraction is normal for me and I know it's not for you. So if you need time.."  "Shut up and kiss me." I said interrupting his tirade. He obliged happily and greedily. Sealing his mouth over mine. His hands wrapped around my waist pulling me to him, while one of my hands tangled in his hair and the other caressed his face. The kiss was hard, greedy and hungry. Each of us pouring our emotions into the kiss. I moaned into his mouth as my hand snaked under his shirt and I softly ran my finger tips down the length of his washboard abs. He shuddered at my touch.  When we pulled apart we were both out of breath, breathing heavily. He rested his forehead on mine and smiled. "Don't run from me again Alex." He nodded. I looked into his blue eyes and they shinned like the ocean during the sunrise. "You're eyes are beautiful Alex." Wait, did I say that out loud? "Yes, you said it our loud." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him for reading my thoughts. "But thank you Anna. No one has ever complimented me." I jerked back stunned. "Really?" I asked dumbstruck. "Really, no one has ever cared enough to get close to me."  I sighed sadly "Well I guess that puts us in the same boat, huh." I said jokingly. Now it was his turn to be shocked. "No, I don't believe you've never been complimented. You must have had guys fawning over you in the human world." I chuckled darkly. "You forget Alex, I was never in one place long enough. And when I was people were scared of me, they looked at me with hatred and disgust."  Alex caressed my cheek and I leaned into him, covering his hand with mine. "You're beautiful Anna. Inside and out. And you spoke of eyes? Well your eyes are the most beautiful most unique thing I've ever seen. The silver shines as bright as the moon, but also swirls like molten silver."  I couldn't help the emotion that consumed me, I threw myself at him holding him tightly to me. This consort thing may not be so bad after all. 
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