Chapter 8

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Samuel and I actually have been having quite a nice conversation. The pull I felt had calmed after he sat with me a while giving me a chance to relax for once. His presence was soothing, but I had to remember that no matter how comfortable I felt with him, I could not trust him. I have been burned too many times in the past to trust another man. I was beginning to trust Elana, and I truly cared for the girl. But Samuel was a totally different situation. "Are you alright Anna?" Samuel asked. concern written all over his face. I gave him a tight smile and nodded. "Ya, sorry. Got lost in thought I guess."  I knew my voice was strained as I answered him, but what else could anyone expect? "Anna, you know you can talk to me." His voice was sincere, causing me to look up at him. Why would he want me to talk to him? I couldn't open up to him regardless, but I was still curious. "Thank you Samuel, but I don't think that is appropriate. You're still my professor and I am still your student. I don't think we should share back stories." I said solemnly. He huffed as he gave me a pained look. "I am also your mentor, well mentor of sorts. We will be spending a lot of time together from now on."  I sighed heavily as I stood. "I understand that. But you have to understand that I do not trust easily. And whereas you haven't given me any reason not to trust you, you haven't given me any reason to trust you either. I don't know you Samuel and until I know I can trust you and I know you better, I won't be sharing my past with you. I tried that Already with Alex and he ran from me, ignoring me for the last week. I won't make the same mistake twice."  I turned away from him and began to walk away when I heard a low groan come from him. I turned to see him on his knees, his hands were gripping either side of his head like he was trying to keep it attached to his shoulders. "Samuel?" I asked worriedly placing a hand on his shoulder. "" He rasped out. It was then I heard a blood curdling scream. My eyes widened and my heart rate picked up. What the hell is happening? "Samuel? Samuel, come on. Let's get you inside." I went to put his arm around my shoulder to help him in the house but he shoved me away. "No. run." He said with more strength in his voice than before.  "No way in hell. Get over your damn pride and let me help you." I demanded. I went to help him again and he didn't resist. He was heavy, and I stumbled a few times but I eventually got him in the house and closed the doors. His pain died down and he was left panting. Another scream pierced through the house and I took off towards the sound.  As I reached the door I barged in, heart running a million miles a minute. Elana was being restrained by a large man, while a woman had her hands on either side of her head with her eyes closed. Pain was laced across Elana's face and I saw red. I flung the woman away from Elana and pinned her to the far wall. The man's arm tightened around Elana as he gawked at me. "Anna, get him off me, please." The fear in her voice done me in. I reached out and clenched my open hand into a tight fist. The man released Elana, clawing at his chest with wide eyes.  Elana ran to my side and hide behind me. "How did you get into my home?" I asked turning to the woman. She laughed darkly. "And why would I tell you?" She sneered. I clenched my fist tighter and the man dropped to his knees gasping. "Well as I see it, you have approximately one minute before his heart stops beating, and I'm guessing you don't want this man to die?" I stared at her, waiting for her to speak. "Tik tok, tik tok." I said rolling my eyes in boredom. By this time, the man was on his side on the floor. His futile attempts to stop his suffocating stopped. "Fine, fine." The woman begged. "We came here for you. We thought if we attacked your lover and your friend you'd come with us. We got through your wards because it has been a while since they were charged with more power." Satisfied with her answer I dropped the hold I had on the man.  "Oh, and he is not my lover. He is my professor and guard." I told her matter of factly. The woman let out a humorless laugh. "Seems he failed at that. You protected him. Maybe you should get a more highly skilled guard." She mused. "I will do nothing of the sort. Samuel is more than capable, you bunch took him off guard is all." I said waving off her statement. "Maybe so, but if he were more skilled he could have fought off the mental attack more effectively and protected you, but he didn't. He couldn't. He is worthless to you." She said amused.  I heard a low growl behind me and I turned to see Samuel, red faced and angry behind me. I was shocked and a little frightened. "The rebellion has no business here." He sneered. I saw the man charge me from the corner of my eye and I quickly grabbed Elana and side stepped him. He barreled straight into Samuel and the tumbled backwards out of the room. I watched as they grappled along the floor, neither of them seemed to be getting the upper hand. I was worried about Samuel. "Elana, can you handle her?" I asked quickly. I had to go help Samuel. Her eyes bulged as she looked at me with fear. "I..I don't know." She answered meekly. I sighed running a hand through my hair looking between the woman and the two men fighting. "Shit." I shouted. "Just watch her." I demanded. "I'll keep her pinned to the wall. If she gets loose holler." She nodded with wide eyes as I took off out the door.  I got to them just on time. The larger man had Samuel's arms locked behind his back as he flailed and writhed in anger to get free. A dark smile slithered across the man's face as he lifted Samuel in the air like he weighed nothing and tossed him over the third story railing. "No!" I shouted running to the banister as I reached out to Samuel to freeze his fall. I threw a burst of mental energy at the man so strong, it tossed him across the room and into the wall above the front door.  He hit with a loud thud, that was followed by his body hitting the floor with a sickening crack. Samuel was froze mid fall, fear and shame shinned in his wide blue eyes. I closed my eyes letting out a relieved sigh as I slowly lowered him to the floor. Once I knew he was safe I ran back to Elana. She stood frozen, trembling in fear as she watched the woman.  I waved my hand, releasing the woman from my hold. "Get that bastards body and get the hell out." I seethed. "If I see you around anyone else I care about, if you threaten anyone else I care about I will end you." My tone was hard and she flinched back as if I'd slapped her. "You killed him?" She asked in a low whisper. I glowered at her "He tried to kill someone I happen to care about, so yes, I killed him first. You should be grateful. Had Samuel died I would have tortured the man to the point he would beg for death. Now go. Get the body and leave."  The woman ran passed me and I followed. Samuel stood behind me but I ignored the look of pride, confusion and.. was that fear? on his face as I followed the woman. I needed to be sure she got him and left. The woman dropped to the mans side and gently wiped his hair out of his face. Tears streamed down the woman's face as she sobbed. I felt bad, the woman clearly loved the man with a passion I could only dream of. "Listen," I sighed rubbing a hand down my face. "I am truly sorry things happened like this. But you should have thought things through before you came here."  If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. "You'll regret this." She sneered. "This isn't over."  And then she was gone. Nothing but a puddle of blood was left to prove anyone had been here. Guards burst through the door. Determination and malice filled their features as they took in the scene with weapons drawn. "You're late. They have been taken care of. Now tell me how I can recharge the protective runes because this should not have happened." My voice was stern and hard. I knew I had no reason to be angry at them but I couldn't get the image of Samuel on the floor in that puddle of blood out of my head. "Miss. Ashford. We apologize for failing you. We will accept any punishment you deem necessary." They each bowed their head as they waited for my verdict. "Just stop. There will be no punishment because you've done nothing wrong. Just show me how to recharge the runes so I can go to bed." They nodded vehemently. "Anna I.." I cut him off holding my hand up. "Samuel, please, don't." I said defeated "I can't do this right now."  I followed the warriors without looking back, I honestly couldn't look back. I knew Samuel thought he had failed me, but he didn't. I just couldn't look at him without seeing his body broken and bloodied on the floor.  The men led me to a room that looked like the command center for a damn battle ship. Camera screens covered the walls. Each covered a different angle of both the inside and outside of the house. I saw guards patrolling the grounds, Elana sobbing as she walked back into her room and shutting the door. Samuel Stood at the banister, propping himself up with his arms while his head hung between them. Then the opposite wall was was filled from top to bottom, corner to corner with my families runes. "You fill the runes with your magic from here and it will spread to the runes that cover the premises." One of the guards explained.  I thanked the guards as they walked out leaving me alone in the 'command center'. I laughed humorlessly to myself as I stood and walked over to the rune covered wall. Placing a hand on the wall, I closed my eyes and concentrated. My power was running low, but I had enough to do this last thing. I put everything I had left into the wards. When I opened my eyes the runes glowed a bright gold, blinding me for a moment. Smiling to myself, I left the room.  Instead of going to bed, I headed to the kitchen. There was no way I would be able to sleep right now no matter how drained I felt. I killed someone, actually killed them. How am I capable of that? What came over me? Ya, I had a connection to Samuel, and ya I guess I cared about him, but I had killed someone over him. Did I really care that much? Maybe coming here was a bad idea. I had been so caught up in wanting to connect with my family I completely disregarded Charlotte's warning about the rebellion. I should have known that impostor had told the rebellion about me.  I sighed dejectedly as I made a cup of tea. It was too late for coffee and I really didn't want to stay up the rest of the night. Sitting at the bar I held my head in my hands going over and over the events that happened tonight trying to figure out if I could have done anything differently. Anything that didn't involve killing another person. My anger had faded and was replaced by sorrow, regret and a all consuming sense of loneliness. I would never have what that woman had with that man. My power and emotions were too haywire. I was a loose cannon, unpredictable, dangerous. Who could ever love someone like that? Who could love a murderer?  "Anna, don't beat yourself up." I jumped at the sudden sound of Samuel's voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He said warily. I shook my head at him. "You're scared of me, aren't you?" I asked looking down into my mug. He sat beside me and turned his chair to face mine. "You were protecting us, I understand your reaction. But the power you exhibited, well it was daunting." He admitted. I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath. "I killed someone tonight Samuel. I didn't even know I was capable of that." My voice was weak. I had no more strength, no will to make myself look or sound stronger, because right now I felt dejected and demoralized. "Anna, look at me." Samuel pleaded. I shook my head squeezing my eyes tight. "Look at me." He said in a firmer tone.  I turned and looked at him, tears filled my eyes. Samuel cupped my face in his hands "You saved mine and Elana's life. You did nothing wrong." I scoffed "I killed a man Samuel. That is wrong no matter the situation. There were a hundred things I could have done differently. I could have frozen him, pinned him down, even flung him the other way. But no, I was over come with fear that you'd be killed that I didn't think, I just acted."  "Did you mean what you said?" He asked me. I furrowed my brow in confusion. "What did I say?" I had an idea about what he meant but I wanted to be sure. "That you care about me?" I sighed as I removed his hands from my face and stood up. "Yes, I meant it Samuel. I rarely say things I don't mean." I turned away but Samuel caught my arm. "Samuel, please. Just don't" I whispered. "Tell me why. Why do you care so much about me?" His tone was soft but firm. "I don't know. Ever since I first met you I felt an immediate connection. And a damn strong one at that. I feel so drawn to you it makes it hard to think or concentrate. Hell it makes it hard to breathe. But this can't happen, I can't gain any more feelings for you than I already have. I can't gain feelings for any man." I wasn't looking at him, but I felt the muscles in his arm tense as his grip tightened. "And why not?" He demanded.  I turned and gave him a hard look. "Because I've been hurt Samuel. I spent my entire damn life never belonging. I moved from foster home to foster home so many times I lost count. I've never been in one place long enough to make friends, build relationships. Hell I've never even dated anyone. Some of my foster parents thought they could take advantage of me but I hurt all of them. I learned from the get go I could never rely on anyone, that the only person who would always be there was myself. No one wanted me Samuel, I was a pariah."  I yanked my arm out of his grip as I looked at him. "I can't take the chance of being rejected again. And you're a professor Samuel. It is strictly forbidden." His defeated look told me all I needed to know and I smiled sadly. "See? Even you know this can't happen." I walked over to him and kissed his cheek softly. "I care about you and I'll always be here for you, just from a distance." He didn't respond as I walked away. We both knew nothing would change. No matter what he said or what we tried it wouldn't work. Walking away broke my heart, and I was left wondering how I could care so much for a man I hardly knew.
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