Chapter 19

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Chapter 19  The animals that had surrounded us began to disperse except for the puma who had jumped from the top of the boulder to land next to my mother. I flinched as he prowled around us, looking at me as if I was its next meal.  “Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you. He’s just wary of the situation”, she whispered into my ear with a bright smile on her face.  My father cleared his throat and made his way to stand between me and Diana. He gave me a small kiss on the top of my head before placing a delicate kiss on my mother’s cheek.  The puma immediately bowed in respect and his body began to immediately shift into that of a human. His hair matched the brown of his fur and his eyes reminded me of a cat’s; yellow with a horizontal pupil.  “Apologies, My Queen. I did not mean to act so rash. My duty is to protect you after all”, he bowed his head down in apology towards me.  “That’s alright, Pumi. There was no way that you would have known she was my daughter. I did leave here before I had her”, she knelt down and lifted his chin up with her finger. “Will you extend your protection to her as well?” She asked and his gold-yellow eyes landed on me.  Zahruk let out a low growl as he dragged a groggy Aodin to stand by my side. He wanted to let Pumi know that a third member was not needed in this party. Pumi smirked as he looked at both Aodin and Zahruk before making eye contact with me. “I, Pumi of the Woodland Realm, will offer you my protection as long as I live”.  “Good”, Diana whispered and stood. With a wave of a hand, the winds blew wildly, clearing a path in front of us. Sweet mahogany and cinnamon fill my nostrils as I look back at both Aodin and Zahruk hungrily. A warmness began to fill in my chest before travelling up to my head and down to the tips of my toes.  “Diana!” Fenrir yelled. “She’s about to transition”.  “I know”, she said in a serious tone. “If I open a portal, they will be able to track us. By foot is the safest way”. Pumi and Fenrir both shifted and I swayed slightly on my feet as my vision began to fog over the heat I was feeling.  “It’s hot”, I gasped as I pulled onto the collar of my shirt. “It’s too hot”, I panted. Fenrir walked next to me just as my ankle rolled onto a rock.  “Zahruk, place Elira onto Fenrir’s back and Aodin on Pumi. There’s not much time before her power completely awakens”. Diana whistled and an elk came running to her aide. “Let me ride with you, old friend”, she whispered as she placed her forehead onto its snout. The elk got down on all fours, allowing her to mount before standing up to lead us deeper into the forest.  Zahruk’s warm hands gripped my waist, burning my side. White hot pleasure flowed from his hands and into my body making me lean back against him, moaning involuntarily. “As much as I want this, love, we have to get you to safety first”, he kissed the top of my head before lifting me up to sit on Fenrir.  My hands gripped tight onto Fenrir’s fur as I plant my face down into it. My head was beginning to throb and so were certain areas of my body, making me feel like I was about to go into heat. I felt Zahruk shift and myself sway as we made our way to wherever Diana wanted us.  I screamed as my body began to burn. It felt as if I was thrown into a furnace and swimming in lava. My eyes watered, and the sweat from my forehead mixed in with the tears.  ‘Hold on, Elira. We’re almost there’, Zahruk linked me. I barely managed to open my eyes when Aodin screamed as loud as me. A sharp pain had lanced through my abdomen like a cramp, only worse. It felt like I had been stabbed by a sword and it was trying to saw my insides open.   “We’re almost there!” I hear Diana yell. “No! It’s too dangerous!” She screamed out as if someone had just asked her a question. “It’s for our daughter!” I could hear the worry and anguish in her voice and I suddenly realized that she must have been talking to Fenrir. My chest suddenly tightened and I felt an overabundance of energy and heat gathered around me. This time I could hear Fenrir loud and clear. ‘She needs to do it now or she will die! I cannot lose my only daughter and I know you rather not lose another child of yours’, he threatened her.  The swaying slowed and I was pulled off from Fenrir’s back. “We can make due right here”, Diana whispered into my ear.  I was laid on my back next to Aodin on the forest ground. “I’m sorry”, I whispered to him. I watched as his face contorted in pain and the only reason why he’s in this state is because he was bound to me.  “The only way to ease the pain is if you share the flow of your energy with your partner”, Diana explained as she drew a giant circle around us. “Zahruk, enter the circle, once it’s activated it won’t open until her transition is done”.  “What do I have to do”, he asked nervously as he knelt down next to me.  “Love her”, she said before a bright light encapsulated us in. I looked up into Zahruk’s green eyes as Aodin was intertwining his fingers with mine. “Release your energy into them. It will lessen the pain”, Diana’s voice echoed.  Zahruk’s eyes searched mine as if looking for an answer but I didn’t have one to give. “I can’t lose you, Elira. Tell me what I need to do”, his voice broke and brows furrowed in worry.  Tears filled my eyes as my hold on Aodin’s hand tightened. His groans were getting louder and I could tell he was at his limit. “You won’t lose me. I promise”, I replied in a shaky whisper. “Kiss me”, I asked him in case that this would be the last time we would see each other again.  Zahruk slowly leaned in, and his soft lips met mine. The warmth that had accumulated inside my body traveled towards Zahruk from my lips to his and to Aodin from where our hands are entangled.  He deepened the kiss with a heated passion and I matched his ferocity. The pain began to ease and my body began to tingle with power and energy I’ve never felt before. Aodin let go of my hand and I immediately pulled away from Zahruk to sit on my heels. Both men looked at me hungrily and I returned with one of my own. Aodin’s hands reached up to touch my cheek causing a strong electric current to run throughout my body. I placed my hand on top of his, kissing his palm as I kept my eyes on his. He lets out a seductive growl and immediately lands his lips onto mine.  His tongue teased my bottom lip, and I moaned wantonly into the kiss. Our tongues skimmed one another and I felt the warmth from my body leave my body and enter him through our kiss. Just then, Zahruk’s warm hands landed onto my hips as he pressed himself against me. I could feel his excitement as he kissed my shoulder. I could feel my power spread within the both of them with their every touch and kiss.  Aodin’s lips left mine as he trailed small kisses down my jaw to my neck. Zahruk’s hands traveled towards the front of my body. One going up north and the other down south. My body shuddered at the feeling, aching for more.  “Do you want us?” Aodin asked as he sucked onto my collarbone. I was so lost in this trance that even if I wanted to respond I couldn’t. Zahruk’s fingers pinched my n****e and I let out a pleasurable gasp.  “I take that as a yes”, Zahruk said seductively before biting down onto my shoulder, marking me and a wave of white hot pleasure shot through my body. My cheeks were burning with desire as I moaned. Every touch sent a pleasurable tingle that spread from my head to my toes.  Hot liquid pooled in between my legs as Zahruk’s hand slipped into my pants and underwear. An unfamiliar shimmer gathered around my legs, making me look down. My pants were slowly disappearing, giving Zahruk full access to me.  “What just happened?” I asked in my mindless haze.  “I glamoured your bottoms off and soon you’ll be naked before us”, he answered as he kissed the crook of my neck. His fingers slid between my folds and I couldn’t help but buck into them. “So wet. But who is it for”, he smirked against my ear.  Aodin’s hot mouth latched onto my breast as Zahruk slipped his finger inside me in a slow rhythm. My fingers run themselves into Aodin’s dark hair as his tongue worked small circles onto my n*****s. I arched my back and moaned as they both worked rhythmically to get me close to the edge.  My hips moved to the beat of our hearts, pushing me closer and closer to bliss. Aodin’s kiss sends a feeling of warmth and gentleness while Zahruk’s makes me feel alive and wild. I felt the light in Aodin and the darkness inside Zahruk. The three of us balance each other out whether we like it or not.  Something warm built inside of me and the air around us started to change.  Control the Chaos and it won’t control you.  My mouth fell open as immense pleasure spread through me. The boys moaned and groaned as if they were feeling it too. Zahruk pushed his finger deeper inside while his thumb rubbed small controlled circles on my clit. His lips kissed me up and down my neck and shoulder. Aodin kissed me deep and passionately while playing with my n*****s.  I could feel myself getting close and the Chaos itching to escape. I moaned as my hips moved faster. One hand cupped the back of Aodin’s neck while the other reached back to wrap around Zahruk’s. Warmth spread through me as I finally reached my end, screaming in pure pleasure. The wind around us grew rampant as I pulled it in, feeling my powers at its peak and finally releasing it all when a second wave of pleasure hit me. I let the power flow through Aodin and Zahruk, sharing my gift with them.  The ground beneath us cracked at the amount of power and energy I was releasing. Zahruk bit down onto my shoulder again as my power and climax rushed into him while Aodin continued to kiss me, taking in a steady flow of everything I had to give.  Zahruk licked his mark just as Aodin pulled away to rest his forehead on mine. That warm shimmering from earlier came back as Zahruk glamoured on new clothes for me to wear. He even changed Aodin, which surprised me.  I let out a breathless chuckle at the realization of what just went down. Tears filled my eyes as emotions began to fill me but before any of us could say anything, the white barrier that had surrounded us dropped.  Fenrir, Diana and Pumi were all laying on the ground when something hard smacked me from behind, making me land face flat onto the dirt. I tried moving my head to the side but no matter the effort, I couldn’t move.  “I see you’ve transitioned”, an unfamiliar voice fills the air. I tried to push up but whoever it was had used his powers to ground me. “Not ideal, but I can work with the situation”, he continued. Cold hands reached into the back of my head, yanking my head up to look at him. Jet black hair and crystal blue eyes greeted me with a smirk. “Hello, cousin. Miss me?”
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