Chapter 8 ZAHRUK

4690 Words
Zahruk Point of View   The shimmering wall hit me like a tidal wave and I tried everything I could to not show weakness. Sweat beaded at the back of my neck and I knew I wasn't the only one feeling like s**t. Kivana, our guide, was shaking from the immense pressure that was pushing down on us and my brother had this 'taking a s**t' face on. I brought my gaze back to Elira to see her still standing and unaffected by the magic that weakens us.   “How are you still standing?” Kivana asked her. Something shimmered in her eyes, knowing the answer but she wasn’t going to let us know. Not even me. There was a sharp ache in my chest from thinking she might not trust me, even though I'm her mate. My mind wandered about what she could be when she hissed and I ran towards her on instinct. Her fingers were in her mouth and I pulled it out to examine them when she yanked it away from me. There was a sting in my chest from her abruptness, and I just wish she would come to accept me soon. She gave me a lot of mixed signals. One minute she’d want me and the next she didn’t. I didn’t know what to expect from her, except for whiplash. I let out a sigh of relief, or maybe it was frustration. I can't even tell at this point. I was in my own little world and didn't even notice what she was up to. She had this fierce look on her face and I swelled with pride. She reminded me of my mother who was a Warrior. Every time she wore that face, she would glow bright like a Goddess and be determined to get the task at hand done. And right now, Elira reminded me of a Goddess who is strong and filled with determination.   I stepped back and I watched as she raised her hands above her head and light radiated from her palms before travelling down her body. She was glowing and she was beautiful. I couldn't pry my eyes off of her and was filled with delight, proud at having her as my mate. She was mine and mine alone. I was so entranced by her beauty that I hadn't even noticed that the barrier had opened up. It was only when Kivana had pushed the boat inside when I realized that we were no longer outside.  The view past the barrier was what I had expected. Vast majority of water and a few islands here and there. I looked around and inhaled, familiarizing myself with this place. There were so many different smells coming from each island that I wouldn't even know where to start looking. Would the Dragon King really hide in plain sight like this? "What the hell was that?" Kivana called out. Her face was laced with confusion and anger. "I've never seen anyone do that before or even heard it was possible. So many of my people died to try and save the ones that are stuck in here and you managed to open it without fail. What are you? Better yet, who are you?” She sounded frustrated and I get it. If I had sent my people out here to save innocent families and lives of others only for them to die, I'd be frustrated too.  Fear clouded Elira's eyes and my guts started flipping with unease. The bond between us had only grown stronger but it seems that I'm the only one that had noticed. She bit the bottom of her lip, a tell-tale sign that she was too afraid to say anything that might be offensive. I gave her a small smile, and pushed my comfort towards her, and the anxiety I had felt coming from her, eased a bit. A red blur flashed in front of me and when it disappeared, Elira was too. Her screams filled my ears and I looked up to see a giant ass lizard flying above us with Elira in his claws. "Elira!" I screamed as I ran towards the edge of the boat reaching my hands out for her. Like as if she could even reach from this distance. I slammed my fist back down onto the ledge and wished I had half of Zakeem's power. He could have taken that reptile down with the snap of his fingers.  I took off my shirt ready to shift, as if I could do anything as a dog swimming in water when I heard Kivana chanting from behind me.  "Videte Praedam!" A light shot out from Kivana's hand and landed onto the tail of the dragon. I thought he would come crashing down but it seemed like that light didn't do a thing.  "Did you miss?" I asked her.  "No, I marked it". She reached into her bag and pulled out a rolled up blank canvas, a bowl and a blade.  "What are you doing?" I asked as I watched her walk towards the edge of the boat and held the bowl out in front of her. She whispered and a small stream of water made its way into the bowl. Walking back, she placed the bowl in the middle of the canvas and stuck her hand out at my brother.  "I need your blood", she demanded.  "Why?"  "In order to make a map of this place, I would need to know my surroundings. Since you are half dog, your sense of smell has already mapped this place out. Your blood will draw the map". Zakil stared at her a little too long before handing her his hand palm side up. "Sanguinis attrahere marique. Ego postulo video vidi in tabula locus", she chanted as she sliced Zakil's palm. Blood dripped into the bowl, mixing with the sea water. She cupped her hand with his bloody one and chanted once more. "Sana!"  She lets go of his hand and he turns it over to heal it with his magic, only to see that it has already been healed. Kivana then poured the bloody water onto the canvas and they started moving on their own. It drew ten islands in the shape of a triangle with one being in the middle. She then sliced her own palm and let it drip three times onto the canvas. "What does your blood do?"  "It will tell me where that dragon has gone and where it has taken Elira. Manifestum!" The drops of blood pooled together and acted as ink as it marked the map with deep red lines. The blob of blood moved from one end of the page to the center of the center of the ten islands.  "There", I pointed. "That must be where it must have taken her".  "Will we make it there? How far away are we?" Zakil asked. My excitement on swooping her up and giving her a kiss like Prince Charming was all thrown out the window when he mentioned that.  "It should take us three days to get there at most".  "How do you know?"  "I can feel it", she replied as she fiddled with the flat shiny black stone that laid on her sternum. "We don't have enough gas for three days. And I have a bad feeling about going to one of these islands".  "If we scout, we might find gas tanks from washed up boats". My hands fisted at my side and Kivana gave me a blank stare before nodding her head at me.  "Okay, but we're going to have to go there". She pointed at the island closest to us. "There's someone there who can help us".  "And you know how?" I asked her curiously. "Something or someone is calling me". Her hand fisted onto the stone around her neck. Her face worried and scared as she slowly drove the boat towards the shore. The engine cut off and the boat slowly made its way towards the shore. Sounds of rocks scraping the bottom filled the island as the boat came to a full stop at the edge of the beach.  I jumped off the boat and pulled it up onto the sand making sure that our only source of escape wouldn't drift away. I waited for Kivana to jump off the boat before exploring. She was right to feel scared. There was something here that just didn't feel right.  "Brother", Zakil called me. "Do you smell that?" I took a deep breath in through the nose and my eyes widened as the smell of humans hit my senses. "Humans!" As soon as I announced their presence an arrow pierced through my arm and my chest burned. "Ah!" I screamed and hunched over. The pain in my chest grew and my mind began to fog.  "Zahruk!" I heard Zakil growl. I felt the energy around me vibrate as his powers grew and he shifted.  "Zakil! No!" I heard Kivana yell. "Damn it! Your brother is going to get us killed! Elanada!" White filled my vision and more arrows shot down at us. Zakil lets out a strangled growl before a loud thump was heard and he fell unconscious. "Please! We mean no harm! We're just looking for aid!" Kivana shouted.  Her hand pushed onto my wound and I felt her power push into me, only the pain wouldn't lessen. I screamed until the air from my lungs was no more and my face blue. "f**k!" I rasped. This pain could only mean one thing… The bond between me and Elira has severed.  My head throbbed before another pang in my chest assaulted me. My vision blurred and Kivana tried to calm me down but to no avail. I was a screaming, groaning and a crying mess. The pain itself felt like I was being burned and skinned alive. I didn't want to ask myself the only question that could bring this outcome. And I prayed to the Gods that she’s okay.  She's dead. My inner voice rings through my head. I bit down onto my tongue till I tasted blood. There’s no way that she could be. She’s tough and strong enough to get through anything. My head whirled with anxiety and denial while the tears streamed endlessly down my cheeks. My head burned and my vision went black before it fell into the dark abyss. It was as if I was drowning and the only thing I could see were my hands that was right in front of me.  “Zahruk!” Elira called. I tried responding but nothing came out. The more I tried to respond to her calls the more suffocated I became. I couldn’t breathe and her voice slowly faded away from me.  “Elira!” I managed to scream. “Elira! Elira! Elira!”  My eyes shot open with the night sky staring down at me. My chest still burned and I sat up quickly at the thought of Elira. The world spun in front of me before something cold touched my forehead.  "You've been out for a while", Kivana said as she pushed her healing powers into my head. "That should help with the pain for a little while".  "Is she- is she dead?" I croaked. "Do you know?" My lips quivered as I braced myself for an answer.  "She's not. If she's been taken by Visch, it could only mean they have sealed her inside the Warded", a female with straight blonde hair answered.  "Who are you? And who is Visch?" I asked her. She turned and walked towards the fire which illuminated her features. She had high cheekbones, and sunken violet eyes. Her lips, thin and her eyebrows were arched and fierce which reminded me of a model in a Vougue magazine I once saw.  "Tivera", she replied. "Keeper of this island and Visch is the ‘lizard’ that took your friend”. "What is the Warded?" I asked as I stood myself up.  I needed to know why I felt our connection server if she wasn’t dead.  "The Warded is a twin time paradox. One day in the Warded is a month on Earth''.  My fists clenched by my side at the thought of Elira having to deal with the terrors of the Warded alone. "What happens to her while she’s there?"  Tivera shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly which made me lose my composure. A month maybe two had to pass for Elira now and here I am stuck on some beach because I’m not strong enough to protect her. I squared my shoulders ready to jump at her air blasted from the palms of her hands, throwing me back against the trees. Screams and gasps rang in my ear but all I could feel was blood lust. I tried getting up but the power of her wind kept me down.  "Argh! Let me go!" I screamed. "I need to go to her! I need her to know that I haven't abandoned her!" I cried with desperation in my voice. "Please!" I was practically begging like a dog at this point and I never begged. Not even when my brothers and I were sparring and Zakeem almost broke my arm.  I felt her power ease up on me and she strode her way over towards me. "What is she to you?" She asked, looming over me. "My mate and future Luna to the Moon Clan".  "Not for long", she smirked. I could've sworn something flashed in her eyes but before I could say anything she turned her back to me with an offer I can't deny. "I could take you to her".  "How?" I asked as I closely followed behind her.  "I can just take you there. Afterall I am a Dragon", she said proudly while throwing me a smile from her shoulder.  I followed her to the edge of the bank where the waves hit the shore when a small child with long black hair ran towards her.  "Tivera! Don't go!" The boy yelled.  "Don't worry little one, I'll be back before you know it. If you close your eyes now, I'll be back by the time you open them tomorrow". She replied softly. Her sharp features softened and a more nurturing side had come to light.  "Okay, but you have to promise to come back".  "I promise". She swiped the tip of his nose with her finger, holding her pinky out for him to grab. His pinky locked with hers before he went running off in the direction he came from. One thing that I've noticed now that I've calmed, was the abundance of human life that is scattered around the island.  "How are these people here?" I asked her with a raised brow.  "They're the missing survivors from those planes you hear on the news. We keep them here because they know of our existence. Some are happy to stay while others aren't. But we don't give them much of a choice, they either live by our rules or they die", she shrugged.  I looked back at the camp and watched as their faces lit up with what little they have. They've lost everything but are still pushing on.  "Aren't they sad about the families they've left behind?" I asked.  "We do them the favor of wiping out the memories of their loved ones… something that only a Jorgan Dragon can do".  "Why not wipe all their memories and let them leave?" "That would mean we'd be exposing ourselves. There's nothing but water for miles out. The closest  island to us is the island Kivana is from but even then, people would suspect something. Everything we do is for the safety of our people. We’re not small like you when we shift, we’re big", she explained. She turned to look at me and walked backwards into the water, stopping when the water hit her chin. "Are you ready, dog?" "What about my brother?" I asked her as I looked for him and Kivana.  "He's safer here. I'll bring them to you once he's awake".  I swallowed my fear and watched as lightning formed around her and she morphed into a dragon. She was small compared to the one that took Elira but still towered over me by 10 feet.  Her wings stretched wide before flapping and lifting her up  to hover above me. Her talons wrapped around my torso and we flew up into the sky. It didn't take long before we reached a castle with dragons stationed at each corner.  She dove me down into the middle where the courtyard was and gently landed before setting me down. Lightning swirled around her before she shifted back into a human in front of me.  "This is as far as I'll take you. I've alerted the others of your presence and Deno would take you in to see the king. Good luck with your mate", she nodded at me.  The night air was quiet but something was amiss tonight. The smell of iron and death swirled around me and by the looks of it, Tivera sensed something was wrong as well. “What's going on?" I asked, cracking my knuckles and bringing them up to my chin ready to fight.  "The prisoner escaped and is wreaking havoc. She's quick and strong".  "Prisoner? You mean Elira?" I asked hopefully.  "I don't know, but they're telling me to be careful".  I lifted my nose to the air and caught a sweet scent. One that smelt familiar, only this time it was laced with another.  A loud feral growl filled the air and I turned to see Elira in her wolf form. Her white fur stained red with the blood of the dragons and her mouth dripping with a fresh kill.  Tivera lifted her hand ready to blast Elira with her wind when I gripped her wrist and brought them down to her side. I wasn't going to let her hurt Elira, not when I have anything to do with it. I've seen this behaviour one other time and it was with my father when my mother died. It took him days to come back from the rampage and most of the time, they never return.  "Elira!" I shouted while reaching my hands out towards her. Her emerald eyes snapped to me before making its way back to Tivera slowly. She prowled closer, getting ready to attack when I blocked her view of Tivera. "Look at me! Come back to me, Elira".  Her growl became more aggressive as I took a step closer. Her fur raised on its end and she snarled at me, snapping her teeth together. I didn't care if she had ripped my arm off. I just wanted her back.  "Listen to my voice. It's me, Zahruk", I softly whispered. I could feel our connection slowly tethering back. It wasn't strong but it was there. I pushed and pulled on it, hoping that she felt it too. I walked closer, shushing in hopes that it would calm her down.  Her ears perked and flickered at the sound as if recognizing my voice. "Remember and come back to me". She winced and shook her head as she whimpered. My head felt light before a sharp pain stabbed through.  "Zahruk!" Elira's voice rang through my head. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Her body slowly morphed back into her human form and I took my shirt off, ready to place it on her. "I'm sorry", she apologized again, looking up at me with her hazel eyes as the green from her wolf swirled rampant.  I didn't know why she was apologizing. There was no need for her to. My hands cupped her cheeks and a sharp sting laced through my chest. There was guilt ringing through her body as she looked at me.  "There's no need for you to be sorry, Elira", I told her gently. I didn't want to scare her away, especially after getting her back. I thumbed away her tears when the scent that was mingled with hers became strong.  "Elira!" A deep voice rang through the court. I turned and saw a tall, built man with power that surpassed Zakeem, staring at Elira with longing. His eyes landed on me and I could sense his rage. "Get away from her!" He growled and the Earth shook.  Elira buried her face into the crook of my neck and I lifted her up while she wrapped her legs around me. As I got ready to turn around, flames erupted in front of me and I was forced to take a step back.  "If you leave now, I will purge your entire clan Elira Evans", he threatened her. I could feel her body tremble in my hands and all I could do was hold her tighter. "Let my mate go!" My blood boiled with rage as I finally pieced it together. He must’ve forced a bond on her. My gripped on her tightened as I started to get hot with the need to shred that reptile’s skin and wear it as a coat.  She looked at me with sorrowful eyes and gave me a small kiss on the cheeks. I felt sparks when her lips met my cheek making me want more than just a peck. My anger had slightly dissipated when she gave me a small smile that made my heart thundered loud enough for the lizard to hear.  "Zahruk, put me down", she asked me but I couldn't. I didn't want to. The flames grew circling us as the lizard man stepped closer.  "Let her go, now!" He growled. Thunder cracked and whizzed around him which only set me up to fight. I glared at him as his eyes turned red and his power washed over me as he tried to intimidate me.  “I’m not letting you take her from me, lizard”. I set Elira down, striding my way towards him as he did me.  “To the death then, dog. The survivor gets Elira”.  “To the death”. I let my power loose and shifted the same time he did. He was huge but I was faster. I ran underneath him and bit his leg, pulling a loud roar from him. I sunk my teeth deeper pushing the power of the Sun into his skin. I could feel him get weaker when overwhelming pressure caused me to loosen my grip. I whined and whimpered as I fought this unrecognizable power. I couldn’t die and let him have Elira, especially not when I had an entire Clan that was waiting for me back home.  “Enough!” Elira shouted as she stood tall. Her skin glowed and white flames licked her skin. Her eyes glowed green as she stared both of us down. “Shift back now!” As if on command, both me and Dragonboy shifted back with me still biting on his calf. “Zahruk, let him go and stand up”. I immediately let go as if she was my Alpha.  “Aodin, I do not belong to you, nor do I belong to Zahruk. I came here because we need your help and to warn you of the Unseelie Prince, Brayan”. I watched as she walked closer to him. His eyes softened which raised my anxiety. Why did she tell him I didn’t belong to him when our bond used to be so strong? “But you are mine, Elira. There’s a bond between us”, Aodin told Elira.  Elira sighed as she looked back at me then at him. “I cannot deny the bond I have with the two of you but as of now, I do not belong to any of you”. She walked over to me and gave me a soft smile. My eyes examined her for any sign of trauma when I caught sight of a claim on the crook of her neck. I looked further down and noticed one on her wrist as well. I turned towards Aodin, nostrils flaring, ready to beat him to a pulp.  “What did you do to her!?” I asked, grabbing him by his neck. Just one squeeze and he’d lay dead among his lizard friends.  “Zahruk, he didn’t do anything. I did!” I looked at her and sensed no lie in her voice.  “Wh-why? I thought we had a mate bond? Why would you pick this lizard over your mate!” The familiar sting of tears pricked the back of my eyes before falling endlessly down my cheeks. Great, I look like a weak-ass b***h, crying over a break up.  “It was the only way I could get out of the room. I’ve been in there for weeks, Zahruk. When you didn’t come for me, I assumed you had died. I had to find a way to get myself out of there and when I saw the opportunity, I took it”.  “You were only gone for a day Elira! Only one day has passed since you were taken away”.  “No, that can’t be. I remember being locked in that room for days. I remember going through the mating haze for more than a week. You don’t just make something like that up!” She looked to Aodin who reached out for her only to get rejected. “Is it true?” Aodin nodded. “The Warded makes you lose time. It’s a twin paradox, meaning you’ve been in there for longer than those here”.  “Oh my Gods”. She backed away from us before throwing up. The news itself must have been alarming for her to vomit. I’d feel sick too, knowing I had to sleep with a cold-blooded croc to get out. I wanted to be there to comfort her but something within me is telling me to stay away. “An entire month has gone for me but a day for the rest. How ironic”. She looked up to the sky and laughed before screaming. “What a cruel fate you’ve played on me, Mother!” “Mother?” I mumbled. “That’s right, Mother”, she pointed up to the sky. “Eirina didn’t birth me. The Goddess of the Moon did. And my father, believe it or not, is Fenrir the Wolf God”, she cackled.  “Wait, what?” Both me and Aodin blurted out. “The Daughter of the Moon? But that’s a myth, it was said that her children died”.  “Those were my older siblings, I’m the creation between Diana and Fenrir, who at the moment, is going through a war of their own. We don’t have time for any of this, we need to head back to the Moon and make sure Brayan hasn’t gotten there after destroying the third largest pack in the country. Am I right, Alpha?”. Her hair glowed with life and her complexion now smooth. There’s no denying it, the flames and her sudden change in appearance were convincing enough.  “s**t!” There was so much going on that I had forgotten our initial goal. “Hey, Barney. We need you to come with us, Brayan is looking for you and since he can’t get in here without a God or Goddess, your people will be safe here”.  Aodin looked to his men then back at me before nodding. “On one condition, you don’t f**k my mate”.
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