Chapter 7

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The boat swayed with the waves as we approached the magical barrier. It was naked to the human eye but for a supernatural being like me, we would see a slight distortion. Kind of like a mirage. The magic that was used to put up this wall was strong and it made the hair stand at the back of my neck. I could see our guide Kivana struggling to stand on her feet. "How are you managing to still stay standing?" Kivana asked from the driver's seat of the speed boat. There was a pressure pushing me down but it wasn’t enough to affect me like how it’s affecting the others. Both, Zakil and Zahruk, were trying their best not to show their weakness. Their faces pale and covered with a thin layer of sweat.  "Can you get me closer?" I asked Kavina. "Sure", she grunted before her knees gave out, forcing her to sit. For a witch who came from a powerful line, I was shocked to see her struggle this much. The boat’s engine roared as it slowly inched its way forward. I placed my hand out to skim the barrier when Kavina yelled me a warning. "I wouldn't do that. The last guy I saw that touched it pulverized in front of me".  I ignored her warning and let the warmth I felt in my chest spread to my fingers. Slowly my fingertips began to glow and I pushed them against the translucent wall. The barrier created a small hole, letting us see a glimpse of what’s inside of it before closing in and shocking me completely. I let out a sharp hiss and stuck my fingers into my mouth to cool the burn.  “Elira!” Zahruk screamed. He rushed over to me and pulled my fingers out of my mouth to examine them.  “I’m fine”, I told him before pulling my hand away from him. There was this indescribable feeling growing inside of me and I needed to let it out. I raised both my hands above my head and reached for that warmth I felt earlier. The warmth grew around me and I closed my eyes to concentrate better. Whatever it was, I didn’t want to lose it. It was our only chance inside.  I could hear their gasps behind me and the boat jerked forward causing me to lose my focus and open my eyes. Kivana screamed and I turned to see the barrier skim the butt of the boat, barely making it inside.  “What the hell was that?” Kivana huffed out. “I’ve never seen anyone do that before or even heard that it was possible. So many of my people died to try and save the ones that are stuck in here and you managed to open it without fail. What are you? Better yet, who are you?”  Everyone looked at me with suspicion and before I could say anything, I was swooped up from the boat. Long sharp claws wrapped around me as I dangled from above. I screamed only for the creature to climb up higher. Craning my head back, I could see red scales and something that looked like the underbelly of a snake. My eyes wide with shock as I finally realized what had picked me up from the ground -- a dragon.  It flew far away from the boat I was on to a small island somewhere in the middle of the ocean. There was a castle in the middle of it but it wasn’t as big as the one in Faery. Dragons of different colors were flying around it, protecting it. A dark green dragon with yellow eyes flew towards me and hovered next to the one that had captured me. There were moans and grunts but I knew well enough that they were communicating, especially when those yellow eyes narrowed on me. The grip around me loosened and I could feel myself falling. I wrapped my arms around it’s talons, hoping to not fall to my death. The dragon, agitated, shook its talons aggressively causing me to lose my grip. And before I knew it, I was free falling. The wind rushed against my face and I screamed, only nothing could be heard as the air pushed against my mouth. I closed my eyes ready to meet my inevitable death when suddenly, the warmth I felt earlier, wrapped itself around me. I opened my eyes and the green dragon from before was flying up, hurtling towards me. I panicked and tumbled in the air when it opened its mouth, ready to eat me. Only, it did the opposite by saving me. I shook with relief as it held me close towards its chest.  We flipped around in the air and I felt myself about to hurl when it closed in on the top of the castle. Half naked men stood there staring at me, clearly unhappy that I was there. The dragon did another backflip and tossed me into the pit of the half naked men, all who had their arms up ready to catch me. I screamed as I fell straight into the arms of a brown haired male who then tossed me to the ground.  “See that she is chained to the wall. The King wants answers”, he ordered the others. Rough hands yanked my arm up, forcing me to stand. “Wait! I mean you no harm!” I pleaded.  “You found our existence, we take yours,” he said before his fist landed on my jaw. Black filled my vision as fear racked within me. When I came to, my arms were chained above my head and a single candle was flickering at me from the middle of the room. I groaned and I could hear shuffling from outside the door.  “She’s awake”, I heard someone say from behind the door. There was long silence before the door clicked opened. I was greeted with a man with the same frame as Zahruk, maybe bigger. The light flickered as my eyes traced over his chiseled abdomen, broad chest, thick neck to his perfect jawline and deep set eyes.  His eyes were deep red as he searched mine. Something inside of me clicked and I felt like a pull towards him. The pull felt like the one me and Zahruk shared. But it was impossible for someone to have more than one true mate. "Who are you?" His voice, deep and intimidating. Which surprisingly sent pleasant shivers down my spine.  "Elira Evans. Daughter of Harry and Eirina Evans. Shifter from the Moon Clan", I huffed out, rattling the chains on my wrists. He stepped closer towards me crouching down as he grabbed my chin forcefully. "You're not an ordinary shifter. I can smell the difference in you", he growled out.   "I told you who I am. Now it's your turn", I manage to grit out. He shoved my face away from him before standing up to look down on me. Raw power filled the room and I laughed at his attempt to intimidate me. "That tickles", I teased with a sly grin on my face.  His face wide with shock as his plans to scare me fail. "Tell me what you are", he asked with venom in his voice.  "Not until you tell me who you are", I stated firmly. Fire ignited from his palms and he brought it close to my face.  "I'll burn that pretty face of yours off if you don't cooperate", he threatened. I smiled, knowing he wouldn't do a thing until he got an answer. My dreams of meeting dragons became a reality but it's not what I had thought it would be. They weren’t dreamy at all. They were far from it.  "Do it", I replied boldly as I leaned into the fire, encouraging his threat. The fire licked my cheek and I could smell flesh burning. I wanted to wince as I heard the sizzling in my skin but I held the pain in, not wanting to show any weakness. I wasn't going to be the one to cave first. He was and I could sense it. He clicked his tongue and pulled his fist away from my face.  "At least tell me how you manage to break in", he sighed as he scrubbed his face with his hands.  I gave him an honest look before giving him my answer. I wasn't going to tell him who I really am. I needed to know if he could be trusted first.  "I don't know, maybe it liked me and opened up". His face was fierce and full of anger at my response. His shoulders rose and fell with each breath and he slammed his fist next to my head. Pissed.  "That barrier is stronger and older than you. There's no way that it'll just open unless you have the fire crystal". His eye fell to my cheek and he lifted his finger to trace my cheek. I felt a sharp sting as I had forgotten that my face was burnt off until he touched it.  He leaned in hesitantly, before letting his tongue dart out to lick my wound. "That should heal within the next five minutes". I c****d my brows at him, unable to comprehend why he did it. Surely he must've known I could heal on my own. "No ‘thank you’?" He scoffed as he stood up. He turned, making his exit and my mind darted to Zahruk and the others.  "Wait!" And he halted. "What about my friends?" "Dead. Those who trespass end up dead. Either by our hands or starvation". He turned his back towards me and I stood up, pulling the chains as pain shot through my arms. Anger filled me as I thought about the missing planes and boats that passed through here unknowingly. They could've lived and returned home to their families but instead the dragons had let them die. "You murderer! Those people on planes and boats have families waiting for them and you'd abandon them". "Not my problem", he shrugged before leaving me alone in the room again.  I screamed as pain lanced through my chest. If Zahruk and the others died, it would've been my fault. I had brought them here to this island and I was confident about the Dragon King being here. Instead I brought them to their deaths. Guilt racked through me as the familiar prick of tears began to settle behind my eyes. “I’m sorry”, I whispered. “I’m so sorry”. I tried to hold back my cries for Zahruk but I couldn’t. It was like an overflowed dam that had to be released.  I could feel my bond with Zahruk waning. We hadn't marked or mated with one another which would make sense as to why it would fade. At least I hope that's the reason why and not because he's out there slowly dying. The pain in my chest grew and I cried even harder. I just hope that he’s okay and finding a way out of here.  The dragons were nothing like what I've read in books and the journals written by the Sun and Moon Wolves.The journals had portrayed them as creatures that were willing to help and not as a mean arrogant asshole who killed anything and anyone that stepped foot into his home. Maybe these dragons are a different breed from the original Dragon King. That is a possibility. I sighed and kicked my foot out angrily as I found myself trying to find an excuse to deem the Dragons worthy.  They left me in this dark room for what felt like days. There were no windows so I couldn't tell if it was day or night or how many days had passed. My chest stung each time I thought of Zahruk. And I wondered if he could feel it too. I couldn't even mind-link him to tell him I was okay. The man who had interrogated me would come in three times a day with a tray of food. It was the same thing each time. Rice and eggs with a side of sauce they had conjured up that day.  He would feed me but wouldn't speak to me unless it was about the fire crystal or what I might be. He’s gotten close a couple of times but I would never succumb to his games. He'd threatened to burn me, only he never did and I would be the one to burn myself.  And he'd always leave after licking my wound. I was starting to grow tired of this routine and I could feel myself slowly start to go insane. Solitary confinement was not my thing and I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody. The dark room ate at me and I itched to get out of it. I was even starting to look forward to my meals because I would catch a small glimpse of light from the door being opened. Days must have gone by as I counted how many meals I was given. I have had 45 different sauces which means if I was given a meal three times a day, I would have been here more than a week.  My captor had become more chatty the last couple of days and he had been more friendly the last ten meals he had served me. I wanted to hate him and wanted him to rot but I couldn't. I mean, he did wipe my ass when I took a s**t the other day and that took guts. If I was him, I’d let myself sit in my own s**t. But I’m grateful for my s**t wiper. If it weren’t for him, I’d be in an itchy and stinky situation. Who could hate someone after that? He still hasn’t given me his name. He was as secretive as I was and I have made it my mission to crack him like a safe. I thought I was delusional at first because I swear I had caught him flirting with me. But as time went on, it seemed that my hunch was right. Now that I have something under my belt, I was going to use it to escape this place.  "This place isn't what I thought it was like", I told him after he had finished feeding me. He tilted his head puzzled as he looked at me. "What do you mean?" "I've read about this place in books and the people had always seemed respectable and not arrogant. The King would never chain an innocent to the wall. He would have thought about it rationally and came up with a humane way to deal with the situation". "Maybe the humane way never worked. Ever thought of that?" He replied with a hint of remorse in his tone.  "This treatment is the same as death. No sun, no light and no freedom. I can't even tell what day it is. You don't trust me and I don't trust you. Do us all a favor and kill me", I provoked.  "No".  "No? You’re going to kill me anyways. You said so yourself in the beginning, those who trespassed die by your hands". "I’m not going to kill you but I’m not letting you go either”. I scoffed at his reply and looked away from him as I swallowed down my tears. He reached his hand up to my face, thumbing away the one tear that managed to escape. “Look at me”, he asked me kindly.  “No”. Why should I? He’s the reason that this hell hole is going to be my new life. "Because".  “Because?” There was a long silence and all that could be heard was our breathing. “At least tell me your name”.  "Aodin". “Can you tell me about yourself? Since I’ll be stuck here and all”, I said dryly. Still not looking at him.  “Hi, my name is Aodin. I am a Dragon Shifter and I can control all four Elements. Most dragons can control one but I’m an exception. My favorite food is rice and eggs and I’m sure yours is too. Mmm… What else? Oh! My favorite color is pink -- believe it or not -- and I like to cross dress”.  I laughed, which hadn’t happened since the beginning of this trip. I turned to look at him to see him smiling wide at me. Something clicked inside of me and I couldn’t stop smiling. He was gorgeous when he smiled and I didn’t want to look away.  “You have the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard”. I laughed even harder, throwing my head back while I was at it. “You must be on something to think that my laugh is beautiful. I wouldn’t peg you as someone who likes to cross dress”, I joked. “Well, that’s a secret only the two of us know. You can’t tell anyone”, he whispered. “Speaking of secrets, how about telling me yours?” “Secrets? I don’t have one”.  “Liar. Everyone has one and I can smell a fat juicy one coming from you”, he smirked and I immediately melted. Something pulled in my chest and it reminded me of when I first met Zahruk. Surely my mother wouldn't be so cruel as to make me fall for my captor. “Maybe if you let me out of these chains, I’ll tell you”. I leaned forward, pushing my face closer to his as I stood on my knees, rattling the chains on my wrists.  “Oh ho ho… Will you now?” He leaned in, closing the gap between us. His lips were mere inches away from mine and I could smell his sandalwood scent wafting onto me. His hands wrapped around my wrists and I heard two clicks as the cuffs released itself. I brought my hands to his cheeks and he shuddered. “Will you tell me your secret now?” He asked a little huskily as he licked his lips.  Licking my lips, I pushed my body against his as his hand gripped onto my waist. I could hear hear his heart beat and I smirked, knowing the affect I have on him. My lips brushed his cheeks before stopping to whisper into his ear. “I think I like you”. He flinched and I smiled as he took the bait. If I had to sleep with him to get out of this hell hole, I would. And as soon as I get out of this place, I’m looking for Zahruk and the others.  His nose skimmed my neck before brushing it against mine. “Want to hear another secret of mine?” He asked. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as I nodded at him with a big smile on my face. “I like you too”.  Before I could say anything, he leaned in and kissed me. Sparks ignited against my lips and I pulled back in surprise. It reminded me of the first kiss I shared with Zahruk. My chest tightened at the thought of him and I closed my eyes as I imagined the man I was about to kiss was Zahruk. I slowly leaned in and allowed our lips to meet again. His kiss was fervent and needy, almost desperate. I couldn't help but match his ferocity in the kiss. It was as if I had needed him, like the air I breathe.  His tongue skimmed my bottom lip, asking for permission and I parted my lips allowing our tongues to dance in a passionate tango. I hated cinnamon and he tasted like it but strangely enough, I couldn’t get enough of him. I moaned into the kiss as my hands found its way into his hair, fisting it to pull him closer towards me. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me in and I could feel his excitement against me. His lips left mine as he left wet trails of kisses down my jaw to the base of my neck before licking it all the way up to nibble on my ear.  I pushed his head into the crook of my neck, kissing the top of his head as he nipped around my neck. I was so lost in the moment that I hadn’t realized his teeth were grazing the area where wolves would claim their mate. “I want you”, his voice full of lust which sent liquid heat pulling at my core. I shouldn’t have wanted him but I did. I felt the same pull in my gut when I was with Zahruk. My hands shook at the thought of Zahruk and I took a deep breath in as I pushed Aodin away to catch my breath. He brushed my hair away from my face, cupping it before staring into my eyes. They were a deep scarlet with a hint of gold specks in them and I wished at that moment that Zahruk was there instead of him.  I bit my bottom lip, afraid of going any further but if I wanted to escape, I needed to do this. “Take me, Aodin”, I told him with a shaky voice.  His lips crashed into mine again and this time he moaned into the kiss. He made quick work of removing my shirt while my hands trembled with fear and excitement as I removed his. He pinched the clasps on my bra and removed it from me. The cold air hits my n*****s, erecting them more than they already were. He sucked in a breath, admiring them before claiming a mound into his mouth. I bit my knuckles, trying to keep myself quiet when he yanks them out of my mouth.  “I want to hear your sweet moans”. He pushed my breasts together and licked my n*****s at the same time which felt phenomenal. It was as if tiny little shocks of electricity were being sent down throughout my body with each swipe of his tongue. I arched my back, needing to feel more of him around me. His hand cradled the back of my head while the other landed on my ass, lifting me and gently settling me down to lay on my back. He grinded his erection down onto my core as my hips thrusted up into him. His hands traveled down and around towards the button of my jeans, taking them off from me before going down and kissing me on my inner thigh.   I was shaking with need and he was playing with me. He kissed me all over my inner thigh and missed the area where I wanted him most. I could feel his hot breath against my core as his fingers slowly raked over my nub. I moaned and he added pressure to it, rubbing it in small circles before his mouth claimed it over my panty. My hand tangled in his hair as he worked me into a moaning mess. Ripping my panty with his hands, he  separated my folds with his tongue before stopping at my bundle of nerves, flicking it into ecstasy. The pain in my chest grew and burned the more pleasure I received from him but I had to push through. It was the only way. Aodin's mouth left my core and the rustling of clothing being removed could be heard. I looked at him with my lids open halfway to see him sitting on his heels, lining himself at my entrance. This was not how I imagined I would be losing my virginity. I had always thought it was going to be with the person I love, my mate but it wasn't. He rubbed himself against my slit and small sparks of joy erupted from his touch. A single tear slid down my cheek as I realized what was about to happen and I felt my bond with Zahruk weakening.  Aodin leaned down, thumbing the tear away from my face. "What's wrong?" He asked me.  “I’ve never done this before”. I replied, nervously.  “Another secret?” He mused. He cupped the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him as he kissed me on the cheek. “Relax”, he breathed. Slowly, he pushed himself into me and my nails dug into his arms as he painfully stretched me. There was a weird tingly pleasure that replaced the pain and I opened my eyes to look into his eyes. "You're so beautiful, Elira", he whispered. His lips found mine once more as he kisses me to distract me from the pain. The sparks I felt earlier were much stronger now and I moaned as he slowly made his way into me. His lips left mine, skimming, licking and kissing the area to claim me. Without any warning, he pushed himself completely into me and claimed me in both ways -- By taking my virginity and marking me as his. I screamed with pain before immense pleasure took over. I cried as I felt the bond with Zahruk sever and new a bond with Aodin form. He bit down harder, sending me into a state of bliss. It could only mean one thing, my haze has begun.  A haze is a mating ritual that happens when two mates mark one another. It sends them into an intense state of arousal allowing them to bond over days of intimacy. The haze can last up to three days to a week and it all depends on the bond and rank of the wolf. The higher in rank, the longer the haze. The longer the haze, the stronger the bond becomes. The stronger the bond, the stronger they become. It was rare for an average wolf to be in a haze for more than three days, but there were circumstances. Those meant for a leadership role will usually have a longer haze period. “Now you’ve done it”, I said with my voice hoarse and filled with lust. I pushed him onto his back, straddling him as I pushed myself down onto him. His eyes wide with shock but was quickly replaced with bliss as I slowly rocked my hips into him.  “What have I done?” He moaned. “Once you’ve claimed a wolf they go into a haze. Do you know what a haze is?” I asked pushing myself deeper into him. He moaned and I tilted my head back in pleasure. “It’s a mating ritual where wolves f**k one another into oblivion. You just had to bite me there, didn’t you?" I picked up my pace and his face contorted in pleasure as I squeeze my walls against him. "Can you keep up, dragon boy?”  He flipped me over onto my back, pushing my knee to my shoulder as he pushed himself deeper into me. “I’m not a boy, but I am a dragon. Don’t underestimate me, Elira”.
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