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‘She has a gift many wishes to have,’ a stranger said, startling the crown prince who was normally always alert of his surroundings. He looked over to the stranger and saw him cleaning some glasses. ‘I’m the owner of the bar, Zarek,’ he politely introduced himself, showing he meant no harm to the alien. Kairos nodded and told him his name. ‘Does she come here often?’ he asked as he looked back to her, too engrossed with the piano to notice the men talking. ‘Yes, every time the gal is in the city. She has a pair of keys to close the bar or open it to play whenever she feels the need to,’ he answered as he kept on cleaning the glasses, ‘I think the reason why the gal loves it here so much is because she can be who she wants to be without being judged. The people that come here all have some kind of story, scared that they would be judged by it.’ This caught the crown princes’ attention. ‘And what is her story if I may ask.’ He didn’t know a lot about the young queen, only that her parents died early and that she sometimes felt suffocated by the high expectations. ‘Well, we all know how her parents died when she was just a young gal and how the mutts are trying to kill her every few months,’ he stated, his voice showing his disdain towards these rebels, ‘but those are not the reasons why she comes here. She comes here to forget, to forget that she is just a young queen who feels like she needs to protect her heritage. She would often complain about how she wants to be a normal gal.’ The crown prince looked back to her, this time in a new light. He had thought of her as a girl that going under by the expectations that was asked of her, but never would he have thought it was because she felt this obligation towards her parents. ‘Thank you for telling me,’ Kairos said as the bar owner readied the bar for closing. ‘No problem, mate,’ he said as he nodded at the alien, not knowing who he was talking to the entire time, ‘tell the gal to close the bar when the two of you go.’ He saw the bar owner leave through the door. A loud grumbling noise soon followed, showing he was leaving. The prince shifted his attention back onto the girl who still hadn’t noticed his presence. He decided he would walk closer to her, seeing how long it would take before she noticed him. With each calculated step he took, her intoxicating scent became more apparent, making his behemoth go wild as he wanted to sink his teeth into the soft flesh of her neck, showing the world who she belonged to. Still unaware of his presence, the young queen sped up the melody, turning the sad tone into a more energetic one. It didn’t go unnoticed by Kairos, who stopped for a moment to listen to the new tune that made him crack a soft smile, liking the rhythm of the song immediately. When he was finally close to her he leaned over her, brushing her hair away as his breath tickled the side of her face, making her slip up as she missed a note. However, she kept on playing, already knowing who was standing beside her. The prince didn’t mind that she continued playing, it would allow him to tease her some more as he now left a soft kiss on the place where her shoulder connected her neck. He could hear her slightly gasp, immediately loving the sound she produced, encouraging him to press another kiss, this time right below her ear. Her hands halted for a moment before they continued at a slightly faster pace, her music now intensifying, trying to distract herself from the pleasurable sparks that shot through her body. His lips grazed the shell of her ear as he leaned on the bench with one of his hands, the other one exploring her leg, slowly trailing up from her bare knee to her creamy thigh. He could hear her breath hitch as she tried to keep control over her shaking fingers, trying not to mess up the melody as she desperately tried to win the game he was playing all the while she was enjoying his featherlight touches. She could already feel her panties wetting by her arousal. The prince continued his assault of kisses, going from her jaw to her neck, ending at her shoulder where he lightly bit her. A soft moan escaped the queen’s lips as she felt his teeth scrape against her skin and not to forget how his fingers were caressing her inner thigh, dangerously close to her throbbing entrance. Her fingers shook even more as she wanted his fingers to go a little higher, touching the place that would send her to heaven, but instead he went on with his torture, his fingers now trailing back down, making her whimper slightly. The prince could not help but smirk at her whimper, knowing what kind of effect he had on her, his rod hardening impossibly more as he smelled her arousal coming off from her in waves. ‘Just say what you want, little flower,’ he whispered in her ear, his breath sending delicious sparks through her body as it hits her ear. She kept trying to keep her focus on the piano, but with each second it became harder and harder as she felt this need, the need to be writhing with pleasure underneath him as he teased and tortured her. When she didn’t answer him, his smirk only grew wilder. He trailed his hand from her thigh to her small bundle of nerves, slightly pressing it as a jolt went to her body, making her moan as she missed a couple notes. ‘Please,’ she begged him, finally giving in as her she looked into his icy eyes, pleading with her own warm coloured eyes. He gave in to her plead, kissing her on her plump lips, sucking it, as he laid her down on the bench, hovering over her as his finger dipped into her soaked through panties. ‘You’re so wet for me,’ he grumbled against her now red lips as he pushed one finger in, making her moan in delight. He pulled back to see her face which was now contorted in ecstasy as he played her like a violin, another moan leaving her lips as he took a n****e inside his mouth, sucking it through her shirt. He could feel her hips buck against his finger, trying to get him deeper inside of her. ‘Lay still or I’ll stop,’ he warned her as he pulled his finger back, only caressing her wet folds, ‘do you understand.’ She nodded her head vigorously, wanting to feel his fingers back inside her aching entrance, to feel how he made her shiver with pleasure, letting her forget everything. ‘Use words,’ the prince threatened, his voice gravelly, as he started to pull back, making her whimper in protest. ‘Yes, I understand,’ she whispered, out of breath from his earlier attack, ‘please.’ Satisfied with her answer, he pushed his finger back into her hot entrance, this time adding another one. The queen couldn’t contain the moans that escaped her lips as she surrendered herself to his fingers and the pleasure they brought. Her breaths were short and fast, hitching every now and then when he bit on her painfully hardened n*****s. It didn’t take long before she felt a knot forming in her stomach, intensifying as his fingers skilfully curled inside of her, hitting the right spots. ‘Ah... I’m... I’m coming,’ she moaned out as she felt her orgasm building up to the point she felt on fire. ‘c*m for me, my flower,’ the prince whispered as he sucked on her neck, bringing her over the edge as she loudly moaned his name, her thighs clenching against his waist as she rode out her mind-blowing orgasm. He pulled his fingers out of her that were now wet with her juices, licking them off as he looked at her, making her redden more as she saw his action. ‘You taste delicious,’ he whispered as he kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth, the taste of her still lingering on his tongue. He pulled back slowly to let her catch her breath, still looking inside her beautiful violet eyes that showed so many emotions at the moment. He could get lost inside them forever, but he knew he had more important things at the moment as he remembered what he wanted to talk about with her before he let his lust take over. He kept looking into her eyes as he slowly pulled back, stretching out his hand for her. She gladly took it as he pulled her up to stand, holding her by the waist as she trembled slightly on her legs. ‘How do you feel?’ he asked, a bit scared that she would regret the action. He hadn’t asked to court her yet and even though it wasn’t required to court the person before you got intimate, it still was a tradition he held close to his heart. Her eyes widened a bit at his question, not knowing how to answer it without stammering like a nervous child. ‘I-I feel great,’ she said before she thought about the consequences of her act. They weren’t even married and yet she let him pleasure her shamelessly, moaning his name as she came around his fingers. He nodded at her answer, pleased by it as he felt relieved. At least he hadn’t ruined his chances with her yet. ‘I talked with the bar owner,’ he suddenly said as he looked away, not knowing why he would say that after such an intimate moment. ‘Oh,’ she mumbled, scared to what Zarek may have told him, ‘what did he say?’ The prince could smack himself right now as he was about to ruin his moment with his potential mela. ‘He told me how you sometimes wished to be a normal teenage girl.’ The queen’s eyes hardened a bit as she already knew where he was going with the conversation. He would try to tell her she didn’t have to be a queen yet, that she still had a couple of years. It was what everyone told her. ‘Don’t,’ she warned as she crossed her arms, looking with ire to him. She could hear him blow out a sigh, ‘you shouldn’t feel like it is your duty to take over the crown as soon as possible. Your parents wouldn’t have wanted that for you.’ ‘And what would you know about my parents,’ she said with so much venom that she saw him cringe at her harsh words, ‘this is the only thing I have left from them and I will not let them down.’ She turned around and stormed out of the bar, walking home as it was only a walk of thirty minutes. The prince followed her, trying to talk to her, but was only met with silence. She kept ignoring him all the way until they reached the house, much to the annoyance of the king. He had tried everything to make her talk again to him, even saying that he understood why she felt that way, though he still thought it was irrational to feel that way as her parents only wanted her to be happy. When the queen finally reached the beach house, she noticed that Rhael’s car wasn’t in the driveway. Which wouldn’t be strange if he was looking for her, but she knew that something else was going on. Rhael wouldn’t let the crown prince wander on his own. ‘Where is Rhael, prince Kairos,’ she demanded, not even bothering to ask nicely. She could hear the prince let out a frustrated groan as she used his full title, fully knowing he had messed up big time. ‘He had some business to handle,’ his voice sounding confident as he hoped she would believe it and not ask further. ‘What kind of business,’ her voice now a bit harsher as she didn’t like it that he was trying to hide the truth, knowing fully well that he was trying to do just that. She opened the door with a loud bang, showing how angry she was as she stormed inside. ‘Well, tell me the damn truth!’ she yelled as Kairos winced slightly at her voice. She was now starting to get furious, and he knew it was best to come out clean, not wanting to anger her even more. ‘He had to handle something with the rebels. I told him to take Slaton with him,’ he truthfully said, sighing out as he thought this would appease her, but he was wrong. ‘How could you not tell me!’ she yelled even louder. He was sure the whole country could have heard her. ‘I’m the queen, goddammit.’ Kairos took a big sigh as he was starting to lose his patience. Little did he know that his mela was this feisty. ‘He asked me not to tell you,’ hoping it would justify him, even it was only a little. ‘And that makes it all right!’ still yelling, completely unaware of the person that was sitting in the living room, just out of sight. The second prince seemed to enjoy this quarrel between the queen and his brother, smiling now and then. He knew by how the voice of his brother changed; he was about to lose his patience with her and though he would like to see his brother lose his patience for the first time ever, he was too curious to see who this feisty girl was. Kairos could feel his anger boil as he saw his brother coming out of the living room, a smirk plastered on his face as he looked the young queen up and down. The crown prince could see the lust written in his brothers’ eyes and he knew in that moment that he would have to share her as his brother’s behemoth showed itself in his eyes, making them glow a pale green. And even though he felt possessive towards her, he couldn’t deny his brother his mela, not when they both have been searching for one for so long. He didn’t mind it that much as it was normal in their culture, women were like goddesses to them and could have as many partners as they wanted, although most of them stick to two or three partners. The men however choose to stay with the one, their mela, the one that made their behemoths come out. This didn’t mean that men only had one mela, they could have different mela’s, but they stay with one as they felt very protective over their chosen one. He knew it would be strange for the queen to have two partners, and even if it was normal in their culture, she would have to get used to the thought of being shared. ‘You were supposed to be at the mother ship,’ Kairos said through clenched teeth. They needed Drakos there as he took his first in command with him and now that his ass of a brother was here, it left no one in charge over there. ‘And let you have all the fun,’ Drakos said as he walked over to the kitchen counter, smirking at the queen who was looking at him with apprehension, her brows slightly furrowed. ‘Caelyn, this is my brother Drakos,’ he introduced them to each other, not liking that his brother was unreasonable. ‘You have a brother,’ her voice filled with surprise, completely forgetting her anger. Kairos was about to answer her when a window broke. Drakos was quick to react and pulled her behind the kitchen counter, out of view from the sniper. Kairos, himself, hid in the hallway, cursing loudly. The queen was petrified with fear as she thought about how she could have died weren’t it for Drakos who she was clutching herself too. He didn’t seem to mind though as he tried to calm her down by stroking her back, while holding her to his chest. ‘Who was that?’ Drakos asked loudly so his brother could hear it too. ‘The rebels who are out to kill me,’ the queen whispered as her voice cracked slightly due to her fear. The second prince frowned at this. Why would some people want to kill her? She was way too young to have already made some enemies. He was about to say something when something rung, catching the attention of the queen. ‘That’s probably Rhael,’ she mumbled as she reached for the device that was lying on the kitchen counter, carefully as she didn’t want to get a hole in her hand. Once she had the phone in her hand she picked up, ‘Rhael, where are you?’ ‘Listen carefully to me, Caelyn. The rebels are planning an attack on the house. I need you to get to safety,’ Rhael’s voice was strong and didn’t show his worry, but she knew how worried he really was, scared that today will be the day that she would die. ‘They are already here,’ she breathed as she panicked, her fear paralyzing her as she knew the rebels surrounded the house. There was no way for her or the two princes to get out of here. A sob rocked through her body as she came to realise this, a sob that went straight through the hearts of the two brothers who could smell the fear radiating off from her, both feeling anguish as they saw her crying. ‘We are coming to get you, Caelyn, just try to hide somewhere,’ Rhael reassured her, hoping to give her some more courage. He hung up as he arrived at the house, barking orders at his men to take out the rebels that surrounded the house, while Slaton was looking for the sniper. The queen could hear the commotion outside, shaking in fear of the impending danger. She kept telling herself that she would be all right, but it didn’t matter as her fear was already petrifying her, making her unable to register anything. ‘Caelyn.’ ‘Caelyn!’ a loud voice by her ear yelled as he shook her slightly. She looked up and was met with a pair of pale green eyes that looked worried. ‘Everything will be all right; do you understand.’ She nodded her head, even though she didn’t believe it. ‘I can hear some footsteps coming towards us,’ Kairos said as he crouched towards us, kissing the scared queen on her temple. The queen relaxed a little now that Kairos was close-by. The second prince felt slight jealousy coursing through his body. He knew she only reacted like this because she knew Kairos longer than him, but it didn’t make it any better. They could hear the pair of footsteps getting closer and the eldest prince could see five rebels going inside, dressed in camo. He held up five fingers to let his brother know how many there were. Drakos crouched to the other end of the kitchen counter, surrounding the five men. Both the brothers attacked the five rebels when they had least expected it, killing one almost immediately, the youngest prince slicing through his stomach with his claws as he dodged the fist of another rebel. The two brothers easily held the overhand, but couldn’t help it that one escaped, lunging towards the queen. The queen let out a scream when she saw the rebel coming towards her, her scream alerting Kairos, giving the chance for the rebel whom he was fighting, to slice his back, making him bleed profusely. He groaned in pain, but could already feel scales scabbing over the wound, making it heal. His brother saw it happen and quickly killed the one he was fighting with, leaving only three rebels. ‘Stop fighting or she dies,’ the rebel threatened as he held a knife against her throat. The queen gulped in fear as she desperately tried to remember her self-defence classes, but nothing came into her mind. It was like she never had them in the first place. Both the princes stood with an enraged expression on their faces. Not liking the fact that their mela was in such a dangerous position. The eldest prince could feel fear coursing through his body, making him only angrier at his incompetence. She could die today because he failed to protect her. He already cared deeply about her. His brother, however, had to try his best not to shift right then and there, his behemoth demanding to behead the three rebels for even thinking of touching his mela. While the two brothers were thinking of a plan, the queen finally remembered some self-defence training and pushed her elbow hard into the ribs of her attacker, making him grunt in pain as he let the grip loosen on her, enabling her to run away. She did however get hurt as the knife he had been holding sliced through her arm like it was made from butter. Drakos was quick to react and killed her attacker with one swift move, slicing his neck with his claw as he choked on his own blood. The other two ran away in fear as they eyed the two aliens before them, recognizing the feral look in their eyes. Caelyn ran immediately to Kairos who hugged her tightly to him as she sobbed, her emotions getting the best of her as the adrenaline diminished. She could feel her arm starting to sting as she eyes it. A deep cut ran from her shoulder almost to her elbow. She had to try her best not to pass out as she saw how much blood she was losing. Drakos saw her wound and walked over to her, taking a healing spray out of his pocket and was about to use it on her when the door suddenly opened, scaring the young queen.
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