You Need Help

2345 Words
Sara's Pov: "I can't believe him I hate him so much", I shout complaining to my friends. "Come on you don't mean that he's your father", Naomi says as I continue to pace in my room. "Yes Naomi I do who does he think he is I don't need a babysitter I don't need anyone's help", I shout angry at my father. "He's just worried about and honestly we all are", Tara says looking up from her phone. "I don't have a problem no one needs to worry", I tell them still think about what my father told me this morning. "Sara your one of our of best friends so we know better than anyone you a have a problem and it's getting worse you almost picked a fight with one of the strongest alphas in the world", Stephanie says worry in her eyes and I sigh knowing she's right. "Look were not says your to blame none of this is your fault after everything that's happened let's just says no one would be the same but maybe your dad calling the king and requesting help is a good thing maybe talking about what happened will help we all love you and want to help but maybe were not the best ones to help", Naomi says hugging me. "If you won't do it for your dad do it for yourself at least talk to whoever is coming who knows maybe they can actually help maybe they'll know how you feel this might be a good thing", Tara says with a small smile. "Fine I'll try but I make no promises and I'm not doing it for him", I tell them. "Great now that everything is settled let's go shopping retail therapy helps to", Stephanie shouts making us laugh.  "When is this person from the royal pack supposed to get here", Naomi asks. "The end of the week", I say with a sigh as we head for the front door. "Do you no anything about them", she asks making me wonder who they could be sending. "No not really only that they work for that program that the king started that gives people second chances", I tell them. "Well maybe they'll send a cute guy", Stephanie says with a winking at me making me smile at her and shake my head. "You have a mate remember", I tell her making her smile a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Oh I know and I wasn't talking about for me", she laughs. "Okay enough about this who is up for Brad's party tonight", I ask making everyone groan. "Seriously another party", Tara whines as we get into the car. "Yeah why mot go it'll be fun", I tell them since I have decided to go whether they do or not. "Didn't your dad say no more parties", Naomi asks sending a text on her phone. "Like I'm actually gonna listen and besides this might be my last one I get the feel that when my babysitter gets here there won't be anymore parties", I tell them. "I guess I'll go but you have to promise no picking fights and no vodka", Stephanie says making me grin. Once we get to the mall Adam, Rusty, and trey walkover to us. Adam is the beta of our pack he's also Stephanie's twin brother so I guess you could say they are both the next beta it really hasn't been decided yet. Rusty is Stephanie's mate and the gamma of the pack and well Trey is just a warrior a very annoying one who happens to be a player he also happens to have a thing for me and honestly it makes me uncomfortable at times. "Hey babe your looking as beautiful as ever", Trey says trying to put his arm around me. "Touch me and you die", I tell him quickly moving away from him. "Trey cool it now", Adam tells him in a not so nice voice as Tara hugs him. "What I was just complimenting a beautiful woman", Trey says his eyes once again on me. "I got to go", I tell them walking away heading for some shops. "Hey you okay Naomi", asks concern in her voice she's the only one I have told about what happened and she only knows part of it. "Yeah I'll be fine", I tell her lying knowing I'm not fine I really need a drink right not.  "Come on sweets just one date", Trey says trying once to get me to agree. "She said no Trey now back off dude", Rusty tells him. I roll my eyes getting annoyed so I just walk away needing some time alone I link Tara and tell her to tell everyone not to follow. I stop at the food court and decide to get a bit to eat I choose to tacos their one of my favorite foods to eat when I come here. "Well little Reynolds nice to see you again", I hear a familiar voice say and turn I see a none another than a certain alpha walking over along with the girl I assume is his mate. "Alpha Ace uh hey", I say really unsure of what to actually say. "Hello I'm Rose", The girl attached to him says smiling down at me reaching her hand out. "Hi Sara", I tell her shaking her hand which surprises me cause normally I don't like being touched at all especially by people I don't know. "Are you here alone", asks still smiling as they both take a seat. "No I'm here with friends just needed a minute alone", I tell them making them look confused. "My beta's friend is with us and he's sort of a player and sort of has a thing for me which got annoying so instead of killing him I chose to walk away for a bit", I tell them clearing up the confusion. "Wise choice personally I would of beat the s**t out of him", Ace says smiling while Rose smacks him upside the head. "Violent woman your spending to much time with Mia", Ace mumbles rubbing the back of his head. "Well I think you did the right thing", Rose says ignoring Ace who is mumbling curses. "Well it was nice meeting you Rose and it was nice seeing you again Alpha but I need to get back before my friends send out a search party for me and sorry for the trouble the other night", I tell them apologizing which is something I don't normally do. "Don't worry about it little Reynolds as I said before you remind me of my sister", he says before he and Rose say bye. It didn't take me long to find everyone as soon as Ace and Rose left they came running over. "Please tell me you didn't piss him off again", Adam says worry in his eyes. "No believe it or not I don't piss off everyone all the time", I tell him with an eye roll. "We just talked a bit I apologized and we said goodbye", I tell them as I head toward one of my favorite stores. "Wait you actually apologized are you feeling okay", Tara says I just respond with an eye roll and head into the store to by something new for the party. After a few hours and several shopping bags later Tara and Adam gave me a ride home. "Princess can we talk", dad asks walking into my room since the door was already open. "Depends on what you wanna talk about", I tell him with no emotion. "Sweetheart I called and asked for help because I'm worried about you", he says and I just scoff but continue to listen. "I'm worried I'm gonna lose you your all I have left", he tells me making me look over at him. For the first time I actually really look at him.  He doesn't look like the same man I used to know or the same alpha. He looks weaker than he used to paler to maybe he's broken to like me. "I'm going out tonight with my friends I might not get another chance once that person gets here", I tell him going back to putting my new things in my closet. "I know you already hate me but you need help I don't wanna fight with you just be safe tonight I can't lose you to", dad tells me before walking out. After getting dressed for the party I hesitated for a moment before heading downstairs I didn't wanna argue with my dad tonight but true to his word he didn't try and stop me. Rusty and Stephanie were waiting to give me a ride I didn't feel like driving. "So you really think this will be your last party", Stephanie asks. "Most likely I don't really know maybe", I tell her with a sigh. "Everything will be fine I'm sure of it", she says smiling back at me through the mirror. It didn't take us long to get to the party since it was only a few minutes away. "Alright my party peeps let's have some fun now that the gang is all here", Tara says with a smile as her and the rest of out group walks over minus Trey which I was glad for but at the same time I had a slight chill run up my spine at knowing he was nowhere in sight. I quickly pushed it aside wanting to have one last goodnight with my friends. I made my way over to the bar and was quickly poured a shot since the bartender recognized me. "Sorry no vodka tonight", I tell him remembering my promise. "Well if your not gonna take it I will", Said a very annoying voice I was hoping not to hear. What do you want", I asked an already drunk Trey as he threw back my shot of vodka. "What I want is you", he says leaning against the bar getting a little to close for my liking. "Trey your drunk back off before something happens that you'll regret", I tell him trying to walk away but before I could he grabbed my arm tightly. "Trey let go that hurts", I tell trying to yank my arm lose from him. "Little miss alpha thinks she's to good for me well we'll see", he says before finally letting go. "What the hell was", Adam asks as he and the others storm over to where I am. "I don't know", I tell them unsure of what to do as flashbacks run through my head. "Rusty let's go", Adam says making Rusty follow him in the direction Trey went. "Are you okay", Naomi asks as her and the girls look at me with concern. "Yeah but I think I'm gonna get a drink and don't worry no vodka", I tell them making Stephanie smile. I walk back to the bar and order a shot of whiskey to calm myself. After a couple of shots I feel better I can feel the alcohol slightly but not enough to be drunk just enough to enjoy the party but still know what I am doing. "Having fun", Stephanie asks as her and Tara walk over with smiles on their face. "Yep where Naomi", I ask them making them point to the dance floor. "Looks fun we should hit the dance floor but first I'm gonna find the bathroom", I tell them. "Okay we'll wait here for you", Tara says as I walk off in need of the bathroom which I find upstairs. I do my business and wash my hands and start heading back downstairs when I fell someone grab my arm pulling me into another room closing the door quickly. "Hello love", I hear a voice that I know very well say before I feel his lips crash onto mine. I bite his tongue when he tries to put it in my mouth. "f*****g b***h", Trey shouts punching me in the face knocking me to the ground. "Surprised love thought I was drunk well maybe a little but not as much as you", he says laughing kicking me in the stomach. "Now here's what's gonna happen tonight you and are gonna be a good girl and I am gonna do what I've always wanted with you", he says picking me up and throwing me on the bed roughly. "Trey you don't wanna do this", I tell him as things start spinning slightly. "Oh I want this I've wanted you for so long but you keep rejecting me", He says getting even more upset. "Because your not my mate", I tell him as I start to feel light headed but that doesn't stop me from trying to fight back. "No no no love don't fight just sleep and everything will be fine", he says as I feel myself getting tired. "What did you do", I ask him getting more tired and weaker by the minute. "It's funny how people will do anything for money", he says and I realize he paid someone to slip something in one of my drinks. I tried to link Tara or one of the others but couldn't neither could Caroline our connection was being blocked. So I did the only thing I could think of since I was way to weak to fight myself I gathered the last of my energy and through my head back and howled for help hoping someone could here me over the music. "STOP THAT", Trey shouts punching me in the mouth hard.  "s**t", I hear him mumble before jumping off the bed and out the window as the door to the bedroom flies open. "No no no no call the doctor and the alpha now", I hear Adam shout as I see my friends run in. "Sara we need you stay awake please", I hear Stephanie say as her and the others beg me to but I just can't fight it any longer and everything goes dark.
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