Chapter 4: How I Met Him

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|Cassandra| The wolf entered in a cave after a long run. I did not know if we lost the wild bear that was chasing us but I immediately dismounted myself on his back before it could even do any danger toward me. The wolf seemed to give no mind at my sudden behavior. Instead, he want back outside the cave, looking around, as if he was ensuring that we had finally lost the bear or what. The wolf came back after a few minutes. As he walked inside, he wriggled his body to shake off the snow on its body. But what suddenly made me gasped in surprise is when the wolf...suddenly shafeshifted into human! Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and before I knew it, he was already standing proud in his...human form! My mouth fell open, too shock to what I just had witness. "" I uttered under my breath. The guy, who was probably twice my age, seemed to remember he was not alone. His eyes immediately darted into my direction. It seemed he had forgotten that I was with him, or it was only normal for him to shapeshift in front of anybody. But that...shapeshifting was not normal for me! I did not know that a wolf could shapeshift into human! The shock expression in his face, and...and... I clung my head to the right as my forehead started to crease when I noticed something. I squinted my eyes to get a better look. The guy, who was a wolf...does not emit an aura. He...does not emit an aura. I swallowed hard and my heart suddenly started to hammer in fear. This very first time to encounter someone whom I could not see their aura. The animals...emits even a small. The wild bear that was chasing us emit a strong shade of red around its body. But this person...this wolf who shapeshifted into human...I see nothing to him. He straightened his back as he made a step closer on my direction. I made a step back in return, bracing myself to his presence and what he was going to do. Seeing the aura of the people, has been my only way to know what they were thinking. Back when I was still young, when mother has visitors at home, I would hide in my usual spot, then tried this ability of mine toward my mother's visitor. I would have a little idea of what they were feeling at that moment, then I would tell my mom about what I had discovered after her visitors would leave the house. That's why, seeing him emitting no aura really made me feel panic. "Don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you," I heard him say. His voice was gentle and soothing but I couldn't seem to find myself to be convinced in it. I unconciously looked around, trying to find some stones or anything useful where I could hide myself. But there was none. I saw from my peripheral on how he suddenly make a movement on his place. I quickly turned back my head to him, and only to see him making a few steps back. He heaved a deep sigh as his blue eyes stared directly into my eyes. "I won't hurt you. See? I'm already backing off," then even showed me what he had done. I stared at him for a few seconds, and he seemed to realize that I still looked stiff in my place that he another step backwards. And the distance he put between us...had somehow eased my fear. "Is this enough?" he asked critically. I slowly nodded my head as response. We both fell into silence after a few seconds. I could not looked straight at him while he was doing the opposite. I...barely encounter people. That is why, I really felt uncomfortable whenever their eyes remained at me for a few minutes. The silence between us stretched for a couple of minutes before the guy decided to break it afterwards. "What are you doing in the middle of the woods?" I blinked, then dragged my gaze toward his direction. I was not able to answer him right away. He waited, and even squatted on his place so he could level his gaze on mine. His forehead was creasing as he stared back into my eyes. It was at that moment, when I finally calmed down, that I noticed that the man in front of good looking. He looked so dark, intense...and somehow, ruthless. His back was facing the light, that's why he looked like a predator, ready to attack his prey, which was me. I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable of how he looked at me. I averted my gaze, but in the end, I could not stop myself from looking back at him. I felt something ticklish on my stomach. My heart pounded wildly in sudden excitement. And I did not even know why I was suddenly feeling those. "Did you hear me? I am asking you what are you doing in the middle of the woods, amidst of storm, little girl," I was dragged back to reality when his voice echoed on my ear. It took me a while to process those words before I finally managed to say my reply. "Lost..." I said shortly. His forehead creased even more, but it seemed he was smart enough to understand what I was saying. "You were lost?" he asked. I nodded my head instead of voicing out my agreement. "Then...I'll help you in bringing you home," he said. I quickly shake my head in disagreement. He looked confuse with my response. . "No. I-I n-need...find. Mother," I said, one by one. And I don't even know if those words were making a sense to him. I bit my lower could I even communicate with him without having a hard time? "You were finding your mother?" he guessed. My eyes widened a fraction, suddenly amazed that he could understand me even with the little words I say. I nodded my head with eagerness this time. Somehow, knowing that he might able to help me find my mother had given me hope. "Where was the last time you seen her?" "S-She..." was "working. S-She l-left me" at "home," I bit my lower lip and dropped my head low, a little embarassed that I could not even said my words properly. "It's alright. Take your time on telling me the information you know," I lifted my gaze back to him. He was now smiling at my direction, like he was telling me that I don't need to be nervous around him. Even I was a hesitant about the man, I concluded that he might not be a bad person. I hope so. I inhaled a deep breath then started to tell him the reason why I was out of the woods in the middle of the storm. "I-I. was. hungry. M-Mother. did. not. come. h-home. after. she. l-left. two. days. a-go. I. get. out. of. our. house. to. find. her. even. s-she. had. told. me. n-not. to. I. have. b-been. walking. for. hours. I-I. did. not. know. w-where. I-I. could. find. her. I...I. decided. to. go. back. home. b-but. I. was. l-lost. appeared." It took me a while to finish my explanation. And during the time that I was having hard time uttering those words, all the man had done was to remain silent and listen to me. "'re mother has not come home after two days she left?" he confirmed. I nodded my head as response. "Do you have any idea where she was working?" I shook my head as reply, because mother did not even told me where she was working. She failed to tell me or she chose not to tell me what kind of work she had. "Then...finding her will be a little difficult," he said. I looked back at him, a little surprise with what he had said. "You. w-will. h-help. me. find. m-mother?" He stared at me for a few seconds, before he grinned at me once again. "Of course. How could I just let you wander on the forest and find your mother alone?" he said. I suddenly felt happy upon hearing that. I forgot that he might be a dangerous person or what, that I saw myself running toward his direction and throwing my hands on him in happiness. "Thank you!" I said genuinely. I felt how his body flinches for a while before he relaxed and embrace me in return. "You're welcome," I heard him whisper then pats my head. It was then when I realized what I had done. I quickly made a distance between us. I dropped my head low, suddenly feeling a little embarrass of my aggressiveness that I did not know where it came from. I heard the man chuckled at my reaction, then he patted my head once again. "You don't need to feel embarrass. It's a normal reaction for someone who is happy that someone is giving out their help to those who needed it," I heard him say. I lifted my gaze at him and his calm and welcoming demeanor greeted me once again. "A-Alright," We were silence once again and I thought, the awkwardness between us would grew wider. But it seems that the guy was a bit...talkative. "What's your name?" I stared at him in hesitation. I don't know why I could not say my name to him right away. He noticed my second thoughts that he smiled once again then patted my head like he was suddenly used to that. "My name is Lazaro Eon. It would be nice to know your name, little lady," he said. I stared directly into his eyes upon hearing those. Lazaro Eon. His name is beautiful. "L..." azaro "Eon." I unconsciously whispered. My cheeks flushed in immediate embarrasment. I instantly averted my gaze, especially when I saw the amusement on his eyes upon hearing how...I failed saying his name. "Hmm. You can call me Leon if that's what easy for you," he was still smiling as he said those. I could not help but turned my eyes back to him. "It's...a-alright?" I stuttered. "Yes. You can call me that. I quite like it actually," "Leon..." I uttered as I sighed heavily and somehow felt a little ease that...he was just like my mother. They gave no big deal if I failed on saying the words in exact pronunciation. If I failed, my mother would always tell me that I could still try once again. "So, what about you? What's your name?" Leon asked. "I'm Cassandra," "Cassandra?" "Y-Yes. J-Just. Cassandra," "Then, it's nice meeting you, Cassandra," then he offered his hand to me. I could not help but looked at it for a few seconds, before I looked back at him with enthusiasm. I've read this once on books! "I-It's n-nice. to. m-meet y-you too, Leon," I said and accepted his hand. "So...are you comfortable with my presence now?" I slightly nodded my head because it was the truth. I had used of his presence that I no longer feel the fear toward him. But then...curiosity still got the best of me. "A-Are. y-you. a. w-wolf. Leon?" I asked, before I could even stop myself. And the smile quickly faded on his lips. Fear and wary once again...succumb my entire system as I looked at his expression suddenly became serious. I swallowed hard, then saw myself stepping backwards. I thought that he would do something alarming, but instead, he only heaved a deep sigh and finally sat on the bare ground. I stopped from what I was doing upon seeing him a little...defeated. He gave me a small smile. "Well, I'm sorry that you have to see that," I blinked in surprise, too amazed that he did not deny what I had seen. Of course, why would he deny it when I saw it with my both eyes the very first hand. But the fact that he...remained calm and serious after that question had somehow...given me more a few perspective about him. He was...patient and kind...and understanding. I wonder if I could see his aura, I wanted to know what he was feeling at the moment. He stared back at me after a few seconds. And he noticed the distance between us. I thought he's going to say something about it but he chose to remain silent. "I-It's. a-alright," I said and swallowed the angst I was feeling. "C-Could. I. a-also. shapeshift. i-into. a. w-wolf?" I asked innocently. Because suddenly remembering how he easily transformed back into his human form, I could not help but give it a thought that it would be also possible to someone like me. But Leon suddenly burst into laughter upon hearing my question. His voice echoed on the corners of the cave that he even disturbed the sleeping chiropteras. I had to run toward his direction at the sudden cauldron of chiropteras flying toward our direction. I shrieked, at the thought that they would attack me. Leon quickly pulled me and hide me between his arms. I had to close my eyes and brace myself. I have only read about the chiropteras, but I never seen one in reality! I could not stop myself from shivering when the cave finally had calmed down. Leon pushed me a bit to put a distance between us. His blue eyes quickly met mine. I bit my lower lip a little harder, trying my besat to not let the tears fell on my eyes. But seeing the shock and worried expression of Leon made me sobbed. "Oh damn it. I'm sorry Cassandra," he said then pulled me once again for an embrace. "It was not my intention to...oh fvck. I'm sorry," he muttered as started caressing my back, as if he was trying to sooth and console me. It was quite effective, especially feeling his warmth had somehow cooled me down. I do not even know where was those tears was coming from. Maybe it was for a fact that I suddenly missed my mother. I want to see her soon. And each passing hours that I do not see her, makes my heart clenched in deep pain. "I want to see my mother," I whispered, maybe the sadness and longing I was feeling was due to the warmth I was felt toward Leon. "Okay...I'll help you find her," I heard him say. I remained silent as I continued savoring his warmth. But it has to end a few monutes later when I suddenly felt how his body became rigid. 'Damn it. They found me already?' My forehead creased when I heard his voice inside my mind. I had to put a little distance between us to look at him with curiosity. He was dark and serious for a couple of seconds before he instantly wore a smile in his lips, like he was trying to mask the emotion I had seen from him few seconds ago. "Shall we start finding your mom?" he asked. I nodded my head in agreement. "Alright. We should start finding her in the east," After he said that, he let go of me and in a blinked of an eye, he shapeshifted back into his wolf form. My mouth fell open in amazement then looked at his eyes with excitement when he turned into my direction. 'We'll travel while I'm on this form because it's convenient,' he explained. I only nodded my head in response. Leon lowered his body so I could climb on his back. I was struggling at first and when I settled, he stood straightly then started walking out of the cave. We remained outside for a few seconds. I noticed him looking around like he was trying to find some better way where we could go, before he started running. "W-Where. a-are. we. going. Leon?" I asked. 'To find your mother,' he answered on my mind. "D-Do. y-you. know where s-she is?" the hope and the happiness in my voice was too evident. 'No,' I blinked, suddenly confused with his answer. 'Before we find your mother, I need to drop you somewhere safe,' he said after a few minutes of silence. "Safe?" 'Yes. I need to finish some important business first, before we find your mother,' "Alright..." 'But..." But? 'But if I don't come for you later this evening, don't wait for me,' My brows were now in deep furrow. "Why?" 'Don't wait for me Cassandra. The people where I will leave you will give help in my stead,' My hand tightened its hold against his fur. I was, for some reason, a little disappointed that he won't be the one who'll help me find my mother. "Why. i-it. c-can't. be. you?" I heard him sighing deeply. Then he stopped from his tracks. I took that as a sign to dismount on his back, especially when I saw a house at a certain distance. After dismounting on Leon's back, he quickly shapeshifted into human form. Then he bended his one knee in front of me so he could level his eyes on mine. "Those people living in that house are good people. They will help you go home and find your mother. You can count on me with that," he ensured. He gave me forced smile, and all I could do was to nod my head in return. "Alright," I said then dropped my head low. I felt a little saddened. I have a feeling that...he won't appear later this evening. I want to stop him, like what I should have done the same to my mother. But...but... who am I to do that? "It's nice meeting you, Cassandra," I heard him say. I lifted my head to met his gaze. He was now...smiling genuinely at me. And hearing those words, were enough evidence that...we might not see each other once again. "It's nice to meet you, Leon," I said with a sob. He smiled even more, then pulled me for one last embrace, before he let go and whispered: "Now, run," I closed my eyes and quickly turned my back against him, then started running toward the house, without giving Leon a second look.
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