Chapter 5: Family

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|Cassandra| Leon could not be found where he was standing when I decided to look back at him. I swallowed hard, feeling more saddened that I won't be seeing him anymore. And what made it more ironic that I only met him a few hours ago yet I was feeling like this. I sighed heavily and focused my attention on my own goal. I need to find my mon. And just like Leon had said, the people who were living in the house ahead of me could give me the help I need. So, I continued heading toward the house which Leon was referring to. I was having a hard time because of the snow but thankfully, I manage myself arriving on their front door. And before I could even made a knock, the door suddenly swung open, like the person who did that was expecting of my arrival. I looked up to the old lady, probably twice the age of my mother, who was looking down at me. "Child! Goodness, why are you walking under a storm?" she exclaimed. I stared at her for a few seconds. And the aura that surrounds her was light purple, like she was truly surprised of my sudden appearance in front of her. But then...she looked at my left and right before, as if she was checking someone outside, before she pulled me inside and closed the door behind her. I blinked. Then she quickly sat down so she could level her gaze on mine. But my attention was instantly directed to the...number of people seating on the other side of the room. They were looking at my direction, curiously looking at me. They were seating on circle on the floor, with thick blankets wrapped around them. And I could not that moment, to look at them a little longer. They're...curious. They give off a warm and bright yellow aura. My mother had reminded me not to use any of my powers. But as a child, I still did not know how to control it and stop myself from using it. I was dragged back to reality and my attention was directed back to the old woman when she started shaking off the snow on my shoulders and on my head. At first, she was busy on what she was doing. But she accidentally pulled the cap of my thick coat. And I saw in a closer look on how reaction quickly change from getting worried into shock. She gasped in surprise and even covered her mouth with both of her hands. Her aura suddenly changed from light puple to darker shade of yellow. Then her eyes immediately met mine. "Y-Your...y-your---" My forehead started to crease as I looked at her. Why is she suddenly so shock...and feeling so fear, upon seeing my hair. Is something...bothering could be seen there? I unconciously hold my hair and started checking it, trying to see if I could find something aweful tangled on my hair that made this old lady to look so surprised upon seeing it. I saw nothing after a few seconds of checking, so my gaze went back to the old woman in front of me. Yet my attention was directed to a girl, who were years older than me, quickly get up from where she was seating and immediately walked near to her mother. Her attention was on me until she arrived in front of us. Her aura changed the same way as to her mother. "H-How did you c-come all the way here, y-your highness?" the old woman asked with shakey voice. I clung my head to the right, suddenly confused of what she had called me. Your highness? Why would she call me that way? But my attention instantly focused on her question. "I...." was "Lost," were the only words that came out from my mouth. The old woman blinked a few times, before she finally understood what I was trying to say. "You were lost in the woods?" she guessed. I quickly nodded my head as response. "Then...who were you with before you got lost, your highness?" it seemed that she finally got absorbed with the situation. Her aura gradually came back to lighter shade of yellow. But then...her address caught my attention once again. I shook my head, to somehow tell that she should not call her me like that. I'm no royalty. But the woman seemed engrossed with what she was seeing. As much as I wanted to elaborate my situation, to ask her if she, perhaps, had seen my mother, I just could not voice out those words that rushing inside my mind. "Leon," I muttered under my breath. And it seems that his name were enough explanation to her. Her aura turned gradually changed into shade of blue. "Alright then. I--I'll give my entire effort to help you go home," she said, her eyes were now filled with determination. I stared at her for few seconds, suddenly having second thought if it was alright them. I was only out for a few hours and the only person whom I trust with my life was my mother. Yet...I need to find her and I could not possibly do that all by myself. Those thoughts quickly disappeared on my mind when I smell something delicious. My eyes quickly followed where it was coming from. And a second after I dragged my gaze on the other corner of the house, I saw an old man, coming out from a doorway, with a hotpot on his hand. "Hungry," I whispered. But the old woman might have heard what I had said. "You're hungry, you're highness?" she asked, her gaze never leaving mine. I nodded my head in response but my eyes were locked on the hotpot. "Come. Join us for dinner for tonight. I will talk to my husband on bringing you home as soon as possible," My mind could not process what the old woman was saying as she pulled me toward their table. And their sons and daughter who were seating on the living area of the room were now making their way toward to the same table. Yet...I noticed how they only crowded on the one side of the table, and no one was even trying to find their seat beside me. I stared at them. They were eight in total, including the mother, the father, and the older sibling. They were in total silent. "Who in the--" The old man, who seemed to only noticed my presence, were now looking in my direction. But he was quickly hushed by her wife and the wife whispered something toward him. I remained standing on the other side of the table. The older sibling started to busy herself by putting some utensils on the table. And their mother quickly attended me first. "Have a seat, your highness," the old woman grinned at me as she pulled me a seat on the other end of the table. "I'll apologize as soon as possible if the food we prepared were the only food we have," she said as her husband were starting to pour some soup on the bowl. "It's alright," I managed to answer. My eyes were focused at the food on the table. They have some bread, soup and some sweet potatoes. And we occasionally have those at home. That was why, I was very thankful that they bothered to share some with me. "Find your seats now, children," the old woman said after the food was prepared on the table. It took them a while to finally have their seat. And a boy, who might be a few older than my age take the courage to seat beside me. His other siblings were looking at what he had done. And they quickly followed his actions as if they were amazed with what they had done. "Hi," the boy said after he settled beside me. I quickly gave him a smile, then greeted him back. "Hi," I said in return. His eyes widened in surprise at what he was seeing, then I couldn't help but look at his aura that was turning into light shade of red. Is he...embarrased? He quickly averted his gaze and I noticed how his neck and his ears turned into bright red. I suddenly feel a little worried. The last time I had seen those symptoms were when my mother was sick. I quickly grabbed the hands of the old woman who was seating beside me. She quickly gave me her attention. "What is it?" I pointed her son, whose entire focus was on the food. "Sick," I tell her with so much seriousness. She quickly looked at her son, then her hand reached for his neck and head. But instead of getting worried, she only smiled in return as she looked at me. "He's not sick, your highness," she said. "He likes you!" And the dining table was filled with teasing. Their mother immediately hushed them down. "I apologize if we haven't introduce ourselves, your highness," the old woman said. I did not say a word so he took that chance to introduce themselves at me. "I am Magda, and this is my husband, Amaro," she started. Then she introduced the boy seating beside me. "This is Bren," I could not help but look at the boy beside me. The table was filled with another set of teasing again and I could not understand why they were doing it. "My oldest, Diana. Fiona, Henry, Caleb, and my youngest Sofia," Magda continued as she points her fingers to the children respectively. "I'm Cassandra," I said after Magda introduced everyone to me. She then smiled at me after hearing my name. "It's nice to meet you, your highness," she said sweetly then her children did the same afterward. And not long after, we started eating the food in front of us. I was hungry, alright. But I could not help but look at Magda's children who were now starting to ask me with question out of curiosity. And I feel sorry that I could not answer any of their question because...I was still quite overwhelmed with their presence. "Are you really a princess?" "Do you have powers?" "Do you live in the castle?" I shook my head as reply. Because none of their question was true. seemed they would not just believe an action as a response to their question. They were too engrossed at my presence that...even I tried to deny it with words, everyone thinks I was only being humble. Their curiosity had ended and it changed into something playful whensome of them were trying to get the sweet potato of the other. And the table were starting to get loud and messy. Magda and Amaro were starting to hush and cool them down. Diana is talking to Fiona. Henry and Caleb started on arguing at something I could not understand. Sofia started crying at the sight of her brothers. So...Bren quickly left his seat and head toward Henry and Caleb. Amaro, on the other hand, quickly stood from his seat and attended his youngest. I could help to look at Amaro who carried his daughter and started to hush her down, caressing its back and swaying her with gentle. Sofia embraced her father in return then leaned her head against his father's chest. Their bright red aura was warm that I could not help but stare at them a little longer. I have...never seen my father since I was able to read. My mother, once told me, that he was alive and he has the same hair and eyes as mine. I tried asking her if I could see my father but my mother's only reply was...we can't. And the familiar emotion I always see in her eyes was the same to what kind of aura she was emitting...a lighter shade of grey. I wonder...if I met my father, would he be...happy to see me? Would he treat me like how Amaro treats his youngest? I wonder. The dinner ended well. Magda's family decided to let me stay for the night. I did not even know that it was already getting dark outside. I...was hoping that Leon would appear after the dusk but I neve seen his shadow setfoot on the household. So, instead of waiting for him, I decided to join sleep with the Umbers for the night. It was fascinating to know that each the entire family shared only one room. I could not sleep at first. My mind was occupied with things about my mother. But not long after, the lids of my eyes were getting heavier. Maybe it was because the tiredness assaulted my system that I had finally doze off. And the next morning, I woke up alone in the bedroom. The door of the room suddenly swung open, revealing Diana outside. "She's awake, mother," she said, her voice was slightly louder than usual. I heard footsteps getting nearer then after a couple of seconds, the head of her siblings started to pop beside her. "The princess is awake!" Fiona. "She's awake mama!" Sofia. "Can I go with you, mother?" Henry. I stood from the bed and looked at the Umber siblings. They were smiling at me so I couldn't help but to smile back. They quickly gave way when I stepped out of the bedroom. And the first that greeted my eyes was Bren standing before me. "Good morning," I greeted. He immediately averted his gaze before he uttered his reply. "G-Good m-morning," "Good morning, princess!" Sofia and Fiona said in unison. I smiled back and utter my greetings. It still a mystery to me why they continued on calling me a princess. "Your highness, you should eat your breakfast now. We will leave as soon as possible," I heard Magda saying when she saw me. "Breakfast!" Henry and Caleb said then they rushed toward the dining. Sofia and Fiona did the same, as well as to the oldest and Bren. I followed behind them as I head toward where I had my seat last night. Amaro entered the dining with a hotpot on his hand. The four little children were suddenly getting excited with the food, and I could not help but to join with their giggles. Family. I did not now the true meaning of that word until I was able to witness, in a closer look, a good example. The Umbers a simple life. Yet...despite the kind of life they had, it seemed that they're contented with what they have. They still chose to wake up everyday with a smile on their faces. In short span of time, I already knew some general things about the Umbers. "We'll leave now. Please, ensure the safety of your siblings, Diana," Magda reminded as she get out of their home. I was following behind her and was ready to step down the stairs when she quickly carried me on her arms. I was quite shock by the sudden gesture but then, seeing the thick snow that almost reached her knees, it was understandable that she must carry me. "Bye, princess!" Sofia screamed through the window. My gaze automatically darted on her direction. She was waving her hand, and she was between her two older brothers, Henry and Caleb, who were doing the same gesture to me. I smiled and waved back my hands. "Goodbye," I said shortly. After a while, I looked at Diana, Fiona and Bren who were at the doorway. The smile on my lips went wider as I waved my hands to them. "Goodbye," I said once again. Bren gave me a small smile, and seeing the light shade of grey around him suddenly made me feel the same. They were my very first friend after I got out of the house. I felt a little sad of leaving them upon knowing them last night. As much as I wanted to remain here with them and stayed for another day, I still have to go home. I still need to find mother. I don't want my mother to be in worry if she was finally back. She was...the only family that I had. But I would tell mother about them without fail! Of how good and accomadating they are. Magda left a few reminders to her children before we head toward a small caravan that was enough to be pulled by a two small donkey. It was already waiting on the road. After a few seconds of walk, I saw Amaro appearing from the blind spot. "Its a good thing that the weather is good today. If this goes on, we can arrive at the capital before dusk," Capital? They must have some business in that place after they brought me back to my own home. Magda put me down inside the caravan. She also put the small bag she was carrying, then get inside. The front and back of the caravan was open. Then I saw Amaro finally settled on his seat in front of the caravan before he started whipping the donkey. The caravan moved, indicating that the journey had started. And I could not help but stare at the clear blue sky. I suddenly remebered my mother's blue eyes. Then a person I have met with the same color of those orbs appeared on my mind. A smile appear on my lips. I will surely tell mother how Leon saved me and how I find out that he was a wolf.
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