Leon: His Purpose

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|Lazaro Eon| "Let go of the woman, bastard," I hissed under my breath. Instead of taking my threat seriously, Manuel only smirked into my direction. He even taunt me by pressing his sharpened nails on the neck of his hostage. How fvcking dirty. "Why? What will you do, Lazaro?" Manuel asked with a mocking smile. "You'll kill me? Why don't you fvcking try? Come on. Show me that prideful ability of yours," I remained rigid on my position, finding some openings while Manuel is busy with his mockery. I need to make an attack without harming his hostage. As much as possible, I don't a casualty in this misunderstanding. The woman had accidentally become involve in the fight between me and Manuel. The bastard was losing and the only measure he ended up with was taking a woman as his hostage when we arrived at the edge of the mountain. But who would have thought that a woman was living here? I should have expected that from him. But still...I don't want the blood this woman splattered on this pure white snow just because of this fight. "Come on, Lazaro. Get moving. I don't have all the time to fvcking wait for you," Manuel said once again. I glared at him, as if doing so would change his mind on letting go of his hostage. But who am I kidding anyway? He was surely taking advantage in this situation. And for the past years that I had encountered him, he was always like this. Using human as his fvcking shield and I don't like any of it. I heave a deep breath. I shut my eyes for a few seconds to calm myself. I don't have a concrete plan on how would I defeat Manuel earlier. But now, I need to think of one since a human is involved between us. After a while, I opened my eyes then meet Manuel's gaze. He grinned from ear to ear when he noticed that I am taking the situation seriously. I am taking this fight seriously since it began. "For one last time, Manuel. Let go of the woman," I threatened. "No. I want to see how you would fight me while trying your best to save this human," "You are always like this, Manuel. Too coward to even face me without harming a human," The mocking smile on his lips instantly faded. It seemed that my words had finally gotten him. I noticed that he was finally showing an opening for an attack. Seeing the fury in his eyes and how his eyes blaze in red were enough evidence that he was starting to lose his cool. That's all I needed. "What did you just say?!" he asked, his voice grumbling. I heard how his hostage suddenly groaned in pain. And I uttered a curse when my eyes darted on the woman's neck. I saw her blood that was already running down her chest because of the wound caused by Manuel's nails. Damn it. I started making a step forward in their direction. Manuel instantly became wary with my movement. "I said you're a coward to fight me alone. You always use a human as your shield. What are you? A child?" I mocked even more. I could now sense his growing anger after I said those. Good. My gaze darted back at his hostage. She was silent the entire time she was being held captive. She never say a word. Maybe it was because she was twice older than Manuel and me that she already knew beforehand what might had happen to her if she resist on breaking free. Yet, just like anybody else when they were held captive, fear would always enveloped their being. They fear death. Well, that was given to human race. Her tears continued to stream down her eyes. Her eyes were evident with plead of help. I know. I am trying my best to save her without harming her. And I hope she would notice that. "I'm not a fvcking child, Lazaro!" Manuel hissed. "Then you are not," I said languidly, as if I was getting bored of our conversation. "Fight me! Let's see who's better than us!" "I realized that you are no worthy oppone--" "I am fvcking worthy!" "Really? I don't think so," it was way to smirk back into his direction. His nose were flaring and his shoulders now looked tense. I made a quick glance at the woman. She was still wincing because of the pain of her wounds. But I gave her a quick meaningful look. And she seemed to finally realize what I was doing. I was only provoking Manuel so his entire attention would be directed to me. And if the woman happens to find an opening, she must took that chance as soon as possible to escape for her life. I need to end this fight as soon as possible. And in order to do that, I need to give Manuel what he always wanted. "Try on fighting me, Lazaro and let's see who's the coward between us," Manuel said, his voice now laced with seething anger. "Then let go of that woman first so I could give the fight you wanted the most," Manuel quickly shook his head. "No. This is my rules. Not yours. Fight me with your everything while you fvcking save this woman," I gritted my teeth. Why did I even met such stubborn guy? I don't even know which one is older between us. He was like a child having tantrums just because I could not let him have what he wanted the most. I inhaled a deep breath then instantly raised my hands into the air, showing my surrender. A bark of laughter escaped on his lips. "You really have a soft heart toward human races, Lazaro," I remained silent as I continued eating the distance between us as slowly as I can, which he would not even think that I was approaching him. "You can't become an Alpha if you have that fragile attitude, Lazaro. That will be your downfall," he added. "Don't lecture me of of your ways, Manuel. I have my own," "I am just giving you an advice. To become an Alpha of your Clan, you must set aside your emotions and always think for the good of majority," "And are you even applying those advices on you?" "Of course! That's why I am here, in front of you. It was my mission to kill you with my both hands," He caught my attention at the last thing he had said. My eyes squinted at him. "Mission?" "Yes. My mission, Lazaro. It was my way of revenge for your bastard of a father after he wiped out my entire clan!" My eyes widened a fraction. I was caught-off guard at his sudden revelation. And Manuel seemed to notice the expression I was wearing. The end of his lips rose. "Oh, so your father did not tell you about it?" he asked playfully. I only knew a little about my father's past. The only thing I know is that he's good in leading our clan. Every one trust him and many members of the pack even applaud how he was able to strengthen our household. He had made great alliances to powerful families. That's why, if I wanted to become someone like him if I finally become the Alpha of our pack. I want to surpass his achievements. I want to prove myself that I can do better. So he could be proud of me. "Maybe father did not say anything because your story was not worthy to tell," And he suddenly looked triggered at the words I had said. And that became my great chance to attack him, especially when the woman finally forced herself to breakfree and run away from us. Manuel was caught-off guard when the woman escaped from his grasp so I took that little time to my advantage. I quickly made a leaped in his direction and kick him, to lengthen his distance toward the human who was now running for her life. Who know what might happen next. I don't want the chance that had open up for us to be put into waste. Manuel was thrown to the other side of the forest. I did not stop on moving and continued to attack him. His back hit a multiple trees before he stop. He coughed off blood and that did not stop me. I continued following him, giving him series of attack until he could not move a finger. Yet maybe, he was veteran in this kind of fight that he was able to stood from the ground even he looked like a mess. "You can't defeat me, Lazaro," he said maniacally. He wiped the blood on his lips. I was bracing for his return of attack but instead, he started running toward my side. It took me a while before I realized what he was trying to do. "Fvcking damn it!" I cursed then immediately followed Manuel. He was still fast enough to leap from tree to tree even if he is wounded. I tried to sense the presence of the woman who was his hostage and the fear succumb my system once again when we were nearing her direction. Damn it. I was right! Manuel's aim was really her! I quickened my pace in order catch up with him. The woman was already in our sight when I was able to grab Manuel's hand when I was able to stop him with great force. When I was able to grabbed his hand, I did not hesitate on aiming my hand on his chest to rip his heart. But the next thing that I saw happened so fast. In a blink of an eye, Manuel captured the woman once again and used as his shield. And what was worse than I was not able to stop myself from piercing my hand on her chest. It was too late. Way fvcking late. I was caught off guard with what had happened. The woman gasped in pain at what I accidentally did. She looked surprised at what had happened to her. Her gaze looked at my hand, pierced on her chest, then went back to me. She started coughing blood. And that made my body went rigid. Manuel took that as an advantage to escape. But I was too shock with what was happening that I did not even manage on capturing and following him. I blinked a few times, before I decided to pull my hands away from his chest. I immediately regretted what I did when she fell onto my arms. Her warm blood pool on the ground. And before she lost her life, I was able to hear her whisper. "I'm sorry," And I don't even know why she was saying sorry to me when I was the one who killed her. I did not know how long I was holding the woman's body before I decided to make a burial for. I chose to bury her on own home. Then afterward, I went back to the inn were me and my father was temporarily staying. I was completely lost when I returned. I was covered with blood. I even heard father asking me where I had been but it seemed I was still in the state of shock. I went straight to my bedroom. But the moment I stepped inside, everything that had happened the entire day dawned to me. I killed a human. An innocent woman! I found myself walking inside the bathroom of my room. Then went straight to the sink and quickly washed the red liquid on my hand. The clear water that comes out from the faucet had turned red as it run-off toward the drain of the sink. It lasted for a few seconds before the blood on my hands has completely washed off. But still, the feeling of the thick liquid on my hand could not be discarden. It's density, the slight stickeness and its metallic smell continued to lingered on my system. I was supposed to have gotten used on the feeling of the blood on my hands. I killed countelss of animals as I hunt. Rabbits, deers and even tigers. I've killed all with barehands. Yet...the imprinted blood of the human in my hands feels different. It hits different. It was not my intention to kill, especially a human, but...everything happened so fast that I had to save myself. In return, I killed a woman...and my fvcking enemy escape. I swallowed hard, then quickly washed my face to somehow cool down myself. It was effective for a few seconds. But I get more tensed as I looked at my reflection on the mirror. Then the face of the woman who I accidentally killed popped into my mind. "Damn it!" I cursed. I sat down on the floor and pulled my hair as I close my eyes. Frustration of what I just did was making me feel guilty. I fvcking killed a person. "Lazaro?" I remained seated on the floor when I heard the door swung open. Then his deep sigh rang into my ears. "Don't let your emotions control you, Lazaro," I heard my father said. I had to open my eyes then lifted my gaze in his direction. I stared at him in disbelief. How could he...coldly utter those words? "I just killed a person, father. And you're telling me to forget what just had happened?" He stared at me in the eyes with nothing but colf reception. He was not even shock what I had confessed to him earlier. It was like...he expected those from me, to be finally get used of killing...a human. "That is normal in our world, Lazaro. You kill to protect," he said. My mouth fell open in disbelief, I couldn't believe that those words were coming from his own mouth. "Now, you need to stop acting like a kid already. How could you prove your worth to me to be the next Alpha of the clan if you are like this?" I was caught off guard to what had father said. He stared at me with the same expression before he turned his back and left me inside the bathroom of the inn where we were temporarily staying. Right. I came here with purpose. He brought me here for that only. He also invited my half-brother Lucas, to be in this training, but Lucas refused as soon as he heard about it. He said he could train on his own in our land. But I knew better. Lucas just don't want to leave her mother alone in our mansion. Maybe...father was right. I need to gather myself and get used to this kind of happenings. There will be a time in future that this kind of accidents would happen. That unfortunate people would met their untimely death. That when I became an Alpha of our pack, casualties would always be there whenever there is war.
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