11 - Lance's Dream

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Lance POV     I don't know what it was about this particular day, but Celeste was adamant that we stay in the rain forest overnight, then she refused to leave the next day, and she wouldn't let me leave either.  Her persistence was unnerving, and it just made her even more mysterious to me.       It had been over four years since she almost died, and she still hadn't regained any of her memories.  The only things she remembered from her past, were the things we told her.       Of course, that didn't stop me from falling in love with her.  I couldn't bring myself to tell her that, but it was the truth.  I loved everything about Celeste, and the mysteriousness that surrounded her made me love her even more.     Every time I would try to leave, if she was in her human form, she would pout her full lips and bat her thick eyelashes at me, as she innocently pleaded, "Please stay here with me, Lance."     How could I leave such a cute pouting face?  I couldn't.  I found everything about her to be enchanting, and when she pouted those lips at me, all I wanted to do was kiss her.       We stayed in our cat forms most of the time, but I didn't mind.  I was faster and stronger in my cat form if anybody caused us any problems, which I didn't foresee happening, but I liked to be ready just in case.     Whenever I would get too bored or tired, I would lay down and take one of my normal naps.  However, during the nap I took in the late afternoon, I had the most bizarre dream.     It started out with me getting cornered by werewolves, who threw me in their dungeon.  The prettiest, sweet smelling werewolf came to my cell in the dungeon, and she talked to me for a little bit.  I learned about her having a heart defect, and she learned that I was a werecat.  She seemed excited to meet a werecat, and she admitted to wanting to find the pack of werecats when she turned eighteen.     I learned her name was Alana, she loved to read, she didn't like bullies, and her favorite color was pink.  She ended up helping me escape from the dungeon, then we hugged before I returned to my pack's territory.       After that, I dreamed about seeing Alana again, and it was at the same border Celeste was trying to keep me away from.  The was when I learned what day Alana's birthday fell on, and it just so happened to be the same day Celeste woke up from the coma, and the same day she shifted into her werecat form for the first time.     When I woke up from the dream, Celeste was still napping, so I silently laid there and thought about the strange dream.  Everything seemed so real, like it had actually happened, yet I knew it hadn't.  I didn't know what to think about it, but I knew this new Celeste had a lot of the traits that Alana had in my dream.     They both liked to read, they both hated bullies, and they both loved the color pink.  Over the past four years, it had become obvious to everybody, that Celeste's favorite color was no longer purple.  Instead, her favorite color changed to pink.       I started to get a headache from thinking about the dream, so I got up and paced around, but I still kept thinking about everything.  Nothing was making sense.  Not the dream.  Not the subtle changes I had noticed with Celeste.  Nothing.  I was a complete loss for how to mentally process everything.     After about ten minutes of pacing, I got sick of trying to understand.  I walked back over to where Celeste was sleeping, then I plopped down beside her.  Right away, she lifted her head up, then she licked my panther's ear, before her voice came through our mind link and asked, 'Are you okay?'     'Yeah.  No.  I don't know,' I warily replied.  My thoughts were seriously going all over the place, and I couldn't even form a coherent thought at that moment.     Celeste licked my ear again, then she worriedly asked, 'What's wrong, Lance.'     I knew how persistent she was, and I knew there was no way she was going to let this go, so I told her about the dream.  I watched her eyes while I explained the dream, and I could have sworn I saw amusement flash in her eyes.  It was as if she was remembering something, and whatever she was remembering brought her happiness.     I c****d my head at her and warily asked, 'What are you thinking about right now?'     'I was thinking about this one time when I...' then she stopped midsentence and shook her head.  A second later, her voice came back through our link with her nonchalantly stating, 'I'm sorry, Lance.  I don't remember what I was saying.  What were we talking about?'     I sighed in my head, then I linked back, 'It's okay, Celeste.  It wasn't important.'     After that, I silence fell over us for a little bit, then I suggested we look for something to eat.  Celeste was quick to agree with me, then we went hunting in our cat form.  Celeste stalked and killed a rabbit, while I stalked and killed a decent sized bird.     When we were done eating, we returned to our hangout spot by the waterfall.  Right away, Celeste walked into the calmer water of the river inlet, and I was quick to follow her.  We both had some blood on our fur from our hunt, but the water helped to clean it off.     As soon as we got out of the water, we sat on the riverbank and licked the excess water off our fur.  Once we were dry, we wrestled for awhile until I wore Celeste out, then she laid down.  I was also feeling a bit tired, so I was quick to lay down beside her, then she immediately scooted closer to me.  I licked her ear before I closed my eyes, and it wasn't long before I drifted to sleep.          
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