12 - Kyle Moves On

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Celeste POV     I almost couldn't believe it when Lance told me about his dream.  While he was explaining what happened in the dream, the memories of that day flooded into my mind.  It was one of my fondest memories from when I was Alana the werewolf.     When he asked me what I was thinking, I almost slipped up and told him I was that girl, but I remembered at the last second that I wasn't allowed to tell anybody about my true identity.  I covered my mistake up like I usually do, and acted like I couldn't remember what I was about to say.     Luckily, Lance let it go, but I could sense his suspicion, and I could see it in his eyes.  I wanted to tell him the truth about everything, but I knew I couldn't unless he turned out to be my mate.       He was getting ready to turn eighteen, and I would be turning eighteen a few months after him, then we would know if we were mates or not.  Every ounce of my being hoped for him to be my mate.  We were very close friends, but I wanted us to be more, and I could tell he felt the same way about me.     Lance had yet to admit that he loved me, but I knew he did.  It was obvious when he gazed at me with his gorgeous ocean blue eyes.  I could see the love swirling in them, and there was the fact that he did anything I asked him to do.  It didn't matter what I was requesting, he always found a way to make it happen.     These days we were practically inseparable, and when we weren't hanging out together, he occupied my thoughts a lot of the time.  If I wasn't thinking about Lance, I was thinking about how I was going to stop the escalating war between the werecats and the werewolves.  I also thought a lot about how I was going to get revenge on Kyle and Julie.     There were others that also bullied me when I was a werewolf, but Julie was by far the worst.  As for Kyle, he had a very rude awakening headed his way.  I might be happier as a werecat, than I ever was as a werewolf, but I could never forgive him for betraying me the way he did.  He was supposed to be the one werewolf I could count on to keep me safe, but he ended up being the one who killed me.     I had thought about so many ways I could get revenge on him, but none of them would help with the impending war.  I had to find a way to do both, without fueling the fire and making hostilities between the two species worse.     It was something I wanted to discuss in full with Lance, but I couldn't without revealing the truth about my identity.  When I did broach the subject with him, I had to be vague about why I wanted to stop the rising tensions, to stop him from becoming any more suspicious about me.     I kept waiting for Lance to mention his dream again, but he didn't and I was relieved.  I didn't want to chance almost slipping up again.       We ended up staying in the rain forest until sometime during the early morning hours the next day.  I refused to leave until I was sure it was past midnight, and the new day had begun.  I needed to know that Lance wouldn't get captured by the Great Forest Pack, like he did in my previous life.     On the walk back to my house, Lance curiously asked through our mind link, 'What do you want to do when we get back?'     I was quick to respond, 'Eat some human food.'     I heard his chuckle come through our link before he teasingly stated, 'Were those rabbits not enough?'     'Not even close to enough,' I adamantly replied.     'We could've headed back sooner, but you just had to be stubborn,' he playfully retorted.     'I had my reasons,' I nonchalantly stated though the link.     'Let's hear those reasons,' he curiously remarked.     'Maybe later,' I cheekily replied, then I sprinted towards my house that had just come into view.     I could hear Lance's paws hit the ground, as he chased after me, then he tackled me to the ground.  As his panther hovered over my jaguar, he mind linked, 'Don't run from me unless you want me to tackle you.'     I giggled through the link, then I playfully responded, 'You know how much I like it when you tackle me to the ground.'     'Is that so?' he teasingly asked, then he licked the side of my face before he walked toward the tree line where he left his clothes.     I was quick to find the tree where I left my clothes, then I shifted back to my human form and got dressed.  As soon as I stepped out from behind my tree, Lance was quick to close the gap between us, then he threw me over his shoulder and carried me into my house.     He walked straight to the kitchen, then he set me down on my feet and nonchalantly asked, "So what are you making me?"     I playfully smacked his arm, then I jokingly replied, "I'm not making you anything, but I am going to make myself a tuna sandwich."     Lance scoffed at me, then he adamantly insisted, "You better be making me one, too.  It's the least you could do after making me stay in the rain forest for a day and a half."     Right away, I pecked a kiss on his cheek before I cheerfully stated, "You know I'm gonna make you a sandwich, too."     He was quick to flash me a triumphant smirk, then he happily chirped, "Thank you, Celeste." Kyle POV     After years of grappling with the guilt I felt over Alana's death, I finally moved past it.  If it weren't for the nonstop responsibilities of being an Alpha, I might not have ever moved past it, but with everything going on between our species and the werecat species, I was forced to put my focus on other more important things.     The werecat pack to our east had grown significantly larger over the past two years, and that was causing a lot of alarm among my pack members.  We had seen a few of them on our territory, but they were so fast, we usually couldn't capture them to find out why they crossed the border.     If that wasn't happening, the tensions might not be rising, but what could I do?  I've tried standing at the border and yelling for the Alpha to come speak to me, but I never got a response.  I always heard rustling in the forest, but nobody showed their face or said anything in return.     I found that to be irritating beyond belief, and all it did was make me angry.  If they would just talk to us, we might be able to work out a peace agreement, but they insisted on acting like cowards and hiding in the forest.     My warriors were getting antsier by the day, and I knew it was just a matter of time before something happened.  In an attempt to control the number of werecats that were venturing onto our territory, I increased the amount of warriors that I had doing the border patrols on the east border.     As soon as they spotted one, they would attempt to capture it, but they usually didn't succeed.  If my warriors did get lucky enough to capture one, all we could get them to tell us was that they were exploring, because they were curious about us.     The few werecats that we captured didn't act aggressive per se, but they seemed to be sly.  They knew how to use their words to soften our temperaments, and I found that to be especially annoying.  The only time I saw any of them try to attack us was when my warriors were getting too rough with them, but we were quick to put them in their place.     We tried to inject wolf's bane in one of them, but it had no affect on the werecat whatsoever.  It made me wonder if there was anything I could use on them to suppress their cats.  It was something I needed to research when I found the free time.     I spent most of my free time either hanging out with my Beta, Anthony Baxter, or under the sheets of my bed with Julie.  I hadn't found my mate within our pack, and Julie was the cutest shewolf in our pack, so I figured why not enjoy some of the finer things in life.     I knew she would take it hard when I did find my mate, but at that point in time, we were both young and full of pent up energy that we needed to release one way or another.  She had become one of my closest confidants, but I still refused to allow her to say any ill things about Alana.       She's made the mistake of saying shitty things a few times since Alana died, and each time, I almost lost it on her.  The last time happened almost a year ago.  As soon as I heard her call Alana a worthless excuse for a werewolf, it reminded me of the day she died, and there was no stopping me from losing my temper.     I firmly grasped ahold of her arms and dug my nails into her skin, as I shook her and snarled, "How many times do I have to tell you to stop saying ill things about Alana?  If I hear her name leave your mouth again, I am liable to kill you on the spot.  Please don't make me have to do that."     I could see the fear in her eyes that I instilled in her, and I haven't heard her say anything else about Alana since that day.  After she stopped with the insults, that's when I started to see her differently, then we started spending more time together, and one thing led to another.     I liked her a lot these days, but my wolf yearned for his mate.  He didn't like it when I was intimate with Julie, and he would always give me a hard time about not waiting for our mate.  I usually just brushed him off, but I still thought a lot about wanting to find our mate.     I wanted my fated mate to be the Luna of my pack.  I knew I would be stronger with my fated mate, than I could ever be with Julie by my side.  She was more into taking care of herself, and I knew she wouldn't be up for the responsibility of taking care of my pack members.  She wasn't the compassionate type, and she didn't like to go out of her way to help others, unless there was something for her to gain.     That was the main thing I didn't like about her those days.  If she could just learn to show a little compassion, I might consider making her my Luna, but I knew that would never happen, so I didn't let myself dwell on those thoughts.                      
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