Chapter 3: Pattersons

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"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy bitrthday dear Skye. Happy birthday to you." Madisson happily sang while holding a rainbow colored cake that has a unicorn candle on top of it as she entered Skye's room. Skye was a heavy sleeper indeed, but she doesn't get it that when it comes to Maddie, she'll wake up instantly. Her sister's voice was not so loud actually but it seems that she has an alarm clock effect on her. Skye just groaned and covered her ears with her light blue pillow. "Happy birthday my little sister! " Maddie exclaimed after blowing the plastic horn toy . Skye quickly lift up her head because of the noise. Her hair was a messy and so her bed. She glared at Maddison for doing it. "Really Maddie? It's so early, and my birthday was five days ago." she groggily said before turning to the left side of the bed trying back to sleep. "Way to kill the mood." Maddie just rolled her eyes. She came closer to the bed and sat. "I just want to make it up to you since I didn't make it on your birthday." she added but it fell on deaf ears. Maddison noticed what Skye is wearing. It's the baby blue pajamas she bought for her last month. "Aww, your wear those." she awed. Skye love to wear pajamas. She's too fond of them that she actually has a closet that was full of it. "Lucky for you I love them." Skye muttered still eyes closed. "Oh I know you would love them. It's too cute for you to resist." "Yeah." Skye replied after a yawn. "Hey. Can you get up now and blow your cake?" Maddison sadi covering the candle with her other hand. "What am I? Eight? You don't have to do this." Skye replied totally ignoring Maddie and her birthday cake. Maybe her six year old self will enjoy this but not now that she's already a young adult. "Come on Kayee." Maddie sweetly called. And Skye hated it, the name specifically. Kayee was her chilhood nickname. Well, more like Maddie's nickname for her. She was the only one who's calling her that anyway. Since the day were Skye and her boy classmate on second grade, who also happens to have a crush on her, had an argument. The boy insisted that her name should pronounce as Skayee because it has an "E" on the end. And because the boy has a two missing front teeth, its difficult for him to pronounce the "S" correctly, so it turns out as Kayee. Maddison thought it was kind of cute so she set that name for her sister. "Come on." Maddie continued, tickling her sister foot this time. Where Skye's weakest point. "Stop it." Skye groaned wiggling her feet. "Oh really? What if I tell you, that I prepared something that you will surely love. Are you still not curious about it?" Her sister words woke up her curious mind. But she still didn't intend to move. "It's a birthday party." Well, it's not what she was expecting though. "A party?" She curiously asked her sister as she turns to her, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. A party." Maddie replied with a big smile on her face. "Like more cakes, balloons, poppers, gifts - Oh, and the rainbow unicorn pinnata that you always wanted to have on your birthday. It's amazing right?" she continued which earned her a glare from Skye. And the latter regret asking it. "Well no, I'm just kidding." she laugh a bit while shaking her head a little. Her hair was tied neatly in a bun so no hair were covering her face and that annoying smile of hers. "That was so funny." Skye sarcastically muttered. She would make sure that next time , she will lock the door on her room so her sister won't bother her anymore. She just got back to sleep and covered her ears with two pillows, frustrated about her sister's silly joke. "Actually, it's just a simple breakfast for us. And yet, very special." Maddie said. "So now, why don't you blow your cake." she continued but Skye just ignored her. "Kayee." "Did you know that I woke up early trying to bake this cake?" Maddie said after a moment of silent. "I know I can just buy in town. But I decided that , I, myself, will bake it for you . This, not-so-perfect yet still look edible cake is for you, Skye. Are you not happy about it? That your sister-" "Oh f**k my life!" Skye suddenly shouted as she quickly sat up. Her pillows were thrown to the floor. And Maddie almost jumped because of it. Which is why she flicked Skye's forehead. "Ow!" she cried while covering her forehead with her hand. "No badwords." Maddie said in a motherly tone. Pointing a finger to her. "And don't shout okay? You scared me. I nearly drop the cake." "Why'd you have to do that?!" Skye was not totally shock of it but she wasn't expecting that. She knows her sister was kind of brutal to her sometimes, but not physically. "It f*****g hurts, Maddie. And I'm not a child anymore. I can say whatever I want to say." "I know, Skye." Her sister firmly replied. Not affected at all. "But you're in my house and I have rules. And I'm still your older sister. Don't you ever forget that." "You're unbelievable." Skye replied with a resigned tone, closing her eyes. She can't really last an argument with Maddison. "Yes I am. So come on. Blow your cake now. Don't make me wait." Maddie moved the cake closer to her. The candle was already half melted but it was still unbelievably lit."Don't forget to make a-" Maddison wanted to remind her but Skye already blew the candle. "- wish. Well, nevermind." Maddison stood up from the bed and walk through the door. But she stopped for a second and turned to Skyes. Expecting her to be fully awake but she was still lying down. "Hey, what are you doing?" Maddie asked. "Back to sleep?" Skye replied with a yawn. And Maddison shook her head. "No you're not. You need to help me set up the table." "What for?" "Breakfast, Skye." Maddison replied, rolling her eyes. "But you just said you already prepared it." Skye groaned. Stamping her feet on the bed looking like a child that was having a tantrum. "I just prepared the food. So get up and help me." "Why do we need to? It's just the two of us, anyway. It's not like the President will have breakfast with us." Skye said as she sat and glared at her sister who was standing at her door. "No not him, but Levi is. He will be here in about twenty minutes. So get up now or I'll kick your butt, smash this cake to your face and then tickle you to death. You don't want it to happen, do you?" Maddison said with a serious tone and fierce eyes. And Skye thought that she can be scary sometimes. "I'll wait for you downstairs, okay?." Maddie smiled sweetly at her. 'And a bit weird' Skye thought. "And don't forget to take a quick shower first and brush your teeth." she added before going out on the hallway. "I hate you." Skye muttered but Maddison heard her. "I love you too Kayee!" *** "Is this some kind of romantic breakfast date? Cause if it was, I think I really need to go back to sleep." Skye said when she entered the kitchen. Maddison were busy placing the foods on the table. Her hair was still in a bun but the plain shirt and short she was wearing earlier was replaced by a beige floral dress that ends just below her knee. She cooked some bacon, eggs and Maddison's own tuna sandwich recipe that Skye's favorite. Skye will surely enjoy the foods, but not the organized folded table napkin and a vase of roses on the center that she didn't even remember she saw there when they arrived yesterday. "Stop being an ass." Maddie said as she placed the spoon and fork on each sides of the plate. "What happen to no badwords?" Skye smirked at her. She knew that she was intended to help her sister. But Maddison clearly doesn't need a help as she was busy in preparing her so called special breakfast that Skye started to feel that it was overly special. "I meant the body part, Skye." Maddison replied not even looking at her. "What?" Skye giggled but when she finally gets what her sister said she looked at her with her eyes in slits. "So you're saying I look like a butt?" Maddison laugh a bit about that before she placed the bowl of freshly cut fruits on the table. "You said it. Not me." "You're the worst sister ever." Skye deadpanned. "Am I?" Maddison giggled at her before finally noticing Skye's outfit as she looked at her. She's leaning at the kitchen's door wearing a white loose shirt and a light blue pajama. "Why are you still wearing that?" Maddison curiosly asked her. "Oh this?" she replied looking down on her pajama." Nah , It's a different one." "I figured yeah. But why are you still wearing that?" Maddison asked again, raising an eyebrow at her. "What's the problem about it?" Skye asked crossing her arms. "Were just gonna eat breakfast anyway. And then maybe I'll go back to sleep if I had to. It's not like I'm going anywhere." she reasoned out. "Levi is coming." "I know. You don't have to told me twice." Skye said taking her way to the table and sat on the chair. But Maddison just looked at her while crossing her arms. "What? Youre the one he's gonna marry, not me." Skye just shrugged her shoulders and picked a slice of sandwich. "No eating Skye." Maddison said as she grab the sandwich on Skye's hand and placed it back to the plate. "Let's wait for Levi first." And Skye just pouted. They heard the car outside and Skye knew who it was. Based on Maddison's glowing face. "It's him." Maddison said. "Can you open the door for him, Skye?" "Why? Can't he opened it?" She replied sarcastically. And that earn her a glare from Maddison. "I asked him to buy some groceries for us, Skye." "Okay, okay." Skye said lifting her two hands before standing and walking through the living room then to the main door of the house. As she got outside, she saw Levi carrying four boxes of groceries in one lift. "Good morning, Skye." Levi greeted her even though the boxes blocking her view to him as he steps on the stairs. "G' morning." Skye greeted back standing on the patio as Levi put the boxes on the floor infront of her. "Wow. And here I am trying to help you." She added. "Who needs help?" Levi jokingly said smiling at her. His dimples were showing up. For Skye, he's actually a good looking guy. He has tan skin and about four inches taller than Skye's five six height. A brown eyes man with a slight curly short hair and a muscle like superman. If she's not gay, Levi could be his ideal man. "Not you, obviously." Skye replied then laugh a bit. He met Levi before when he visited to Maddison's a week before her birthday. And then they just totally clicked. She surely admits that Levi was the best man in Maddison's life. "Geez, What are these?" Skye inspected the boxes. "Wasn't it too much? It's not like I'm gonna stay here forever." "Well, your sister wants it." Levi replied. His eyes are obviously sparkling at the mention of her sister's name. "Typical Maddison." Skye laugh a bit as she shook her head. And as she did that, a shining and almost sparkling thing that covered in black and a mixed of red caught her attention. It was parked at the yard beside Maddison's car. "Woah." She said breathlessly looking at it. "What?" Levi asked. "Is. Is that 2017 MV Agusta Brutale 800 RR?" she asked still not taking her eyes away on the motorbike. "Yeah. I'm quite impress you know about it." "Are you serious? Who wouldn't? It was voted as the most beautiful and powerful naked bike ever!" Skye exclaimed still looking at it. Pointing her hands exaggerately. And Levi just smile enjoying her reaction. "Hell, it was faster than the previous model." "A motorbike enthusiast, I see." Levi nodded his head little. "And you're right, it was faster than the older one. You know, when I drive it slowly, I'm still as fast as a car." "It's yours?" Skye turned to him with her mouth slightly hanged open. "No. I borrowed it from a friend." Skye walk down to the yard and stop just in front of it. She can't believe what she was seeing. Call her an over exaggerated but this was her dream motorbike. "Wow. Whoever that friend of yours is, he's a badass." She said while touching it carefully and admiring. She even get to the other side and examine every detail of it. "Yeah, I agree." Levi said. Skye doesn't even noticed that he followed her. "But to be honest, i don't like this one. It's kind of like dangerous you know. It's like my soul was leaving my body when I'm riding this monster." Levi commented shaking his head a little. "Are you insane?!" Skye can't believe what he just said. "That's actually the best. There's more fun in it. The faster the better. This one is faster but it was so smooth to ride." She explained overly and Levi laugh at her. He's too fond of Skye's reaction even if she's practically shouting. "In fact, if I am just hella rich I would surely buy a hundred of this." "Really?" "Yes!" "Well I think you don't need to be rich." Levi said but Skye just ignore him. "Because from now on, I'm gonna give it to you." He continued while fishing something on his jeans pocket. And it's a key. "Here." "What?" Skye curiously asked him. Looking at him like he's out of his mind. "Well, sorry. I'm just joking." Levi laugh a bit at Skye's face. "I wouldn't give it to you Skye, because it's yours in the first place." "What are you talking about?" Skye was the one who laugh this time. Shaking her head a little. 'What happened to this people' she thought. "Surprise! Did you like it?" Maddison's voice got their attention. She was walking towards them with a big smile. And she automatically hold unto Levi's arms. Skye thought they look cute together. "What?" She innocently asked again. Puzzled about this scenario. "The motorbike, Skye. Did you like it?" Maddison asked her again still wearing a big smile that matched with Levi. "What do you mean I like it?" Skye dumbfounded. She really not getting their point. "Like, if you like it or not." Maddison clarified. "I'm confuse." Skye said frowning a little. So Levi volunteered to explain the whole situation. "This cool motorbike is not mine, Skye, it was yours." He said. "Maddison bought it a week ago, as a birthday gift for you. I just drove it earlier from the house. We hide it there so you will not see it when you arrived. Because your sister here wanted to surprise you." "But Levi was the one who help me finding this." Maddison said. "Because honestly, I don't know anything about motorbikes. But, I told him that you did mentioned a brutale hundred or something. And I was so glad he knows what it was." she continued and turned to Levi giving him a bright smile. The latter returned it too. "Youre joking, right?" Skye plainly asked. Looking at them like they were gone crazy. "I'm afraid, were not." Levi was the one who answered. "Is this some kind of prank? Cause It's not funny, really." Skye still not believing them and Maddison just rolled her eyes. "We are serious Skye." "If this is a joke, I'm really not gonna talk to you Maddie. I'm swear-" "I'm not joking, Skye." Maddison cut her off. A little annoyance was clear on her voice. "This is what I meant something that I prepared for you. Why are you thinking were not serious?" "How can I believe you if you're smiling like an i***t! " Skye replied pointing at them and Levi stifled a laugh. "Hey! I'm just happy for you." "And you hated it when I ride a motorbike, right?" "Well yes. And I still am." Maddison replied. "But I can't stop it if you really want one. I wanted to buy a car for you actually. But I know how much you like it more than a car. So I decided to buy this. " she continued shrugging her shoulders. Explaining everything to her sister. "And don't say it's too much okay?" Maddison added. She doesn't want Skye to say anything that will make her reject Maddison's gift on the end. Knowing her sister, sometimes she is full of pride. " The price doesn't matter. You don't need to do anything about it either. And I know you can buy it yourself. But I just want you to have it as my gift for you. No buts or anything. And please. Just be careful always. Don't drive too fast. Don't drive if your drunk-" "So it's really mine?" Skye said cutting her off. "Yes." "Oh my f-" "And no swearing please." Maddison urgently said completely cutting off Skye's sentence which made her silent. She just bit her lips while shaking her head. Skye wanted to shout obviously. "Well, did you like it?" Maddison asked her. A smile was flastered on her face. "What?! Are you crazy?!" Skye half shouted. Maddison flinched because of it but her smile doesn't faltered. "No, I don't like it. I love it! This is the best birthday gift ever!" she continued with a biggest smile on her face. "Thank you Maddie." Skye make her way to Maddison and hug her tightly. "Aww. You're always welcome Skye." This is what Maddison like about her sister the most. She doesn't often displayed her emotions. But when she did, she's affectionate as their Mother. "Thank you too, Levi." Skye said as she turned to Levi. "But don't ask for a hug. I won't give you one." she added. Which made the couple laugh. "Okay. Here's your key, by the way." he gave the key and Skye excitedly took it. "Oh my, my. Wow. I'm not dreaming right?" Skye quietly said staring at her motorbike. "This is so cool. Can I test drive it?" "Sure, it's yours anyway. Just be careful." Levi answered. "Wait. Is there any cops around?" Skye asked them, particularly Levi. Since she doesn't have a license yet, she would not risk this monster. "I thought there's no cops in a middle of nowhere?" Maddison said, pertaining to their conversation yesterday. And Skye just rolled her eyes because of it. "But to be sure, why don't you bring this with you." she continued and showed something that look like a card to Skye. It was a driver's license. And it was Skyes' to be exact. "I have it for you." Maddison smiled. "No way." Skye obviously can't believe it. "Yes way." "You're the best sister ever." Skye exclaimed as she hold the license in her hands. Examining it from front to back. "Yeah? But you said I'm the worst." Maddison acted as she was hurting. And Skye rolled her eyes again. "You know I don't mean it, Maddie." "I know kiddo." Maddison laughed. "Eh. Don't call me that." Skye replied preparing to ride the motorbike. "Okay, Kayee." "Especially that one. So immature." "Hey. Don't forget to wear your helmet." "Okay Mom." **** "Their house was quite far, huh?" Skye commented. They are currently on their way to Levi's house. It's Skye's second day on this town and the Pattersons, Levi's family, invited them for a lunch on their house. She actually wanted to ride Uno, the name she gave to her motorbike. But Maddison don't trust her saying that the streets of this town was not a race track for her to wrecklessly drive. So they ended up taking Maddison's car instead. "The farther, the better." Maddison replied, eyes fixed on the road. She was wearing another floral dress but it was longer than what she wore yesterday. Her hair were perfectly braided. Unlike Skye's wild and uncombed hair. But she thank God it still look decent for her. "Boring you mean." Skye smirked, looking outside the passing trees. She started thinking that maybe the Pattersons lived deep in the forest. "You're just saying that because you grew up in the city." Maddison said interupting her thought. "You don't know the importance of a nice life in town. Your lucky if you live in a quiet place that gives you fresh air, peaceful mind and far from a stressful environment. And the best thing is, you can bond with your family always." she continued taking a glance at her. "Still sounds boring to me." "Well, just for you Skye. Because your definition of fun was, going to nightclubs, drinking, riding motorbikes and dating women." Maddison pointed out which made Skye laugh. "I don't date, Maddie. You know that." she replied as they turned to the right way. This side of the road was not covered in asphalt. It looks like they heading on a camping site. 'They really live in the forest huh?' she thought. "It's not what I meant." Maddison said, not even looking at her. Skye was puzzled at first but then she suddenly understood. "Oh. Well, it's not my fault that I'm an attractive person." She laugh about it. "And to inform you, I'm not just f*****g someone that-sorry" she added when Maddison glanced at her . " I mean. I never done it to anyone other than Chl- . Other than her. I'm that very loyal girlfriend." Her ex name nearly slip on her mouth. And she hated it because of the thought that she still can't forget her. "Liar." "I'm not." Skye calmly replied to Maddison's accusation. "I may look like a player but I don't cheat Maddie. I flirted, yes that's true. But beyond that, Nah." Skye knew it was half a lie. She truly admits that she had experienced having s*x to some other women before when she was still with Chloe. But it was the time where Chloe would break up with her and started to ignore her for months. Not even knowing where she is and not even answering her calls. She doesn't even know what was her reason at all. And the next time she knew, Chloe has gotten back and feel sorry. And her dumb and stupid self would just forgive and accept her again. That was what she hated about their relationship. It's On and Off. A never ending cycle. She guest she just got tired. "Were here." Maddison suddenly said. Completely interrupted her thought again. "Ugh, Finally." Patterson's residence were not far from the main road at all. But their place really looks like a camp. There was four houses scattered in the area. A cabin houses. But a big and nicely decorated updown cabin houses. Skye concluded that the biggest and the nearest one from the road was Patterson's house. Cause obviously, there's people outside the yard talking with Levi. "Wait." Maddison grab her arm before she open the car's door. "First things first, Skye. I have three rules that I want you to obey after leaving this car." she continued. Skye just shrugged at it but still listened. "Number one. Be nice." Maddison counted on her fingers. "Okay." "Number two. Don't be so annoying." "I can handle that." "And number three don't ask so many unnecessary questions." "Okay. Okay." Skye rolled her eyes. "Over all, don't be a usual Skye." "Wow. Thank you for the compliment, Maddie. I am very greatful." Skye sarcastically said. "Don't forget that, Skye." Maddison took a deep breath and started to look at the mirror fixing her hair. "Are you nervous?" "No. I just don't want you to embarass me in front of my soon to be in-laws." Maddison said adding a final touch to her outfit. "Youre really the best sister ever." "Yeah I know. So come on." They both opened the car's door and got out. Skye instantly met by a fresh gush of wind. But what got her attention was the group of teens that were sitting on a table on the other side of the yard. They were staring at her like she was their prey. And she mean all of them. The girl that ages about 17, wearing a dark green beanie with a lollipop on her hand was the only one who smiled at her direction. In contrast of the other girl's frown who sat in front of her, together with the boy beside her that ages around twelve. Wearing a frown too. 'What's with the frown? Skye thought. "What's wrong?" Maddison asked her . "They look. Uh, creepy." Skye muttered still not taking her eyes away from them. Maddison frowned but when she followed Skye's line of sight, she groaned. "Skye. I just told you to be nice." "What? What did I do?" "Their waiting for us. Let's go." Maddison ignored her sister's words, grabbing her arm. "They were still staring at us. Or more like at me." Skye said. They heading their way to the Pattersons house but her eyes still glued to the youngsters. "Shut up." "Are you sure their not a cult or something?" "Skye." Maddison shushed her. "What? I don't mind actually. I know they can't use me as a sacrifice to their rituals since I'm not a virgin anymore." Skye half whispered. "Skye!" Maddison exclaimed suddenly facing her and they almost bump each other if Skye didn't halted. She was about to swear because she got scared by Maddison obviously, but then she heard someone laugh. It's one of those teens, a boy who sat on the table, wearing a white tank top. The other two boys and Miss lollipop were holding their laugh. While Miss Serious were smiling, the boy sitting beside her was still in a sour mood. One of her eyebrow raised at them. They are far for someone to hear, they couldn't be laughing about what she just said, right? 'Weird' Skye thought. "Can you shut your mouth? These people are nice. So if you say such things like that again, I will take back Uno." Maddison quickly got Skye's attention when she mentioned her greatest possesion. "What?!" she exclaimed. "You can't be serious." "I will. If you don't stop talking." Maddison replied and Skye knew she's not joking. "Geez okay. I'll behave. I promise." She raised her two hands. "Hey hon." Maddison quickly turns around and smiled sweetly when Levi approached them. "Hey." She said kissing him. "Good morning Skye. How are you?" Levi asked her menacingly. "Oh I'm okay Levi." Skye rolled her eyes and Levi laugh about it. "I can see that. By the way Skye, I want you to meet my family." "Sure." They started to walk again and Skye didn't mind those teenagers anymore. She let them stare at her. They stop when they got to where Levi's parents is. Who happens to be smiling at them sweetly. "Mom, Dad, this is Skye. Skye, they are my parents." Levi started. His father was a copy cat of him except that he doesn't have dimples but a slight wrinkles rather. He also doesn't have brown eyes like Levi. Because he definitely got it from her mom. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Patterson." Skye greeted them. She can be rude sometimes but she knows how to respect elders. "Oh dear, you're so formal. Just call me Martha." Levi's mom giddily said. For Skye, she's quite a charming mother as soon as she talks. Her long and curly eyelashes were adding to it. "And this is my husband, Robert." She added holding in her husband's arm dearly. "It's nice to finally meet you, Skye." Robert said in a deep yet caring voice, holding out his hand to Skye. To her, Robert look like a principal. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Patters- Robert I mean." They shaked hands before Skye turned to Martha's side and smile at her. "And you too Martha." But instead to shake her hands too. Martha hugged her tightly. As in, super tight that Skye felt like she's queezing her too much. 'Quite strong for a woman that was shorter than me'. she thought. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't tell you my Mom is a hugger." Levi jokingly commented seeing Skye's disoriented face. "Ohh, youre such a beautiful and charming lady." Martha caressed her face with her two hands. And Skye suddenly remembered her Mom. "Just like your sister." "Thank you." Skye felt warm. If this was a stranger, Skye would totally whack her hands in an instant because she hates it when someone touch her like that. But this is Levi's mother. And she thinks Martha is a great person too. Or maybe she just missed a mother's care. She's a Mama's girl after all. "You're beautiful too, Martha." she added with a warm smile. Which earned her a big warm smile from Martha. "Oh my, thank you dear. You're such a sweet child. Maddison is so lucky to have a sister like you." "Yeah, I totally agree on that." Skye proudly said which made the Pattersons laugh at her. And Skye was glad Levi's parents were kind people, or else she will totally regret going here.
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