CHAPTER 1: The Alpha

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For the past years, there was no place that Violet wanted to spend her spare time but to her Great grandmother's garden. Sitting and reading a book like she always does. But drinking some wine this time instead of milk like she used to. The afternoon breeze were adding a soothing feeling to her. Touching her delicate skin and as well as her long and straight black hair. Most often, she was alone. But this time she has company. "Ahh, heaven." A red haired woman slightly exclaimed, praising her tea. Violet can't denied that her bestfriend, Abby, was fun to be with. But she can be little annoying sometimes. And it made her eyes rolled for no reason. "Hey. I saw that." Abby said. Accusingly looking at her with those piercing honey colored eyes."Just because you're the Aplha, it doesn't give you a permission to use that on me." she added. Violet just continued reading her book, completely ignoring Abby. Hearing that from someone will no doubt make her blood boiled. But it was her long time bestfriend and the lover of her Beta, Emett, who's also her friend. "Watch out! " someone shouted at the field right beside the garden. Violet and Abby both got alerted and as they turned their heads to the direction of the voice, a soccer ball was furiosly heading on their way. But thanks to Abby's reflexes, she was able to catch the ball with her hands just in time, without even standing, before it got landed on their table. Violet just stare at the ball on Abby's hand before she continued reading, flipping her book to the next page. Not even bothered at all. A blonde-haired boy aged around seven or eight was running towards them. His hair was long enough that it reached his eyes blocking his line of sight and some of it were sticking to his forehead because of the sweat. He stopped just a meter away from them and looked, mainly at Violet, with a worried face. "I'm sorry Miss Violet," he said. His voice were barely audible and a little shaky. When he didnt get a response from her, he turned to Abby. "I'm sorry too Miss Abby." "Its o-" "How many times do I have to tell you to control yourself?" Violet suddenly said cutting off Abby's sentence. Her voice held an authority and the boy suddenly got interested on his shoes. Scared to looked up and stared by the fierceful eyes of their Alpha even though she had never stop reading. "I-im sorry." he quietly replied. Unable to say another word. "It's okay Sammy, don't worry about it." Abby spoke in a tender voice which made the boy to looked up."Just be careful next time, yeah?" She added . The smile on her face eased the boy's feeling like it always does to them. And it made him smile too. "Here, take this." He took the ball from Abby's hand before running back to the fields where his playmates were patiently waiting for him. A smile was still etched to Abby's face while looking at them. Playing around like a normal child should be. But as soon as she turned to Violet, the smile turns to glare. And the latter can feel it. "Really Violet?" Abby said taking a deep breath, obviously annoyed. "There is no any single human here and we both know there's no one lurking around. You sure made this place the safest one. You shouldn't stop them from being extraordinary." "It's just a precautions, Abby." Violet replied with a stoned face. "If they will do it on a normal basis, they will get used to it." she continued before turning the page of the book she was holding. "But they're just kids. They can barely manage it. Just like us when we were at their age." Abby said remembering the times when their younger selves were struggling to control their strength and their senses. They can't denied that being a werewolf has it's pros and cons, particularly to the younger ones. They were a lot stronger and much faster than humans. They have hightened senses that they were able to hear and smell as far away as they can. They also have incredible night vision and they can heal extremely fast. Both in wolf and human form. But they are not immortal though, because they age just like humans. But having these abilities sometimes were hard to deal with, especially if you don't know how to control it. It sometimes got you angrier, aggitated and giving you too much adrenaline, forcing you to shift. Which can be dangerous around humans. And that's what Violet trying to avoid. "Exactly my point." she replied nonchalantly to her Best friend. Not even looking up. "I want them to learn and control theirselves as early as they can so they won't suffer. Just like us." she continued. Violet clearly remembers those days where she can't control herself. Back when she was just eight and her parents enrolled her to a normal school, and as a home schooled child back then she was so happy. Meeting and being friends with humans and doing some silly things a normal child can think of. But just after two years, the noises of the students, the smell of their sweat, plus the busy town near the school is too much for her to handle. Same with her Bestfriend Abby and other younger wolves on their pack. She got temperamental and gets into fights. Almost all of the student were afraid to befriend her or make her upset. Others don't even want to talk to her. And it got worst when she hits puberty. Where her body started to change rapidly. Her urges to transform show more and more, almost uncontrollably. It happened one time where her fangs showed up when she was at school. She was lucky it was lunch break and Abby is with her. Her father, the late Aplha, decided to take her back to home schooling again. As well as the others. They were trained by the elders everyday and after a couple of years, they started to have control to theirselves, but not with Violet though. It never changes her behaviour as she still have difficulties even reaching the 'wolf maturity'. But with the help of her parents she slowly learned to control her strength, senses and even feelings. "I know how much you care about them." Abby said with a softened voice this time. Knowing her Bestfriend was just doing her best to protect their pack. "But you're being too hard on them." she continued while looking at the children that were running around the field, playing soccer. Some of them were orphans. Left by their parents who gone rogue. And Violet took them in the pack. A powerful and fierceful Aplha but a caring one too. "Sometimes I need to be. I'm the one who protect us afterall." Violet said with conviction. Wanted to end the discussion. Abby grew silent but her mind is still somewhere else. Trying to pinpoint the possibilities of why her bestfriend was still hot tempered even after claiming the highest position and having a complete control on herself. "What is it ?" Violet asked. A little annoyance laced on her voice. "The what?" Abby nonchalantly replied after a sip on her tea. "I can feel you staring at me." "I'm just thinking." Abby said. "I know you hate to talk about this." she continued making Violet to rolled her eyes again. She knows where this is heading from. "But what if you'll cut the chase and start to find a partner? Mate or not." "I don't need one." Violet replied with a stoic face. "There's some men and even women in other packs who's drooling over you. I'm sure one of them you will fancy." Abby countinued ignoring her bestfriend's words. "And if you're worrying about my successor. We both know I can choose anyone that is capable in this pack." "But you are not getting any younger. You need someone on your side who can help you rule and protect us." Abby retaliated sounding tired to argue but not backing off. "Are you doubting my lead?" Violet asked. Her voice slowly getting angrier. "You know I don't." Abby replied before taking a deep breath. "Look. I'm just worried about you okay." "Don't be. I can handle myself." Violet said softening her voice. This was her bestfriend afterall and she just wanted the best for her. "And the question is. How long can you?" Violet think about it. How long can she handle it really? The feeling of longing is unstoppable even though she never met her mate. "As long as I can." she softly replied. Not sure about it her answer at all. "You're unbelievable. How can you even survive the heat cycles?" Abby said referring to the days where they, the werewolves, were having a desire to mate. Which last about five to ten days. "No don't say it." Abby urgently said interrupting Violet. "I know what you're doing. What I meant is, how can you share such intimacy to someone that you don't even have feelings for?" "Having s*x is different than making love , Abby. And the first one is what I'm doing." Violet replied before closing her book and placed it on the table beside her bottle of wine. "Hey. Watch your mouth." Abby quietly exclaimed. The last thing she don't want was to be heard by nosy werewolves on their pack, especially the younglings. "Then don't ever talk about it." Violet said before taking a sip on her wine. "And I mean ever." She continued while staring at nothing. Even herself don't know how long can she.
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