Chapter Four

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"I hope you have been treating your step mother well, Cameron." Dad says while while walking around the table to engulf us, including Dray in a big hug. He squeezes us with his large, muscular frame before releasing us. "Yeah, I have." I say, looking up at my stepmother. She chuckles and pats my shoulder. "Don't worry Dave, he has." She says as she walks over to my dad. She whispers a few things to him and he frowns before she pulls a way and he nods at her. She nods back at him and he turns to face us, clearing his throat and adjusting his tie. "Dray. I need you to take Cameron home. I'll deal with those other delinquents later. Make sure he's alright. I can't have anything happening to him. Do you understand?" Dad quirks up an eyebrow at Dray and he nods hastily. Dray steps up and wraps his arm around my waist, which draws a questioning look from Mrs. Kate. I don't quite get the meaning until Dray is removing his arm from my waist when we stop by the passenger door of his car and opening it for me. My face heats up in embarrassment as I seat down and struggle a bit before managing to buckle my seat belt. Dray just chuckles before assisting me and closing the door which deepens the crimson color on my cheeks. I stare out the window absentmindedly as the buildings pass by, hoping for the the raging blush on my cheeks to die down. I don't know why my body is acting this way around Dray. I've always felt something sparking between us since the first day we met, but I didn't understand. I'm not falling for him, am I? My heart clenches at those few thoughts. I'm falling for Dray Baxton. I'm pulled out of those thoughts by someone shaking my shoulder. I shake my head and jump once I see Dray standing in front of me. "Are you alright?" He asks with concern plastered all over his face and a crease between his brows. I nod and pull myself together so I can stand up. Dray gives me space and I get to my feet, just to fall forward into Drays chest. He holds me firmly against his chest and lifts my head up. "Are you okay?" He asks, placing his hand against my head. I nod then shake my head, feeling light headed all of a sudden. The crease between his brows increase then he picks me up bridal style and runs through the garage, up the stairs and into my bedroom. He lays me down then runs into my bathroom. I hear the sound of the medicine cabinet creaking open then being shut almost immediately. He's probably looking for a thermometer. He dashes back into my room and stops by my side, sticking the thermometer in my mouth. He looks confused for a second before pulls it out of my mouth, shaking it, then pushing it back in. He sighs loudly, clearly frustrated then pulls it back out and throws it aside. He paces around the bed before abruptly stopping and snapping his fingers. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials a number, pushing the phone against his ear as soon as he's done. The line rings for a while before it is answered by the receiver. Dray walks out of the bedroom and down the stairs before starting his not so quiet conversation. He bounces back up the stairs and into the bedroom as I pull myself into a sitting position. He kneels beside me and presses his hand to my forehead. He pulls his hand away and gains a thoughtful look on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask him. He just shakes his head before leaning for war and pecking my cheek. "Don't fall asleep." He whispers beside my ear, his breath fanning my neck before the door bell rings. He jumps up and dashes out of the room in a flash. He comes back up and starts saying something but I can't hear it. I can't hear anything. A searing pain tears through my body and I let out a blood churning scream. Dray barges into the room and holds me as I twist and turn. I can tell he's saying soothing words from the way his lips move and the way he's running his hand through my hair. The pain slowly subsides and my ears open up again. My sight is blurred from the tears that are running down the sides of my face and my head pounds. I groan and roll over in his arms to see dad and mom standing by the room door. Their faces are shocked and so is Dray's. "What's going on?" I ask Dray. "I'll explain when you're better. For now, just rest." He picks my light body and drops me in the bed, pulling the covers over my form. I fall into an uneasy sleep as they all leave the room. *********** I'm surrounded by warm fuzziness, floating around in nowhere. I look around, hpoing to find a sign of life but find nothing. I suddenly start falling deep down into the darkness. It's like a deep, bottomless abyss. I can't see the end. A tiny white light appears below me and I make it out to be an exit. I try to slow down by all means but nothing works. I brace for the impact but instead of slamming down on the hard ground, I land in a huge heap of snow. The snow doesn't feel cold. It feels all warm and cosy like a duvet. I get up and look around. I'm in a forest with hardly any form of life except for a few flowers that can survive during winter and frozen trees. I hear rustling at my right and look there to see what is making those sounds. A white wolf with a black gash of fur over its left eye stares back at me. I gasp and it sprints away. Being the mindless i***t I am, I run after it. I loose sight of it at some point but still hear frozen twigs crunching under its paws, so I follow it. The ground disappears from under my feet and I start falling. I look back up to see that I just ran off a cliff. I see the white wolf walk over to the edge and glance at me before walking off. I continue falling and I can see the ground coming to me at full speed. As I come in contact with the ground, I suddenly jolt awake in my bed, soaked with sweat. My body aches so I slowly lie back down. "Dray?" I call weakly. "Dray...." His name seems to be the only thing on my mind. The air is filled with a scent that I can't describe. I feel partly at ease but I can still feel the pain. I try to bear the sharp pain as I get up from the bed. I get a dizzy spell and fall towards the floor in a daze. "Cam!" I fall into firm, yet soft and warm arms. I absentmindedly nuzzle my face into them. "Dray...." I call his name when I look up into those dazzling green eyes that go in sharp contrast with his pale skin. There's something different about his eyes. Dad and mom come running up the stairs and barge into the room, making me flinch. They try to touch me but I scoot away and they frown as I snuggle into Dray's chest and look into his eyes again. They draw my soul into them. The feel of Dray's finger draw a contented sigh from me and reduces the pain. "Cam?" Dad calls my name. "We need to talk....... Later." He says before him and mom leave. Dray carries me to the bed and drops me before climbing in beside me. He pulls me closer till I'm pressed flush against him and have to look up at him. His eyes seem brighter and have a tint of blue from this angle. He leans closer and gives me a deep kiss which has me moaning as our tongues brush against each other. His lips leave mine and I am reduced to a panting mess. I hide my face in his chest and he chuckles. "Goodnight, Cam." Is the last thing I hear before my mind is sucked into a thick fog.
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