The Romantic Moment

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Chapter 9 Ruiz Marie De Vega's POV After that night at the party, Drake becomes more handsome to my eyesight. When I came to my work in the morning, I always saw flowers on my table and there was a card on it. And the words on the card were "I love you, Marie." Every day he gave me flowers and also every day when I read the card, my cheek was always reddish as if my whole body was hot and I was at a high-intensity level. Because of romantic excitement, I feel every day he gives me that. I could remember what happened next after Drake kissed me on my lips that night at the party… Flashback - I was shocked when Drake suddenly kissed my lips. My eyes widened because, in my entire life, this is the first time I experienced being kissed. Although I'm already 25 years old, I'm still innocent. But not until this day. Drake's lips were still in my lips. At first, he didn't move his lips, and his eyes were looking at me passionately. But when I plan to take off the kiss, suddenly Drake holds the back of my head to support and he begins to move his lips. And I felt hot about what Drake was doing. I began to close my eyes because of the sensation that I could feel just now. And I didn't notice that I was already responding to his kisses. I'm new to these feelings. I can't recognize what exactly I felt now. Especially that he was driving me crazy. I was kissing him back now with the same intensity. This is my first time but it seems like I already know how to kiss a man. But anyway, I still respond to his kisses. We still kissed each other not to mind if there were other people around us, and no one dared to stop what we did. Our kiss lasted for 10 minutes not knowing how long it was. When Drake stopped kissing me, that's the time that what I did sank into my mind, and when I realized it, I felt embarrassed. I just lowered my head because I was shy about Drake. And maybe he was thinking of me now that I'm the woman that is easy to get. But what should I do? After all, I did it. But what I think about Drake was wrong because of what he did next. He holds my chin and slowly lifts it so that our eyes could meet. As soon as our eyes met, he immediately smiled at me widely and sincerely before he talked to me. "What we did was not a mistake, Marie. My feelings for you were sincere and I want you to be my girlfriend. If you allow me, can I court you, Miss Ruiz Marie De Vega?" He asked. My heartbeat beats fast. I don't know if I misheard him or am only dreaming. I can't quite imagine that my boss was flirting with me. I'm only an ordinary girl and Drake was the owner of the company I work with. And I think we are not capable of each other. Maybe other people judge me as a gold digger or social climber. I remained silent because I was in deep thought, and Drake would notice my silence. I came back to my senses when Drake told me, "Don't think too much about what others say. The important thing is, I like you and I love you, Marie." "I know that it was hard to believe because I'm too fast about my feelings and we don't know each other. But what should I do? I think I was hit by a dart and that love and I feel love at first sight to you." "I will court you every day until you give me a chance to enter your heart, Marie. I will wait for the right time to come. I will be your boyfriend. But please give me a chance to express my feelings for you." After he said those words, he then gave me another kiss on my lips. And later on, Drake asked me to go back to the party so that Mr. Hernan won't be worried about us… End of flashback… While I was thinking of what happened at the party, I didn't notice that there was someone besides me. Only then do I regain my senses when someone kisses me on my cheek and says, "What are you thinking, honey?" The voice was familiar and I knew who he was. The man was indeed Drake Monteverde. I looked at him and I saw that he was already sitting beside me while his hand was on my waist. He was also smiling at me and it seems that he was happy today. "Nothing, I'm just thinking about something. Don't mind me. By the way, is your meeting done already, sir?" I asked. However, Drake's eyebrows furrowed as he heard what I said. He even got close to me and he was wearing a playful smile. "What did you call me just now, honey, hmm?" He asked. What he asked me now led me to understand what he was trying to say. Only then do I remember what I called him and my eyes get wider when he punishes me for calling him that way. He kisses me on my lips and bites it for calling him 'sir'. He didn't want me to call him that way but sometimes I forgot it and he even said that if I keep on calling him sir, he will punish me every time I said that word. What makes me more surprised is when he lifts me up and carries me to his office right away and I yelled because I was shocked at what he did. "Woahh! My, gosh! Drake! What are you doing?" "Now, I will show you what your boss can do for not following my command, hmm." He jokingly said and laughed after he said those words. Not long after he carried me to his office, he put me on the sofa inside of his office. "Ahhh," I yelled when he suddenly put me down on the sofa and our position now was very awkward. I was lying on the sofa while Drake was on top of me. My face was like a tomato now because of the sensation and the romantic excitement I feel. Especially when I felt something living between his thighs that kept poking at me. I began to be nervous and at the same time felt excited because of what Drake was trying to do. "W-what are you doing, D-Drake?" I asked while stuttering. However, Drake smiled at me and assure me that he will not do stupid things to me. "Relax, honey, I will not do anything without your permission." He responded. Drake kissed me again on my lips. This time, his kisses were full of love for me and I suddenly allowed him to do that. I closed my eyes and I kissed him back. We kissed passionately while I was lying and he was on top of me on the sofa inside of his office...
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