Soon after I finished Carrie's make-up, the rest of our group arrived. Carrie had invited two of her other friends. I didn't know them but Carrie assured me they were nice. The first one to arrive was Suzie. She seemed like a nice woman, though she was a little older than us. She had auburn hair and green eyes. Next arrived Jenny. Jenny was very petite and I felt myself envying her tinyness. She seemed so small and feminine.
"Hi Carrie!" She beamed. Jenny seemed a little younger than us though not by much. She had long golden hair and just had a fragile look about her.
"Hi Jenny! So glad you are coming!" Carrie said.
"Yes! Sorry Teshia couldn't make it! She is taking some online courses and she has a big assignment she is working on." She chimed.
"No worries!" Carrie turned to me. "Jenny, Suzie, this is Lacey. We grew up together." She said. Both of the women smiled at me. There seemed to be some kind of awkward tension, though I had no idea why. They both greeted me kindly.
After we made some small talk we started getting our stuff together. I ran out to my car to get my supplies.
I grabbed my box of silly bachelorette stuff and went inside. I was giddy with excitement when I went into the house.
"Where's the bride!?" I yelled as I walked inside. Jenny and Suzie squealed in delight as I set the box down. Within seconds Carrie had her sash on. They giggled as they found the p***s suckers and we all laughed as we opened one and started to eat them. We decided to head out to the club. Suzie was driving and we all piled into her SUV. Girly music blasted, we drove into the city.
It took us about an hour to get to the city. There were plenty of little towns and bars we could have gone to but I really wanted Carrie to experience the club. The place I had chosen was called "Red's". Red's was a fairy tale themed club. It was the newest and hippest place in town. I hadn't told Carrie yet but my Dad had pulled a few strings and got us on the list for VIP. Upside to having a Dad with connections. Prior to my Dad getting cancer, he had been a successful corporate executive. I really didn't know a lot about what he did but I knew he was pretty high up. Suzie pulled into the valet and handed over her keys to the driver as we all jumped out.
"Oh geez." Carrie said, noticing the long line of people waiting to get in. "Guess we are going to be in line for a while. Maybe we should have come earlier." She said. I laughed. It was 9 at night. It WAS early.
"No lines for us, ladies." I said. I led the group up to the bouncer and gave him my name. The rest of the girls gawked as we were ushered inside and led to a private booth in a roped-off section of the club.
We went and sat down as a server clad in revealing red riding hood came over to get our drink order. Carrie and Suzie just got water. I ordered 2 drinks for Jenny and I, not even asking her if she was drinking. Someone had to drink with me.
I looked around the club as we waited for our drinks. The dance floor was packed with people. I watched people dancing, mesmerized by the young, hot bodies all pressed up against each other. It seemed so sensual. All the servers were dressed up as different fairy tale characters. Their outfits were all sexy and revealing. Our red riding hood had a tiny red hood that only went to her shoulders. She had some german looking get up underneath that had a scrunched up white top and a black dress with suspenders. The white top was unbuttoned, revealing her ample bosom. Her dress was cut short and had a frill under it that made it poof out. She had on white, knee-high socks and black, boot-style shoes. I couldn't deny that she looked sexy. So did the Alice in wonderland and the super sexy tinkerbell I had seen. I saw there were various fairy tale scenes painted on the walls as well. Our drinks came a moment later. I had got Jenny and I each a shot. We both quickly drank them and then demanded that we all go on the dance floor. We had been dancing for about ten minutes when I saw Suzie get a strange look. She walked away and I wondered what was going on. A moment later, Carrie and Jenny looked at each other. I felt like I was missing a conversation. It was like they were communicating with each other but no one was speaking. I shook it off. I was being weird. Not like telepathy was real, I thought.
Carrie motioned to me, telling me she needed to go to the bathroom. We all grouped together as we fought the crowd to get to the bathroom line. Thankfully the line wasn't very long. We got into the bathroom and the muted sound was instant relief. I didn't even realize how loud the rest of the club was until we were out of the noise.
"Lacey….. I am so sorry but we need to leave." Carrie said. I stared at her in shock.
"I...but….why!?" I asked. I had been planning this for weeks. Why did we need to leave?
"I am so sorry. Lauren, my soon-to-be sister-in-law, is in labor with the twins. They need Suzie for the birth. She is the most experienced nurse at the pa… The girl there now doesn't have much experience with complicated births." She explained. Dammit. Suzie drove. If Suzie needed to get back, then we would have to go.
"I still had fun!" Carrie offered weakly. I smiled though I was severely disappointed. I had wanted tonight to be perfect and, well, it wasn't. We went back to the table. There were more shots waiting for us. I had ordered them before we went dancing. I looked at them with annoyance. Oh well. No need to waste them. I started shooting them as the other girls grabbed their things. Jenny helped me finish the last few as we closed out the tab and gathered our things. Suzie had gone out before us and had the car pulled up. We all piled back in the car and headed back.