Digging up the Past

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***** Brazen P.O.V**** I have waited for Tech to get me Symphony's information for four days. He finally called and told me he found a lot of information and it was better to go over it in person. This wasn't sitting well with me; usually, we talked freely about details over the phone. I was sitting quietly in my office when he came in. I couldn't read his face, so I didn't know if it was good or bad. "First, I would like to say if you were worried about her being a gold digger, that's not an issue. Sis is sitting comfortably on a lot of money. A-L-O-T of money. Her net worth is about 1 million, and she hasn't even finished closing on her house." Tech stops talking and stares at me with his eyebrows raised. " Okay, Tech, is that all you found? You acted like you had something pressing to tell me, " I say, getting aggravated he was wasting my time. " Well, there's a lot more. I thought I would break the ice. " He says, laughing. I'm not amused, so I keep staring, waiting for him to get his s**t together. He's goofy, and my brother smiles a lot. It must be why they get along well. Clearing his throat, " Well, she was in jail about a month ago. She was arrested for assault and domestic violence. She had walked in on her husband and his mistress in their bed. She worked them both over and good. They both dropped charges on her a week later." I'm smiling on the inside because it sounds like the bastard deserved it. I like a woman who can take care of herself. Tech continued, " She was the Manager of a large bank called First financial she was fired after her arrest hit the local news. They gave her severance pay but took her leased vehicles, etc., during the separation, which is standard. She sold all her possessions online, and I believe many of her husband Brad's. She put her house on the market, which sold for over the asking price of 850,000 because it was prime real estate. She appeared to travel worldwide several times each year and lived a comfortable life. I couldn't find any family members except for her mother, who passed away years ago. She was co-owner of her soon-to-be ex-husband's startup internet security company. She signed all that over to him before she left." You could have told me all this over the phone, Tecn. Why did you make it sound like there was some critical information? I asked, extremely annoyed that he had wasted a lot of my time. " Well, something is pressing, Brazen. When I started digging into her financials, someone was watching me. Whoever it was had a top-notch system, and I wasn't aware at first. So they could have traced my IP address. I couldn't break their firewall, but I won't give up. " Tech says, hanging his head down, feeling shameful that someone could get something by him. " f**k" I yell, slamming my fist on the desk. " So you're telling me we potentially put her life in danger? Someone is looking for her, and we lead them right to her," I scream, slamming my fist again. At this point, Vipe comes into the office. " Hey man, what the f**k are you yelling for! " He says, slamming the door shut. His eyes were looking over Tech making sure he was okay. He doesn't think I notice his concern towards Tech, but I do. " Explain it all to him, Tech, and don't leave anything out," I say through my teeth. I let Tech explain it all. Vipe is standing there with his mouth open. " well, clearly y, all two done f****d up and put this woman's life in danger. So now yall have to make it right. I doubt she will want to come here and stay, so I don't know how we can keep her safe. I don't know if she will want to talk to you, Brazen. She stared at you like you were the last man on earth, and you walked by her like you didn't even see her. Then when you took her home, you just dumped her and ran. I don't know what to tell you, but you both f****d up, and it's your job to fix it, not mine. " He says, shrugging my shoulders and slamming the door behind him. "So, what's the plan? " Tech asked. " For now around the, clock surveillance. No one talks to her, and they only watch from a distance. I want you to find everything you can on the ex-husband and the mistress. Most likely, it's one of them looking for her. My guess is the ex-husband since he was in internet security. We will try to handle it from a distance to start. If I have to, I'll drag her here rather she wants to come or not," I tell him. We sat there for a minute. " Tech! Get your ass moving! " I yelled at him. I stomp down the hall to tell Boston, our leader to tell what's going on. He will probably be pissed that I organized this search without his prior approval. At this point, it doesn't matter; I have to do whatever it takes to keep her safe. I walk down the long hallway to his office. I don't knock; I step in. Boston looks up, pissed that I didn't knock first. " We got a problem, boss," I told him everything, including my feelings for her. Boston sits quietly while I'm talking. He's a big man, about 6'5, bald, gray beard, and he's the closest thing I have had to a father since mine passed away. When I'm finished, Boston sits quietly, thinking about what I just told him. " Well, this woman must be a knockout if she caught your eye. I haven't seen you look at a woman for more than sex.... ever! Second, we both know you overstepped your bounds, putting Tech to work without my knowledge. Your job is to keep order, not to create chaos. You and Tech both have grunt duties for a month. ( Grunt duties are dishes, cleaning for, etc....) Lastly, if you plan to make her your ol Lady, you better get to doing it. If she's as pretty as you say she is, it won't be long before someone tries to claim her. We have to keep her safe now, do what you have to. All orders are to be run by me first, though. Don't f**k this up, Brazen. This is someone's life here, clearly a significant someone, so I'm sure you already know that. " I nodded, agreeing, " I won't let you down, Boston." " I'm not the one you need to worry about letting down, Brazen" Talking through his teeth, I could tell Boston was getting annoyed with me, so I left. I decided I would take tonight's shift. I needed to see Symphony and make sure she was okay. I don't know why I'm having trouble talking to her. I never have trouble talking to women. When she was at the bar, I wanted to talk to her. I watched the video from my office and saw multiple men talking to her. It was pissing me off. I kept telling myself I needed to go out there and claim her. Shorty did an excellent job of sending the men away. I'm sure Vipe said something to him. I had made up my mind that I would talk to her after I broke up the dispute. Then I turned around and saw her leaning back on the bar, and she looked beautiful. Her pink top looked stunning against her tan skin, and between the leggings and the shirt, you could see her hourglass figure. I'm sure she had a live-in seamstress because I have never seen someone's clothes fit their body like hers. She had a lot of makeup on, which just accented her beauty. I've seen her without makeup, so I know she doesn't need it. They call me Brazen because I've never been shy. I don't talk much, but I know what I want. If there's a girl I want to suck me or f**k me, then that's what I tell her. I let her know point-blank that's what I want and not to expect anything else. This woman is turning me soft. I was mad when I returned to my office and hadn't spoken to her. Vipe was mad too. He came in and yelled at me and said, "they should have named me lame because that was the lamest s**t he had seen in his life." This woman drives me crazy, and I've barely said two words to her. That's all about to change, though.
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